10: Angels and Demons

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—————/ Guy POV /—————

Me and Veldanava were sitting back at the table. Of course, Veldanava kept boasting about his victory and how laughable my claims of strength was just to lose so easily. I gritted my teeth the whole time and tried not to punch him.

Veldanava: "You really don't want to be a mediator? I'll let you be a spokesperson for me."

Guy: "That's not even a benefit for a chore I don't want."

Veldanava: "So are you asking for something more?"

Guy: "I don't want anything because I'll never accept."

Veldanava: "Quite adamant on that front aren't you?"

Guy: "Got that right!"

Veldanava: "But you're bored too, aren't you? It'll be fun managing the world."

Guy: "No, don't even bother."

Veldanava: "Then it must really be tough in the future."

Guy: "Yeah, you'll never guess whose fault that was."

Veldanava chuckled a little.

Veldanava: "Well, you did give me a pretty good fight, and I won't force you to do it. It's nice meeting you though, Guy."

Guy: "Same, except I really, really wanted to beat you."

Veldanava: "I don't mind having a rematch, when you're more unconfined from your 'circumstances'."

Guy: "Oh shut it, I will."

Veldanava: "... Did you mean.... What you said... about Milim I mean..."

Guy: "Yes, she'll be fine and have friends that'll take care of her."

He acknowledged my words and sighed a little. It really was fitting for the creator of the world to be worried about something; someone he created.

Veldanava: "Well, if you need me, you know where to find me."

Guy: "I appreciate it."

He nods and I leave, going through the magic circle that transported me here.

—————/ Veldanava POV /—————

He's quite the interesting individual. I think he actually could've beat me if I didn't go all out. Well, I expected him to lash out at me when I was doing all that boasting, but looks like even he has decent self-control.

I turn off my [Stardust Aura], just to be barraged by a series of nerve-racking issues of pain, agonising by the thousands.


I jump up and try reactivating my [Stardust Aura] but to no avail. I flail around trying to contact my angels just to fall down face-first and unable to move. Am I really paralysed? Impossible. That Guy... he must have cast a spell that takes effect after my [Stardust Aura] is deactivated.

Well played, Red Primordial Guy. Seems you're not all bark and no bite.

—————/ Guy POV /—————

Guy: "Good riddance that blasted, loathsome dragon. I don't know how Lucia ever got together with that goofy lizard. He's basically Veldora."

To be fair, he isn't an otaku like him or an idiot who rampages for literally no reason at all as if it's your purpose in life.

Now I'm travelling once again with my maids. We've pretty much traversed through the entire continent so I thought that we should take a break.

We went to the continent in the north where I was first summoned. The castle I was summoned from was still the only monument intact, I think this was where Guy Crimson from the original timeline settled, which is what Ciel told me. Still, in the original timeline there was a ton of ice and this place ended up being called the Ice Continent because of Velzard. I wonder when she'll arrive.

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