S2: EPISODE 4;; Chocolates?

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   I ran down the hallway, going to O/N's room. I open it to see O/N on the bed, asleep. Huh. In the morning? I shrugged it off as i closed their door, going downstairs. I cant belive its valentines day today, isnt that cool? I wanted to get O/N a gift because i feel like they deserve it. Theyre a really nice friend. I went to the kitchen and opened a cupboard, grabbing the little box with chocolates. "Hey Lightbulb! Oh, who is that for,?" Paintbrush said from behind me.

   I turned to them and smiled. "Its for O/N! I felt like since O/N has been a nice friend to us, i wanted to give them a little something for valentines!" I reply, showing them the little box. They examined it before smiling and nodding. "Thats nice, im sure theyll like it." Paintbrush responds. I nod happily. "Right now theyre sleeping." "In the morning?" "Yeah. Maybe they were really tired or something." I said, a bit concerned for O/N, but i shrugged it off.

   "Well, im gonna check up on them now. Bye Painty!' I say as i go back up the stairs, and run to O/N's room. I carefully open it as i enter their room, closing the door. I make my way to the other bed, waiting for them to wake up. I placed the chocolates beside me. I looked at them for a  second and noticed an arrow on their back. Since when did they get that? I shook the thought out of my head as i heard them slowly wake up. They groaned as they sat and up and i smiled. "Morning O/N!" I greeted. They were a bit startled and looked at me. "Lightbulb..? What are you doing here..?" O/N groggily said as they rubbed their eyes.

   "I was waiting for you to wake up!" I responded as i put my hand on the box. "Uh huh..okay." O/N replied as they sat up, staring at the floor for a second. "Did you know that it is valentines day today?" I broke the silence. O/N looked at me confused. "Whats..Whats that?" They asked. My eyes widened. "You dont know what valentines day is???" I asked, surprised. They mumbled in a low tone 'no..' "Well, Valentine's day is a day where you can celebrate it with friends, or loved ones with sweets, or just hanging out with them in general. Which is why i got you this!" I said as i handed them the box of chocolates.

   They took it and examined it. They gently opened the box.  "Whats..this?" They mumbled. "They're chocolates! They are also called sweets, or candy." I reply. They look at me and the box. I noticed something..

   They don't know about things that are talked about a lot. How do they not know what chocolates are? They're very popular.. Is there something i dont know? And why did they come back different?

   I snapped out of my thoughts to see them take a bite of one of the chocolates. "These taste.. okay. Im not fond of the taste..," They said. "Ah, thats okay! Not everyone likes chocolates." I say as they put the box on their nightstand. "O/N?" "Yeah?" "Whats with you not knowing almost everything?" Their eyes widened. They stayed silent for a few minutes as i start to get concerned. "I..have memory loss. I cant remember things that easily." They said. I looked at them, concerned. "Thats okay, O/N. Ill mske sure to teach you anything you dont know." I smiled. They looked at me and gave me a small smile.

Your POV

"Hey uh, i have to go somewhere for a bit, if you dont mind?" "If you take me with you." Lightbulb said, perked up. I look at her, before sighing and nodding. She gasped and grinned. "Lets go." I say as i stand up and walk out of my room. She follows me shortly after. As we get out, i head to the forest. But not the way to the base. I wanted to explore a bit. "Soo.. Whats the reason to go out?" "I wanted to explore. I havent explored this of the- Oh my god what is that for smell,?!"  I then started smelling a horrible stench. I looked around but didnt see anything. I then could feel yet again, a sense of deja vu. As i look around again i could feel my sorroundings go quiet and dark, as i start to feel dizzy again.

"New body, same horrors, huh O/N?"

i look infront to see the same red figure.

What does she want now..?

I then fell unconcious.

817 words.

haha reference i love reference i love hshshsbsbdbr

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