Down into Unknown

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"Regulus" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -writing/messages/news/letter

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 3: Down into Unknown


Third Pov:

It had been 8 days now since Hermione had been attacked. At this moment Harry was standing silently in the corridors near an abandoned classroom on the fourth floor that he has used for venting sometimes when he heard loud footsteps running his way. When he heard the footsteps Harry feared that there had been another attack without his knowing so as not to be blamed he ducked into the empty classroom to call a house elf to take him to the owlry on the other side of school or the hospital wing which also is on the other side of the school so they can't blame him like always because he is nearby even though they will blame him anyway. After ducking into the classroom he heard what sounded like Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout running to the staff lounge. They spoke about how someone had been dragged into the chamber. Harry was worried even though most of the school turned on him this year for something out of his control didn't mean he wanted them dead or hurt. Besides Harry understood they were scared and fear makes people do stupid things he can forgive them for some of the shit they did but just because he forgives doesn't mean he will forget. Harry waits until the professors pass him then he sneaks out of the class and follows them. After a bit, Harry was now standing outside the teacher lounge door staying silent listening to Professor McGonagall say that Ginny Weasley, the young sister of his friends Fred, George, and Ron was the one dragged down into the Chamber of Secrets. Harry also heard that the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was in the second-floor girl's bathroom. With that information, Harry ran to talk with Myrtle, the ghost that resides in that bathroom. When Harry got there he asked about the circumstances that led to her death and she explained it to him.

Apparently, Myrtle had been bullied that day by some girls in her class. She ran to the bathroom to cry while she was in there she heard a male's voice. She had shouted at him telling him this was the girl's bathroom and he needed to leave. The boy ignored her and started talking in a strange language that sounded like hissing. Myrtle told Harry how she flew open the stall door to rip the boy a new one but when she opened the stall she was met with large yellow eyes. Harry asked her where the entrance was and if she knew Myrtle only said that it was over there the boy stood and then pointed to the sink. Harry thanked Myrtle and walked over to the sink looking it over. Harry observed the sink closely. While observing the sink Harry saw a small snake carved into the tap and thought of something to open it. Remembering the time he talked to the snake Malfoy summoned during a duel and also that this was the chamber of Salazar who was a known parselmouth. So knowing that Salazar most likely made it so that not just anybody stumbles upon the entrance or it would happen way sooner. Harry decides it is best to try and open using Parseltongue.



Harry Pov:

After I hissed the sink sank in and opened outwards. At that moment being a parselmouth was a blessing. I looked to see a long slide that was very dark inside. Without hesitation, I jumped sliding down into the unknown. Not knowing what I would come across down in the chamber or if I would make it out alive. However, at that moment I didn't care about the danger. I was a man who was pissed off and determined. I was a man on a mission I was going down into the chamber to save the twin's little sister and make the one attacking not only the school but Hermione the girl I had been beginning to crush on for the past few months from all the times we were alone after Ron abandon me. I am going to end these accusations about me, try to save the twin's sister, and make the bastard who has been attacking the school pay for attacking Hermione someone I deeply care for and the school the first place I could call home. I will succeed or die trying but even if I die I will make sure that no matter what at least Ginny will make it out alive because no parents should suffer burying a child before themselves. Not only that but I wanted to pay back the twins for what they did for me even when they didn't have to.

As I slide down I pull out my wand pointing it downward casting a cushioning charm before hitting the ground. When I landed I was glad to learn that spell beforehand. I landed at the bottom dusting off the dirt and cobwebs on my clothes I collected from the slide. I was about to continue but when I looked up I came to a halt when I saw the many different size skulls of animals of various shapes and forms. I also see a large thing of green scaly skin which I knew could only be shedded snakeskin. Though I did hope it was not the beast I had to fight as the old shedded skin looked to be about 40 feet maybe more. I knew with my shitty luck and knowing it was a basilisk that had been attacking the school I just knew that old shedded skin belonged to the creature I came to kill. I also knew that the beast was even bigger now then when it was when it had shed that old skin. Though most would be scared to face such a beast but I wasn't I didn't care if there were 3 basilisks I had to fight the beast and its bastard master had attacked my best friend, framed Hagrid making it so he was arrested, and attack the very place I call home. I narrow my eyes and continue walking I don't care how big the beast was I will kill it for fucking attacking my home along with Hermione or die trying. Even if I die I will take the beast and its master with me as I will not allow them to keep making people suffer.

For years I hid my true self since the gang left but in this moment my mask is dropped and I letting the real Harry show that had been locked away and replaced with the timid polite Harry Potter many knew. It's time to show why you never pissed off Harry James Potter the fox, the tiger, the wolf has awakened at least that is what the gang used to say when I got like this. Why did they refer to me as either a fox, tiger, or wolf when we were younger I probably will never know. If the gang was here they would laugh as they said that Loki has come out to play either that or they would not be laughing but actually behave seriously about the whole situation. All I know is that if they weren't muggles and here right now they would not have abandoned me like Ron. They would not have been like most of the rest of the school they would have had my back like Hermione and the twins has all year. They would have even reprimanded me for the fight I had with Hermione making me realize my stupidity way sooner and got me to apologize way sooner so I would have been there to save her. Not only that they would be coming down here with me even though I would have told them they shouldn't. I have no doubt the twins or Hermione would have come but I didn't have time to get the twins as for Hermione she still petrified. The gang may not be with me physically but they are here with me in spirit in a way I am the man I am today even if I hid it away most of the time because of all the things they and their parents taught me because of all the memories we had shared before they moved. Right here and now I will tap into some of those teachings and those memories. I will use what they taught me along with what I learned at Hogwarts to defeat the beast and his master. It will be because of those teachings and the things I learned while at Hogwarts the last two years that I will make it out of here alive. I will be there when Hermione wakes up and I will get the twins and Ron's sister out of here. I will end the attacks and save the school.

But most of all I will make it out of this alive so that someday I can reunite with the gang again and tell Hermione how I feel when she wakes up. The one who dared attack the students of the school, framed Hagrid causing him to be arrested, caused me to be accused of the attacks on the school which causes me to be blamed as I am the only parselmouth in school which is probably not true since I am not behind the attacks, and attacked the girl I have been friends with since first year but started to have a crush on is about to learn why you never piss me off. Going after someone I care for is a big no no and they will soon find out why. Everyone thinks I am an easy target to go after cause I don't fight back when the truth is I just have a lot of patients but when that patient is gone then you better not pissed me off or learn the motto the gang and I were taught growing up by their parents Fuck Around and Find Out. I moved forward stopping at a large door that reminded me of something similar to a vault door at Gringotts except this one looked custom-made with multiple snakes made of metal carved into it. Once again I used parseltongue to open it.


I watch the snakes move and the door to the next part of the chamber opens with narrow eyes that are filled with determination. Unaware that right now my eyes are glowing with power at this time. I grips my wand tightly and walks up to the entrance climbing into the next part of the chamber.

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