Two and a Half Weeks Later

141 3 0

"Regulus" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -writing/messages/news/letter

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 9: Two and a Half Weeks Later


Harry pov:

It has been two and a half weeks since I went down into the chamber. I had woken up only hours after passing finding myself in the hospital wing once again. Not long after waking up, I had been visited by every single elf who was bonded and worked for my parents. I rebonded with them each which had me feel drained but I stayed up long enough to give them orders I had all the house elves go to all properties and make them liveable and have any destroyed ones be rebuilt which they said they could do themselves with magic. He had ordered the head elf whose name was Cody to take my measurements. It turns out that thanks to the amulet I had a huge growth spurt so he had my father's old school uniform. Along with that, I had bonded with some of the free house elves at Hogwarts who were trained by Cody. They will stay at Hogwarts not giving away that they are part of his army of elves and help him here. It was thanks to the elves who pretend to still be Hogwarts elves I found the Room of Requirments which the elves call the come-and-go room. It was there I found the room filled with things that had been lost over the years since Hogwarts was built. 

The new Potter elves who still work in Hogwarts had organised and cleaned the room completely apparently anything that was lost by staff or students came here the elves had returned some things to some students who are still here but not everything could returned to their owners as they were long since gone. All the items varied pretty much anything you could think of was there jewelry, gems, gold bars, money, clothes, weapons, old books, and so much more. The house elves had even found one of the Horcrux in the school. I transferred it over to one of my old ragged clothes. I knew that the lost Diadem of Ravenclaw it was a legend to help the increase the wearer's wisdom but actually if farthest from the truth the diadem actually helps the wearer remember things better and organize their minds. 

When I transferred the Horcrux the Diadem had helped me regain forgotten memories that had been obliterated from my memories before destroying it for Rowena's Daughter which I was told a story about before going to her and talking with her. When I talked with her I showed her the destroyed Diadem and when she asked why I said it was because a distant relative named Tom Riddle who was a descendant from the bastard brother of Salazar promised to do it but he lied I told her it was an apology as he swore to by the name of my ancestor that he would. When I talked with her I also told her what the diadem really was used for when she heard she felt foolish. I had gotten her permission to repair it so I did. It was originally meant to be on display safely.  Over the last few weeks, I had the other elves get the other horcruxs that they could which was the guant family ring which also happened to be one of the three hollows. I had again transferred the Horcrux I had one of the elves sneak me to the veil hidden in the Ministry and I chucked the stone in. 

I heard a distant voice thank me and call me master which of course confused me but I did not understand and had the elf take me back to the room. The elves had put everything in the room in the secret potter vault that was deep under the ancestral castle the transfer Horcruxs included. The elves had even managed to get the locket of Slytherin which was a Horcrux that was hidden in a Black family property he had transferred the Horcrux and sent the necklace back as it is safe there for now. Another thing was I had gone back down in the chamber which led me to meet my ancestor's moving portrait I talked with him and he said how he was glad I was his heir as he never liked Riddle. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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