S2: EPISODE 6;; You're banned, aren't you?

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TW: This chapter includes violence, mentions of trauma, swearing and angst!!! Woohoo!

By the way, this chapter is mostly about suki and alice..sorry. and i dont like this chapter because of that reason(PLEASE THE NEXT ONE WILL ABIUT OYU GUYS)✌️

I started to get a bit worried as Alice turned to me. "You, go to our room. Me and Suki have a bit of..business." She says, her face scared. I nod quickly as i run over to the room. I saw Suki running to the entrance aswell. I was about to go into the room, before stopping. im not going anywhere.

Alice's POV.

I ran to the entrance, Suki following right behind me.

I look infront of myself to see a not-so-unfamiliar face.

He looked at me, smiling. Though, it wasnt only him. Another object was behind him, seemingly taking note of this whole lair.


"Alice. Its so nice to see you again." He said as he put his hands together. I looked at Suki, who had a scared expression but i could see shes trying to seem a bit tough.

"What do you want." I spat, as he looked unamused. "Well, i was paying a visit! And my companion here told me that theres a special something she needs from here. Go, now." Starpop pointed over to a hallway as whoever that was ran.

"Since when did you have permission to visit here, you are banned from this place, Starpop." I replied, holding Suki's hand so she doesnt get to stressed. I could feel her gaze at me.

"So what? I am her parent after all." Starpop put a smug face on as he gestured at Suki. I turned to Suki to see her uncomfortable. I squeezed her hand. "So?? Youre BANNED. You're not allowed here." I harshly spoke turning back to Starpop. His smile then faded as he looked at me annoyed.

"And I didn't approve of your marriage. You're wasting my time here." He said as he then grabbed a spear and threw it at me. I quickly dodged and looked at Starpop. I let go of Suki's hand and charged at him, but before he could grab another spear and throw it at me, i kicked it out of his hand kicked him aswell to the ground. Starpop grunted as he fell down, but standing up right after. "Just you wait, Alice."

Your POV

I ran through the hallways, trying to find the entrance. Why does this lair have so many doors and long hallways? But, as i was running i accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh im so sorry!" I said as i stood up, to see a thumbtack infront of me. "Ah uh- Its okay! You're O/N right?" They said as they stood up. "Yeah-? How do you know my name?" I ask as i could see they turned a bit nervous. "Uh..Im one of the members friends that work here. My name is Pin." She replied. I could tell she was a female. "Ohh..Okay. Hey you look a bit familiar, actually." I say as i point at her.

"Oh thats new, I havent met you before." Something was off about her. "Really-?" "Yeah." She looked at me, i could see the nervousness in her eyes. "Okay...I have to go." I said as i was about to run. "Oh no you dont!"

I then got knocked out unconcious.

3rd POV

Starpop had gotten up again and were in a pretty big fight with them. Pin walked over and put you by a couch nearby as Starpop smiles.

"Pin, Get Suki." Starpop demanded as Pin nodded. Alice heard it and was about to attack Pin, but Starpop grabbed her and threw her aside. Suki tried kicking Pin but she dodged and shoved Suki to the ground. Suki yelped as she fell, as Pin raised Suki again, her arms under Suki's shoulders. She trashed around, but Pin but her leg behind her knee, and pushed it downwards, so it would hurt when Suki would try to get up again.

Suki winced as she realised she was outnumbered. She fearfully looked up at Alice and Starpop fighting. She was really worried. Her father is much more capable than Alice. "Alice..please be careful!" Suki yelled but Pin punched her, making Suki go quiet. Alice looked over at Suki really worried, which gave Starpop time to kick her to the ground, and he did. Alice was exhausted. But she needed she had to protect her loved one. "Suki-" She tried saying but Starpop put a foot on her, pushign her to the ground, making Alice grunt.

Suki's eyes widened. "Dad..." She whined, having a bad feeling. Starpop smirked widely. "I got you cornered now, Buddy. How would it feel for my daughter to be so lonely without you now?" Starpop said, but Alice grabbed his leg and twisted it, causing him to grunt and fall. Pin looked in annoyance but watched it all unfold. She held tightly against Suki.

Alice stood up again, same as Starpop as he threw another spear, knocking her bow and arrows away from her. Alice gasps and charges against Starpop, but starpop had a knife out, which Alice didnt notice and as she charged, she accidentaly ran her arm into the knife. She screamed as her wrist bled profulesly. Starpop smiled as he kicks Alice to the ground, who was clutching her wrist. "Got you again." Starpop said, as he brought up a laser and spun it. Sukis eyes widened. "Dad..Please dont!" She exclaimed, trying to break free but Pin punched her again.

He charged it up.


Alice looked horrifed up at Starpop, who was completely tired from all the fighting. She quickly looked at Suki in a saddened expression. "Suki. I..Im sorry." Suki could feel tears well up. Starpop held at the trigger, pointing at Alice.

Suki let out a high pitched scream.


Suki stared in disbelief, and horror. Tears starting to fall down. She broke down, sobbing uncontrollably.  Pin let go of her as Suki just stayed on the ground. Pin looked at Starpop with a guilty and horrified look.

"This is why you never do something without asking me, Suki." Starpop said, turning to her, hands behind his back.

Suki wiped her tears which did nothing, as tears just kept falling back down. "I NEVER WANTED TO ASK BECAUSE YOU'D ONLY MAKE IT WORSE! YOU ABUSED ME FOR FUCKING YEARS ON END! DONT FORGET ABOUT WHAT YOU DID...YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS. YOU'VE MADE MY LIFE FUCKING HELL! YOU ALMOST KILLED ME ONCE, AND NOW YOU KILLED THE ONLY PERSON WHO WOULD LOVE ME, YOU TWISTED MOTHER FUCKER! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" Suki ranted, her voice cracking. She sobbed again as Starpop kept looking at her, dissapointed, and didnt feel a single thing.

"You dont understand, my son, It was for the best-" "For the best? FOR THE BEST?! YOU TORTURED ME! AND DONT YOU DARE CALL ME YOUR SON!" Suki screamed, but went silent when a small young voice had spoked.


All glances turned towards the voice.

A small little object stood there, with a scared expression. Pin's eyes widened as she quickly hurried to your unconcious body and took it outside. Starpop went right after, trying to escape the child's sight.

Suki's glance softened as she softly smiled. "KCharm..Thank goodness you're okay." Suki said as KC ran towards her, hugging her tightly. "What happened to Mama?" She said as she looked over at Alice. Suki's smile faded as she stared. "Your mom.... is gone. Im so sorry, KC." Suki said as she continued to hug KC, and KC hugged her back. She trembled.

And they stood like that for a while.

A long time.

hi guys um lore and more lore
ill put alice n suki in the design spoiler thing soon enough dont worry

anyways i love lore!!!!(i hate it so much i cried so much thinking of how i should let this chapter unfold and when i wrote it i cried and cried haha)

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