Mother's Magical Trunk (Edit)

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A/N: edited 4/25/2024 I fix a few things in this chapter.


"Regulus" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -writing/messages/news/letter

'Salazar'- will be read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 2: Mother's Magical Trunk


Third Pov:

It has been a week now since Hermione was attacked and the week was nothing but utter hell for Harry. For the past week if he was not in class, in detention, he was in the library studying or researching anything that would lead him to find the chamber of secrets or find out who is the heir of Slytherin, in the hospital wing sitting by Hermione bedside, or chilled out in his dorm room. Right now Harry sits alone in his dorm on his four-post bed with his curtains drawn closed. Harry sits down on his bed looking down at the magical trunk sitting in front of him that had once belonged to his mom that he found over the summer when the Dursleys forced him to clean the attic. The trunk was magically expanded on the inside and it had a fake muggle compartment that Harry could flip to if muggles were around (A/N: Similar to Newt Scamanders suitcase not on the inside but how he switched from magical suitcase to muggle-looking suitcase is the same). Inside the trunk were some things that were his mom's back when she was still going to Hogwarts, some of the things that had once belonged to his late grandparents, and things that the Dursleys didn't know about that Harry had. Inside the trunk, Harry kept all the things that his childhood friends and their parents had given him as birthday or Christmas presents before they moved away that he had just been hiding in the cave over the years, things that his mother that was already in the trunk, and things that had to belong to his grandparents that he knew the Dursleys wouldn't miss. The things in the trunk either the Dursleys would sell or their greedy ass would keep for themselves. For years the Durlseys just horded things up in the attic never really going up there to see for themselves what was up there reason being Vernon couldn't fit, Petunia was lazy and could not stand being in the attic, and Dudley didn't care and was lazy. 

Many things had just been hoarded up there for years until the Dursleys had forced Harry to go up and thurally clean the attic. The reason being was that Petunia was going to go up and go through everything to see what was up there to sell as they were going to have a yard sale when the school had started up again. Harry knew they didn't know all that was up in the attic since the Dursleys never really went up to see what was. So with that in mind, while cleaning Harry took items to keep for himself without the Dursleys knowing. Now Harry knew that if anyone knew what he did they would call it stealing but the thing was Harry had no issue stealing from the Dursleys he had been doing all the chores for them since he was three so the things he took from the attic he saw as part of his payment for the many jobs he had to do. Even then if add up the total the things he took from the attic were not even worth the amount due. Besides taking the items from the attic was not the first time he has stolen from the Dursleys. He has been stealing money from them for years ever since he was three. It wasn't hard since in the kitchen there is a single drawer filled with multiple spare wallets that Vernon owns that he puts money in so Petunia and Dudley just go into the drawer to get the money from whenever they want and in cases when he is not home. They would take the money from one or more of the wallets before putting them back to be refilled. Harry never agrees with Vernon's idea because it gets Dudley to believe he never has to work to get his own money.

The things inside the trunk were some journals once belonged to his mom, books his mom had bought when she was in Hogwarts, her locket, a jewelry box that had magic radiated from it on occasion and looked antique that Harry had found inside the trunk when he first open it but he did not look inside yet, china set that was his grandmothers, his grandfather's hats, his grandfather's multitool, his grandfather's pocket knife, and a bunch of other stuff inside. Harry looks through the stuff in the trunk.  Harry had a tough week and really needs to wind down so he reaches inside the trunk and pulls out a folder with music sheets in it and a violin case he received from one of his childhood friends. After pulling those from the trunk Harry shuts it and taps the top twice with his two fingers shrinking the trunk down. After that, Harry pulls out his wand and casts multiple charms. A few charms make it so no one can open his curtains. One makes it so he can see through the curtains so he can see out but no one can see within. The last spell was a strong powerful silencing charm so he could hear others but no one could hear him. After the charms that he had been practicing all year were up Harry pulled out a sheet of music from the folder and he opened up his violin pulling it out shutting the case. Harry then took a deep breath and began playing his violin to help calm himself down.

 Harry then took a deep breath and began playing his violin to help calm himself down

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This is the trunk that Harry has in front of him on his bed

This is the trunk that Harry has in front of him on his bed

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This is the Violin that Harry had pulled out

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