Potter Family Amulet/Broken Blocks (Rewrite)

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A/n: Hey my readers this is a rewrite of the chapter as I accidentally deleted it when I was trying to unpublish it to edit it so because I knew what I wrote I just rewrote it from scratch with a small bit of changes in it.


"Regulus" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -writing/messages/news/letter

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 6: Potter Family Amulet/Broken Blocks


Third Pov:

Harry sits on his knees each time he takes a staggered breath he winces. Harry's vision was blurry as he looked at the corpse of the ancient basilisk that was once his ancestor's familiar lay dead about 23 feet away. Harry knew that he had a few broken ribs and probably suffering magical exhaustion as well since he was feeling extremely drained. Finally, he knew that he was slowly dying because of the venom of the ancient basilisk which had managed to bite him when he stabbed it through the head. But he was okay with it the reason why he was is because Tom Riddle's solidified memory had been defeated blowing up into gold energy. Harry was okay with dying as he once again saved the school and kept at least two of his promises. Harry knew Ginny was alive still, even if it would just take a little bit for her to wake up. Though he regrets that he died here without meeting the gang again and that he never told Hermione how he felt he was glad that he was able to once again stop Voldy from getting back into a body. He was happy that he was able to save Ron's and the twin's little sister Ginny.

Harry-*thinks to himself*'Looks like I will be reuniting with you sooner than I thought Mom Dad. I wish I wasn't dying there's so much I wanted to do in life. I wanted to reunite with the gang one last time. I wanted to tell Hermione how I felt. I wanted to get to know Neville and my other roommates in Gryffindor since I have only isolated myself sticking with only Hermione and Ron. I wanted to get to know others in other houses and try to get rid of the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin. I wanted to get so Slytherin is not isolated from the rest of the houses. However, if this is where I die then I guess it is my time. I ready to come home death.'

Harry closes his eyes slumping down to the ground and staying on his knees. His vision gets blurrier as the basilisk venom slowly makes its way through his veins. Harry had no idea how long he had left but his senses began to fade away. Harry knew that Hermione would know she always seemed to know. Although she no doubt be crying if she saw him like this. Harry felt a warmth in his chest like he always did when thinking about Hermione she always reminded Harry of Bridgette. Harry always thought that when he reunited with the gang he would get to introduce them to Hermione and the twins. Now Harry never would know if they truly would get along but he liked to believe they would. As Harry starts seeing black spots he thinks about those he leaving behind as he thinks about that Ginny wakes up seeing Harry. Ginny starts talking but even though she is near him she sounds far away to Harry.

Ginny-*sounding far away*"Harry?*hysterically talks with tears in her eyes* Harry it wasn't my fault Tom made me. Harry? Oh, Harry!"

Harry-*croaks out weakly*"Don't worry I know go to Fawkes get out here Ginny."

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