S2: EPISODE 3;; Getting used to

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   I sat in my room as i had been having a non-stop conversation with the bug. Ive gave it a name, too. It liked the name Sal.

   Even though, it had no personality, it had seemed to at least give me more information. The hotel im in is also apart a show called Inanimate Insanity.

   And the bug somehow knew i had memory loss, maybe thats why i couldnt remember anything before.

   We suddenly stopped as the door had opened. I looked over and saw a different figure before revealing the person to be Lightbulb.

   "Hey O/N, we're watching a movie downstairs. Want to join in?" Lightbulb asks, giving me a smile. I look at the bug and back at Lightbulb before shaking my head.

   "Im kind of tired right now. Sorry, Lighty." i rubbed the back of my head, as Lightbulb smiled at the nickname. "Its okay, i understand. Hope you feel bright and energized when you wake up! Sweet dreams!" Lightbulb cooed as she closed the door.

   I laid in bed, facing myself to the other bed. The bug turned to me.


   "Not really. Ive set an alarm at night so i can try and find Alice. She seemed to know more than i did. You want to come with?" I respond, as the bug jumped up and down.

   Bug: YES! XP

   I smiled as i laid back down, drifting off to sleep.


   I wake up in the same dark room.

   "Oh not again.." I groan as i stand up.

   This time, instead of a stool, there was a mirror. I went up to the mirror and looked at myself.

   I looked..different.

   Was this who i was before

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   Was this who i was before..?

   I then could feel a hand by my shoulder as i quickly turn around.

   No one.

   Whats this dream about now...?


   I heard a stern voice.

   I look behind me again to see the mirror gone.

   Instead, there was a red figure.

   "Who are you..?"

   "Leave her, before its too late. She's only acting." Their voice echoed.

   It was a female voice..

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