1. Prodigy (Rewrite)

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(A/N: I decided to rewrite this chapter while writing the remake of Imperials because I came across this draft while searching through my old PDF. I might edit or expand the chapters after I get to the Battle of Endor incident.)

I remember the moment clearly, though it feels like a dream shrouded in fog. My first encounter with the Jedi was as disorienting as it was profound.

The air was cool and sterile, the scent of old stone and incense mingling as I was ushered through a grand hall. The walls seemed to hum with an energy I could not quite grasp—ancient symbols and tapestries depicting tales of heroism and the Force.

I was led to a chamber where a figure awaited, his presence commanding despite his small stature. Master Yoda, a being of such ancient wisdom and power, observed me with a gaze that felt both penetrating and curious.

"Arrived, you have," Yoda intoned, his voice a gravelly whisper. He did not ask; he simply stated. His eyes, sharp and knowing, seemed to see more than just my exterior.

I was placed before him, my mind a chaotic whirlwind of thoughts and questions. The Jedi Council had already assessed my midichlorian count and deemed me worthy, but I had yet to understand what this truly meant. As I stood there, my heart pounded with a mix of fear and awe.

Yoda gestured for me to approach. "Introduce yourself; you will not. Already known, you are," he said cryptically. His words, though puzzling, carried a weight that made me feel both anxious and oddly reassured.

I looked around at the other younglings, their eyes wide with curiosity as they observed me. It was then that I noticed the robes I had been given—simple yet imbued with a sense of tradition and discipline. The other younglings, already immersed in their training, seemed to regard me with a mixture of intrigue and reserve.

"Join them, you must," Yoda said, nodding towards the group of younglings who were gathered in a training area, their lightsabres flickering in the dim light. "Learn, you will. New path, this is for you."

With a nod, I followed the younglings, my movements tentative as I tried to acclimatise myself to this new world. As I walked, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of a journey that would reveal more than just the ways of the Jedi. There was something more, hidden beneath the surface, waiting to be discovered.

The first lesson was on the Jedi Code—principles that spoke of peace, knowledge, and harmony. It was here, amidst the ancient teachings and the hum of training lightsabres, that I began to sense the vast expanse of what lay ahead. The path of the Jedi was not merely about mastery of the Force or combat; it was a quest for understanding, for balance, and for uncovering truths long buried.

As the days passed, I found solace in the discipline and structure of the Jedi way. Yet, the sense of something greater lingered, an undercurrent of mysteries that I felt compelled to explore. The Force and the Jedi's place within it was a puzzle I was eager to solve. And though my past remained shrouded in darkness, the path before me was illuminated by the promise of discovery and growth.

The moment I was handed the training sword, I felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. The blade was lightweight, designed for practice rather than combat, but it was still a symbol of the path I had chosen. As I held it in my hand, I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility, knowing that this simple tool was the first step towards mastering a complex art.

The younglings and I gathered in the training area, where Jedi Master Cin Drallig awaited us. His presence was commanding, his demeanour calm yet authoritative. He demonstrated basic stances and strikes with the training sword, his movements fluid and precise. I tried to mimic his motions, focussing on the fundamentals of Form 1, as I observed the other younglings with a mixture of curiosity and concentration.

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