Remembering That Night (Rewrite)

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A/N: This is a rewrite of the chapter seven as I had some things I wanted to fix I had a glitch that led to me having some issues so I had to delete the previous chapter and post this one. I fixed some things like the number of brothers Harry has and reworded some sentences here and there. 


"Regulus" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -writing/messages/news/letter

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 7:Remembering That Night


Third Pov:

It was not long after Harry had put on the amulet that he passed out and started to have the knowledge and memories of the Riddle put into his mind. Right now Harry was lying in the hospital bed dreaming of the last day they were alive. It was the first time Harry had ever remembered that night so clear before. It was through his dreams Harry finally 'met' his parents without the Mirror of Erised. As Harry dreams he can see and feel the love his parents had for him. Harry listens as his father talks about how he had such a strong heir for the Evans or Slytherin line. He talked about how when the war was over he would find his missing elder brother and reunite him with his other two eldest brothers and his little sister so the seven of them could be together as a family. Harry listened to his father say how even if they did not make it they would ensure that he would so that he could someday find his missing elder brother so that they along with his other two elder brothers could be there for their sister. He talked about how they would try to stay alive tonight but if they failed to forgive them, protect his sister, and try to find his brother. 

As for his mother, she talked about how he was her baby boy no matter how old he got and that no matter what she always loved him. Dad said how he could be housed in Slytherin and he would still love him. Harry continues to remember that night his parents talked about how they raise him and his siblings should they survive the war. After spending time together for a bit Harry watched as his parents did a ritual on him. They draw a bunch of runes and start chanting something so quiet that he cannot hear. After the ritual had been done his parents had chosen to spend time together then three people came to visit their names were Sirius, Remus, and Peter, or as his father called them Padfoot, Moony, and Wormtails. As the dream continues Harry sees Sirius turn into a big shaggy dog that grabs him by his pants waistband and trots around making his baby self laugh. When he sits down Peter transforms into a rat and when he tries to play with baby Harry he gets smacked on the head by his baby self with a toy truck Harry even does accidental magic throwing Peter in rat form into a wall.

After a while the three left the Potters hideout as they had to leave. Later that night hours after the three men left the attack happened. Harry watches it play out in his dream his father stands up with his baby self in his arms telling her to run and escape saying how he was there and that Peter betrayed them. His mother tried to argue but his dad kissed her and then kissed Harry before telling him to become strong to protect the family in his place. After that James looked to Lily telling her to again go saying how it was more important she escaped for their five kids sake and the unborn child's sake. Harry watched as his mom ran up the stairs to the nursery holding Harry close to her as she did tears falling whispering for James to survive. When Lily ran up the stairs with baby Harry in her arms Harry looked over her shoulder watching as his father stood in front of the staircase and pointing his wand at the door ready to make his final stand. When his mother got upstairs and in his nursery she pulled out her wand using magic to close the door and lock it. At that same time, there was a large crash downstairs before the noise of a clear wizarding duel could be heard downstairs. Lily cries at the noise worried for her husband but she knows she has to focus she tries to use the portkey and says Prongs Den but it does not work. Realising this Lily cast another Colloportus charm this time stronger than the last before she started barricading the door using parselmagic to make spells more powerful. 

After that, she sets Harry down and sends a patronous charm to both Sirius saying how Voldemort was here and the traitor was Peter along with how she was unable to leave as the portkey not working. When the weird doe left to deliver the message Lily started talking to Harry.She tells him how she loves him, how no matter what he survives, she tells him to look after his sister with his elder brothers even if the three choose to not leave the family that had taken custody of them for their safety during the war, and so many other advice like be careful about trusting Dumbledore. His mother was about to say something about the Weasleys but stopped when the fighting downstairs had stopped. Harry watched as his mother turned around shielding him from view her wand up ready to make her last stand if need be. At that moment the door blows open and stuff goes flying scattering all over the room. A man walks in and Harry hears his mother telling the man to stay back. 

The man whose voice he was quite familiar with spoke telling her to stand aside and that he would not kill her his mother refused and started casting spells at the man and a small duel happened in the room as spells flew everywhere. The man disarmed his mother he again demanded that he step aside his mother refused and said take her but begged not to take her son. All she does is bleed for his life not wanting to lose her son. Having enough Harry heard the curse that was cast that took his mother's life and then saw the all too familiar green light he had seen in his nightmares in the past when he had had this dream before but never as clear as it was this time. After that his mother dropped dead and baby Harry was standing in his crib holding on to the bars and calling for his mother. At that moment Tom walked over to his crib stepping over his mother's corpse as he walked over his crib with a grace purebloods could only dream of. When he reaches the crib he looks down at Harry who starts up at him with a glare of pure anger in his green eyes which flash a storm grey in anger as some magic radiates off him.

 He hears Tom say how he was such a powerful child if not for the prophecy saying how he be his demise he takes him and makes him his heir but he must die here. Harry continues to glare at him though older him would laugh about how he does not even have a damn nose. Tom not liking the look sees it as defiance which he takes from no one not even a baby raises his wand and shoots the same spell that killed his mother. As the green spell shoots toward him, Harry hears the bastard laugh like a maniac yet when the spell comes close a shield forms around him and it stops the spell a centimeter before it hits Harry. Riddle stops laughing seeing this. Not willing to lose to a baby he started pushing more power into the spell which seemed to power the shield but the moment the spell touched Harry's forehead it had riccashade back hitting Riddle in the chest. It was because of the power of the spell and the speed Riddle was unable to dodge so when it hit his chest there was an explosion with a scream. The blast was so strong it blew a hole in the roof of the nursery. When the blast cleared both Riddle and most of the roof were gone. When the blast cleared all that was left of Riddle was a black mass that was best described as a wraith. After a bit, the wraith flew out of the huge hole in the roof escaping from the area and baby Harry fell asleep feeling exhausted ignoring the sharp pain on his forehead. When baby him fell asleep the dream ended and Harry woke up in a strange place that he knew was not Hogwarts or anywhere he was familiar with.

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