Shocking News

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"Regulus" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -writing/messages/news/letter

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 5: Shocking News


Third Pov:

Hat-" I told you that Slytherin is the best choice for you and where you grow to greatness, Mr. Potter. But you vehemently asked for any other house but Slytherin. I put you in Gryffindor in hopes you befriend Mr.Longbottom which you sadly have yet to do. Though I will admit your friendship with Ms.Granger and the Weasley twins was a good choice. Like you, the twins would have done very well in Slytherin but they were so reckless that I could not put them anywhere but Gryffindor. Ms.Granger would have gone well in Ravenclaw but I chose her for Gryffindor. There is more to sorting than many realize some who are put in one house could show qualities of others though I don't need to tell you that as you are the perfect example Mr.Potter of one who bares traits of all the houses. I saw through all your memories Mr.Potter you are more loyal and hardworking than the most loyal and hardworking of Hufflepuffs over the years. Though unlike the Hufflepuff you are loyal to those who earn it not just willy-nilly. As for Ravenclaw, you would have done well in there because you love to learn about the unknown and are very smart. However, you only like reading to gain more knowledge for the sake of knowledge you don't like flaunting it willy-nilly like most Ravenclaws do nowadays. Another reason I did not put you in Ravenclaw was you were still in the habit of dumbing yourself down a bit when it came to your work. Not only that but I also saw how you were planning to hide who you truly were and planning to coast through classes to meet the expectations of those in the wizarding world to fit in. It was because of that I knew Ravenclaw would not do. So with those houses not being an option really, there were only two possible places I could put you which were Slytherin or Gryffindor. Compared to all the other houses it was your Slytherin and Gryffindor traits that seem to show through the most. I would have put you in Slytherin as it was the strongest of traits you had but like I said you vehemently asked for anything but so I put you in your only other option which was Gryffindor. Now look where your choice has gotten you Mr.Potter look what has happened to you over the last two years all because you chose to be in Gryffindor instead of Slytherin. Today you find yourself in another life-or-death situation because of those around you. If you had been in Slytherin, you would have been with people who are like you, Mr.Potter. People who are ambitious, cunning, and intelligent. However, I didn't suggest you be in Slytherin just because of your ambition, intelligence, and eminence cunning though that is part of the reason, it is just not the main reason. There are 2 main reasons I suggest you go to Slytherin the 1st being it was a sure way to ensure you would not be under Dumbledore's control and 2nd reason is you are the last direct blood relative of Salazar Slytherin himself, Mr.Potter. Not many know this but Tom Riddle was related to Salazar Slytherin but he was not a direct descendant like he claimed to be while your mother was a direct descendant of Salazar that had turned squib a few generations back until your mother was born. Before your ancestor's death, Salazar himself asked me to sort any of his family members to his house where they would be safe. He also explained some of the traits that will give me some clues to identify them. One such clue is green eyes the second is females being named after flowers"

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