Going Through Different Memories/Building Mindscape

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"Regulus" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -writing/messages/news/letter

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 8: Going Through Different Memories/Building Mindscape


Harry pov:

I am in what looked to be a cave it reminds me of a cave that you'd see for a wolf's den or maybe the dragon den from The Hobbit or what I imagined it would look like anyway. In the center of the cave floor is an interesting rune that I have seen before it's like one of the ones Mom and Dad drew to do the ritual before they sacrificed themselves to save me for some reason I remember everything from the day now. I look around seeing books, orbs, and figurines all around some are blue, some red, some green, and finally some black. I look around frantically because I don't understand where I am and why it seems like I am in a wolf's den or a dragon's den.

Harry-'Where am I? Where are the wolves or dragons that would protect this place and why are these things here?"

After I thought that the rune on the floor began to glow purple. When it stops I can see again standing before me are what I imagine a dire wolf would look to be standing at about 13 feet tall and a huge dragon which stands at about 33 feet tall. I would have panicked and tried to run if I hadn't seen the rune tattoo on the side of the fur on the wolf and the dragon has the rune on each shoulder. The wolf has black fur and blue eyes while the dragon is black scales with a midnight purple scaled belly and has violet eyes. I don't know why but I know that they won't hurt me and I knew they were my guardians. The wolf trots over to me with something in his mouth. When he reaches me he drops a blue book in my hand.

I look down and read the title. I see it says 'mindscape' so I open the book which turns into magical energy going into me I then get all the information that I need about this place how it works and everything. So I then made it so my mindscape was organized. With books, orbs, and as well as what seem like figurines. I begin imagining them floating then have them all fly over and land in front of me neatly. When I thought that it was exactly what they did they all landed in front of me in neat piles or groups. I sit on the ground looking around on the right of me the books are sorted and stacked neatly in four color piles which are blue books, red books, green books, and black books. All the orbs are grouped in the center right in front of me they were separated into groups of black orbs, blue orbs, green orbs, and red orbs. Finally grouped on my left are the figurines some are blue, some green, and some red. 

I begin opening more books like the first one these books do the same as the first. I figured out the orbs were experience memories which my dragon blew fire until all the orbs were destroyed while my dire wolf stomped and smashed certain figurines which I figured out were muscle memories. Something told me that when my dragon destroyed the orbs it was protecting me. When the direwolf destroyed the figurines involving flying I wanted to protest as I could learn some moves I didn't know becoming even better at flying but something told me I didn't need it. I finished the books which consist of memories and magic used I now saw why my pet dragon destroyed the orbs because having the knowledge of what this guy did but not seeing the memories is better. I figured out that all of this knowledge was from Riddle.

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