4. The Student

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As a recently promoted Jedi Knight, I have been strengthening my defensive form 6, combining it with forms 3 and 5, to honor my master, who employs form 5, and to boost my defenses against numerous adversaries. Additionally, I've been combining Forms 1 and 5 with Form 4 to increase my offensive potential, which makes my attacks rapid, strong, and aggressive. I am a master of all forms, so depending on the circumstances, I could switch between being offensive and defensive all the time.

With regard to my padawan, I will now have to wait for the subsequent group of padawan, who will shortly complete their trial in Illum, taking into account the months that have already passed. Due to his force proficiency and reputation as being identical to his mentor, Dooku, Qui Gon, a Jedi knight, may be on the verge of becoming a Jedi master after doing a couple more missions assigned by the council.

I was able to hone my deflecting ability and precisely redirect it straight towards the opponent who fired at me as I kept honing my dueling and deflecting skills with Master Cin Drallig, utilizing Form 6, and Master Plo Koon, utilizing Form 5.

Until the day the padawan emerges, I will practice day and night. My master will then advise me to always have faith in the force, which will bring me to my pupil. This individual will be a good fit for me and be able to form a strong bond with me and my master. It is a great responsibility that I have been given to teach my own students what my master has taught me.

All of the Jedi masters and knights were gathered in the hall close to the landing area, where the padawan was expected to arrive. I stayed out of the crowd, allowing the padawan to approach me to inquire about their chances of finding their master on their own.

I got up and moved in the direction of the other padawans as the time passed, and one by one, each master and their pupil left. One person in the crowd appears to be staring at me as if she is positive that I am her master. She turned to face me and nodded once, and we walked out of the hall and straight to the place where my master and I had first met.

She answered by stating that her name is Tira Mestra, and I introduced myself in return. Like other padawans, she was happy to have found a master and wanted to know who my master was and where I stood in the order. I answered, stating that Plo Koon was my master and that, like the others, I was a regular Jedi in the order.

It transpired that she was living in denial, since word of my notoriety for what had occurred to Oosalon had spread throughout the temple because of my immense willpower, for which I accepted no responsibility. We reach the combat mat, which I remember being used by both my master and me during my trial as his padawan.

I tell her that I will test her when she questions why we are in the combat training room, but this is the first training session when I will have a deeper understanding of her through how she spars. She moves to the other side of the mat, myself included, and reveals an invitation test asking for my approval to become my padawan.

I unsheeted my lightsaber and struck a tight defensive position of the form 6 variant with an orange glow, ignoring the green-colored light that, as I had expected, was released after she activated her lightsaber and projected across the room in an offensive form 4 ataru pose.

Tira deflected my first attempt, which was a well-calculated exercise strike, with grace and acrobatics, as I had anticipated. Ataru needs additional acrobatic training to become proficient in Form 4 Ataru, as demonstrated by her fluidity throughout the duel.

I began analyzing Tira's technique while we continued through the duel. Ataru was known for emphasizing speed and agility, so it made sense to me that she would move erratically and attack with flamboyant flair. I therefore adjusted my assault strategy to match the frantic tempo of the battle, incorporating elements of Tira's strategy into my Lightsaber form.

I can instantly recognize her personality from her lightsaber form, as she is trying to exhaust me and find a way to defeat me. However, she is unaware that I am trying to trick her into thinking she is winning by counterattacking her at the last minute. Our lightsabers clash and spark a fierce battle between us.

She attempted to lunge forward in an attempt to disarm me, but I was able to disarm her with perfect timing by hitting her off-balance with a strike that caught her off guard. I then took advantage of her confusion to disarm her.

After I vanquished her, I told her that a practitioner who is blind to her weaknesses is not a master at all; she will always have the upper hand unless she learns to stay away from them, fights disciplinedly, and constantly assesses the circumstances beforehand. She needs to be reminded that in order to prevail in combat, you must assess the opposition beforehand and devise strategies to surprise them.

And I have a phrase for her that will serve as a reminder to make sure she doesn't act carelessly and lose because of her pride and overconfidence: "Know yourself; know your enemy. One hundred fights, one hundred wins."

We had a shared understanding of one another when I eventually connected with my padawan by teaching her weaknesses from the beginning. Having stated that, I now have an additional objective in mind: to supervise my padawan's knighthood. She became my student's responsibility after that.

As my padawan and I were walking through the hall, requesting my first mission alongside my new padawan,I met with Qui Gon, who had recently been promoted to master. It was concerning that the council disregarded Qui Gon's talent and promoted him to Jedi Master, given his reputation alongside that of Count Dooku. Master Qui Gon new padawan, was beside him throughout our conversation, a young man with similar properties to my padawan based on his posture and his characteristics throughout my conversation.

Quigon told me that following his council-mandated mission to meet an old acquaintance at a fortress near the Raioballo sector on the planet Lah'mu, he and his new padawan would be spending much of their time away from the temple in the outer rim. Due to recent problems, he will be traveling to Mandalore, where the local authority has asked for help in battling insurgents.

While he and his padawan drove to the shipyard to arrange transportation for their voyage, my padawan and I went to the council to request a mission for ourselves to start.

They congratulated me on having a new padawan as soon as we entered the council chambers, but after a few minutes, they became serious and complimented me on having my first padawan and gave me advice on how to train her. Then, I had a briefing on my assignment, which has to do with the outer rim.

I was informed that a Republic senator turned bad and ignited a revolution against the Republic. In order to negotiate a peaceful resolution with the senator, this will be my task. Having said that, they tell me that the senator and his dissident group are currently thought to be remaining.

This mission will allow me to see the viewpoints of many people who witnessed the republic's corruption on a larger scale, which will cause me to reflect on the republic, the Jedi code, and our reason for existing in this galaxy.

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