12. War Has Begun (Edited)

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Dooku was impressed with how our fraternity had evolved over the years. The Republic and even the Jedi believe this planet is well defended; therefore, our neutrality has paid off. When Dooku would organise the masses in support of the separatist cause and declare war on the republic, he even invited me to join him in Geonosis.

The time arrives the following week, as my forces continue to develop and the Zygerrian emerges from the shadows. We've been growing our influence by shifting planets about, destroying the Zygerrian base and fortress halfway over the mid-rim. We also encountered several mercenaries working for the Zygerrian Empire, but they were dealt with quickly, or if they passed my test, they were brought to the pits and degraded before being revived as my minions.

Our jurisdiction has expanded to include the Bright Jewel Sector of the Mid Rim, which has prompted the Republic Senate to "free" the inhabitants in response to tales of our ruthless deeds. However, all of these rumours were fabrications designed to encourage the Jedi to crush the "resistance" we had formed. We either paid off or returned senators who had been sent to "negotiate" with us, leaving them dissatisfied.

As expected, a huge number of Jedi were sent, but they were quickly humiliated or executed by my guards, whom I had designated the Elite Honour Guards. Jedi were not involved in this situation, but they chose to "back off" to avoid causing trouble after finding that we could manage the number of Jedi they had dispatched. To put it another way, by establishing bases and defences, including farmland for a variety of species, we have genuinely won the right to coexist with wildlife in our territory.

After the attempted assassination of the Naboo queen lately, I was sent to Geonosis to prepare to build a confederacy against the Republic by collaborating with the galaxy's growing companies. I want the armourer to make me a unique set of armour that mixes magic and alchemy with Mandalorian craftsmanship, because I'll need to wear this robe in style.

By taking off my robes and my mask, I put them beside the armour pieces that were completed. While concentrating on the dark side, I felt a pull to go deeper, and I felt a presence behind me as he was guiding me and assisting me in the creation of my armour. The pull of it was as if my hands were being used like a mother would guide their own child.

A larger battle was about to commence when the force connecting the armour and robes, which were shedding their skin like a snake to create a new design, was released. Mustafar melts the metal and fuses the armour slowly, with flames and clicks. The galaxy trembles, and the ground trembles as I summon the force into the armour.

The force directs the armour around me, and as one piece connects to the next, the armour rises and burns like a phoenix. Piece by piece, the components fuse together next to my body as I detect a force or someone behind me summoning the force that manipulates the parts. I felt it as soon as I recognised what the fragments were.


My old gold mask melted into the helmet, giving him the impression of a fearsome face that frightens my opponents while inspiring everlasting allegiance in my followers. It is now a symbol of my perseverance and unwavering determination to alter the cosmos. But then I hear something whispered in my ear by the entity behind me, reminding me why I'm fighting.

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