S2: EPISODE 5;; The Lair.

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I wake up to be in bed, Lightbulb by my side. I groan as i sit up, as i was almost immediately met with a tight hug. "O/N!! You're awake!" Lightbulb exclaimed as she hugged me close. "Wh...what happened-?" I ask, tiredly.

"You suddenly froze and passed out, i got really worried about you..!" Lightbulb replied as i finally remebered everything that had happened. That figure... It felt oddly familiar.

Suddenly we both heard yelling coming from downstairs. "I TOLD YOU, YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED HERE! AND YOU CANNOT SEE THEM, OKAY?!" Paintbrush had yelled as the door slammed from downstairs. Me and Lightbulb looked at eachother before nodding, as we both standed up and started going downstairs.

"Painty, what happened? Who was outside the door?" Lightbulb asked as i looked at Paintbrush worryingly. "It was P- Uh..No one that you need to know." Painty said as they suddenly looked kind of nervous. Thats strange.. Just a second ago, they were furious?

"But. Lightbulb, i have to talk to you. In private." Paintbrush said, as they looked at me and motioned for me to go upstairs into my room. Me and Lightbulb looked at eachother before Lightbulb nodded as i gave a little sad frown, but head to my room anyways, a little bummed out.

Paintbrush POV.

This is bad.

As i looked at O/N going to their room, i turned to Lightbulb with a worried glance. She looked at me in worry. "Whats wrong, Painty?" Lightbulb asked as she went up to me.

"O/N might be in danger, but im not sure. That monster is here again, and tried getting me to believe that shes a friend to O/N." I explained, giving her a stern but worried look. She looked confused before her face turned to a look of realisation. "You mean Coiny or Pin?" "Pin. She had killed O/N in their past body. Thats why O/N looks different and why they dont remember anything." I explained again, as her eyes widened, to a look of worry.

"So shes back for more-?" "Yes. And since you are more of a friend to O/N, im gonna need to have you to make them trust you more, so that they will believe you and not Pin. Shes gonna probably do the same like she did before, obsess over them and that'll possibly lead to her killing them again or being over-protective over them, and you wont have have a chance to talk to O/N again. So you have to be careful for O/N's sake now." Lightbulb's face was filled with fear and worry.

"I know this might seem a lot, but O/N trusts you. You were their first friend, so im sure they trust you more than anyone." I explain, taking one of her hands and holding it in my hands. She looked at me before nodding. "Thank you for telling me this.." "But dont tell it to O/N, or they wont even have the courage to go outside again. Okay?" I say as she nods. "Thank you, Lighty." I smile, as she smiles back.

"Anyway, you can go back to O/N now, i trust you to not tell them." I say as Lightbulb goes up the stairs and i hear her exclaim; "I won't!!" She had exclaimed as i chuckled.


I was drawing in the sketchbook i had as i then heard the door open to reveal Lightbulb. "Hiya O/N! Im back!" Lightbulb said as she sat beside me. I smiled. "Glad to know you're back." I said as i put my sketchbook away. "Do you plan on going to sleep soon?" Lightbulb asks me.

Do i need to think night? Wait. The lair Alcie invited me to...and..SKYSSAGE!

"Ah uh...i still have some stuff to do so i dont think im gonna go to sleep just yet, so.." "Alrighty, i'm gonna go talk to Test Tube. See ya O/N!" Lightbulb said as she went to the door. "Sweet dreams by the way, when you decide to go to sleep." She said as she left the room, and closed the door.

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