S2: EPISODE 1;; A New Impression.

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Season 2

"Gah.." I say as i sit up, rubbing my head. I feel really dizzy. What happened..? I look around to see im in a forest. I cant remember anything.

I touch my face, to feel some sort of..bandage by my eye. Did something happen to it? Oh well.

I stand up, trying to regain my balance. I look up, seeing that its currently day. Ill just have to find out how to get out of this place..Maybe find someone.

I walk through the forest, still having some trouble walking, but it was fine though.

I suddenly saw something by the corner of my eye, turning my head to see nothing. Maybe im just seeing things..

I continued walking to find myself leaving the forest, after a long time to seeing hills(that werent that revelantly tall.) and people on them, playing around or talking to eachother.

I could feel slightly anxious, as i took a deep breath and started walking to wherever. There was a trail, going around the hills, so i followed that, looking around. There was a city not so far away, aswell. I looked to the ground as i kept walking, until i accidentaly bumped into someone.

"Oh gosh- I am so sorry!" I yelped as i looked up and put my hands up, smiling nervously. "Ah, its alright! I wasnt looking.-" The object said. It was a lightbulb. "Hey..i haven't seen you around, are you new here? You look like, someone i havent met before, considering im almost friends with everyone here, hehe-" she scratched the back of her 'head'.

I looked at her, annoyed by the remark of how i looked like. "Haha. Very funny, but yeah, im new here. Do you mind showing me around if you want to-? If you're not busy..-" I asked. She nodded as she grabbed my hand and dragged me near the city. "Of course! Lets go!" She exclaimed.

An hour passed by of us exploring and chatting to eachother. We ended up being friends, and i learned her name was Lightbulb. Right now we had been sitting by a bench near a bay, laughing.

3rd pov.

"Hey, you said you were new here right? Do you have a place to stay?" She asked as she looked at you, in hopes of you actually denying. You nod as she smiles. "Well, theres this hotel that me and my friends live in, well most of them since the others are competing in a show on some island. Do you think you want to stay?" She asked, seeking for the answer she wanted.

"Yeah, i guess i could stay. I dont want to live in the forest and sleep on some tree.." You mumbled the second sentence.

"Great! Come, follow me and ill lead you! Im sure the others wouldnt mind you, at least. And there should be a room for you." She replied, and stood up. You stood up aswell, Following her. She lead you to the forest, and while walking, you spot some.. hangout spot? But you didnt pay much attention to it as you continued following her, looking to the ground to make sure you dont trip on something.

Then Lightbulb stops as you look up, seeing a tall orange hotel. "This is it?" I asked her, looking at the hotel. "Yup! Lets go inside!" Lightbulb says as she enters, you strolling behind her. You could see a glass of orange juice walk up to her. "Hey Lightbulb! Whos this?" It asks as it points to you. "This is O/N! I recently became friends with them and they told me that they dont have a place to stay, so i brought them here so that they could have a place to sleep in." Lightbulb explains.

"Ah..i see. Well O/N, you can stay here until you want to leave. Its my pleasure." It says as it walks up to you, extending its hand. "Thank you..uh-" You say, signaling him to say his name. "Ah, Im OJ." He says as you take his hand and shakes his hand, as he smiles. "Theres an empty room in the next floo-" "OKAY THANKS OJ, SEE YAA!!" Lightbulb bursts out, as she grabs your hand and drags you upstairs. "It was nice meeting you Mr. OJ!" You yelp, as you were then out of OJ's sight. OJ sighed and chuckled at the same time.

As you and Lightbulb enter your room, she plops you down on your bed sits on the other across from your bed. "Lightbulb, what was that?!" You practically yelled, since her dragging you was a complete surprise to her. She looked at you, saddened before rolling her eyes. "He was wasting time. Now, tell my about yourself!" She replied as she leaned forward, her elbows on her knees.

You freeze, due to you not actually being able to remember anything that has actually happened, and how you were like. "Uh..i like playing games?" I hesitantly say as she smiles. "Me too! Whats your favorite game so far?" She asks, clearly intrested in the topic now. You freeze yet again. "I..I dont have one yet, so..." You reply, suprised on how Lightbulb havent commented on your behavior yet.

"Oohhh.. okay, okay. Do you like anything else? Drawing? Reading?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. You think for a moment, i mean, drawing sounds fun. "I guess i like drawing, a bit." You reluctantly say. "Cool! I like drawing too! I have a friend that likes painting, maybe you two could get along!" She chirped, smiling wide. "Yeah..Sure." You say as you could feel yourself getting kind of tired. "Hey uh.. Im gonna sleep, i feel really tired." you ay as you climb in your bed. "Ah, okay. Sweet dreams, O/N!" She exclaimed as she stood up and left the room, closing the door. "You too-!" You say before the door close. You lay down and just stare at the ceiling. Maybe this isnt as bad. You slowly start to fall asleep.


You wake up yet again, in a dark room. You look confused as you look around, you stand up as you then could see a light turn on, a stool sitting under the light, mysteriously. You hesitated, before heading to the chair, seeing something on it. As you approach it, you pick it up.

A poorly made plush of yourself, in a very..weird texture. It was a texture like..yours. You shake the thoughts as you then get a sudden pain in the back of your head, multiple voices appearing all around you.

"Come on! Scream louder!"


"What did you do to them?"

"Its your fault."

"Enough.." You quietly mumble as you just hold your head in pain, dizziness then catching up to you.

"Come on, just say yes, it wont hurt."

"What did you do to them?"

"I could be your adventure buddy!"


"Im not a yandere!"


The thoughts stopped as you heard a voice infront of you. You looked up in confusion and surprise. The voice was familiar.

Infront of you, there was a familiar face, looking at you in disgust, but worry.

Your eyes widened.


"What did you do.."

what did you do?


You then wake up in a sweat, looking infront to see you had woken up. You sigh, now knowing it was all a dream.


1258 words.



i had spent so muchtime today(because it was my barfday,)

and this is my gift, that im sharing with you.


- Suki

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