Prologue: Reflecting on Life

265 3 0

"Regulus" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -writing/messages/news/letter

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Prologue: Reflecting on Life


Third Pov:

Harry James Potter is 12 years old and known by many as the boy who lived. He is a boy with thick unruly dark brown wavy hair (A/N: It is a mix of both his father's thick loose curly dark brown hair and his mother's straight thick silky dark auburn hair), a round but slim face, below average height standing at 4'5, undernourished scrawny slightly muscular build, pale skin, scars littering his upper body, thin pale lips, and oval-shaped emerald green eyes. Harry is in his second year of studies at the prestigious school known as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry which makes him believe what people say. Of course, it didn't help that Harry had suffered 11 years of nothing but neglect and abuse from his relatives along with growing up clueless about the wizarding world. Not many know but Harry has never been used to praising or someone actually caring for him. He only knew a few who did growing up but they had moved away years ago when he was 9. Right now Harry was alone in his dorm room sitting on his four-post bed with curtains drawn shut. Harry sits on his bed sniffling his eyes dry and red. It had been only a day now since he found out Hermione had been petrified and Harry could only describe it as pure hell without her since many still accuse of him being the one attacking students. Today was Sunday so Harry didn't have classes so Harry really saw no reason to leave his room.

Yesterday Harry found out Hermione had been attacked which was after breakfast before his quidditch game that had been canceled. After he found out he stormed off to vent his anger in the way of destroying an abandoned classroom. After he had calmed down he cleaned up his mess before heading back to Gryffindor dorm room not leaving since. Harry has skipped many meals since he didn't have to go to them since they were not mandatory. Of course, since no one had seen him some actually started to wonder about his whereabouts though Harry doubt it was because they were worried about him since not many people gave a damn about him since in Harry's mind the only one who truly cared was in the hospital petrified and had moved away when he was 9. When his head of house found him in his dorms when questioned he told them he had been there since he found the news of Hermione he saw no reason to go to the meals since no one wanted him there anyway and since he couldn't get peace the only reason he went was because Hermione had dragged him along. Since Hermione is petrified he sees no point in going it is not against the rules not only that but the house elves are the only ones in this whole school being kind to him and are nice enough to bring him food so he does not starve. This of course got him into trouble so now he has detention because of his apparent lip towards his head of house not that he cared. Right now Harry was alone in the room sitting in his bed thinking over his life up until now.

When Harry was 15 months old his parents were killed by a dark wizard and he became famous for something he doesn't really remember. Growing up he was never really used to praise only receiving it from a few friends and their family before they moved away when he was 9 years old. He lived with his abusive relatives for the past 11 almost 12 years being treated as though he was his relative's slave since he was 3 years old. Since the age of 3, Harry had been forced to do chores. He was forced to do all of the cooking, cleaning, and gardening. Every summer he woke up every day at 5 .a.m. cooking for the Dursleys their breakfast. He then spends his days working until 3 to 6 .p.m. slaving away always trying to be done by 3 but if he can't he always makes sure to be done no later than 6. He tries to get all his chores done on time. Anytime he does get his chores done early like he likes to try to do and when he also manages to not get beaten Harry would spend his time at the library a few blocks from Dursley's home. Where he was adored by the old librarians who worked there and the elders who spent their time there. This was one of the few places Harry felt Harry felt safe and happy during the summer. During the summer the library is where Harry took refuge most from his bullies and abusive relatives. 

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