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Your body shook violently, tears streaming down your face as you sat on the cold ground, huddled together between some old crates and barrels. The water crashed against the concrete of the docks. It was late in the evening and you were alone here, hiding in an old part of the docks that had long been abandoned. The scent of expired commodities and salty sea water filled the air but you smell any of it due to your nasal congestion.

Normally, you would come here for entertainment since the walls of dilapidated buildings were a great canvas for your creativity, evidence of that were the countless graffiti around you. Now, however, this godforsaken place served you as a place of loneliness and sorrow after what you just were told.

But let's start at the beginning. Everything started with you coming to the Port Mafia headquarters this morning, already having a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach. This feeling only increased as you got to the training ground where Dazai would normally wait for you and he wasn't there. Hour after hour, you sat there, waiting for him to arrive.

He never came though. Desperately you held onto the thin string of hope that he just forgot about you or had been too busy. As morning turned into noon and later into afternoon, you started to feel a constant stinging in your heart. In a last attempt to find him, you made your way up to the top floor, Mori's office.

As you arrived there and opened the door (without knocking beforehand), you saw the boss sitting at his desk in his typical composure and attire, arms propped up on the table and fingers interlaced with each other. In front of him were Kouyou and Chuuya. All their faces and moods changed as soon as you entered.

Kouyou became sad all of a sudden while Mori had a pitiful smile on his face and Chuuya had an expression of uncomfort. You could instantly sense that something was wrong.

"(Y/N), dear, there you are-", Kouyou began but you shushed her with a gesture of your hand.

"What happened?", you confronted them, your tone of voice was demanding but there was a slight quiver audible. Your breath became shaky as some kind of foreboding washed over you. Certainly there must be an explanation to this that wasn't what you anticipated, right?

Mori just sighed, mumbling: "There would be no use in hiding it", before he looked up at you and started to speak to you.

"(Y/N)...Dazai won't come back."

You wanted to throttle him so badly at that moment. Only for saying such a thing, you wanted to kill him. And you would have surely done that if your body wasn't bound to the spot on which you were standing. Your muscles were frozen and your breath hitched. It took you a while before realization settled in.

That couldn't be, right? That must have been a joke. Dazai couldn't be dead, that was impossible. You looked at the three in disbelief, not wanting to accept that this was the truth.

"You...You're lying...", you stuttered, feeling how tears swelled up in your eyes. Mori, however, only shokk his head slowly, his eyes closed. Whether that was unintentionally or he just couldn't look into the eyes of a child that just lost it's reason to live was uncertain. Kouyou came towards you and reached her hand out to you but you took a step back, not allowing her to touch you. Then you turned around and stormed out of the office.

The first few minutes, you weren't able to think. You thoughts flashed through your brain to fast for you to comprehent but as soon as you were out of the Port Mafia building, you broke out in tears. You couldn't hold them back any longer.#

How could you? You were an eleven year old child that just lost the most important person in your life. Dazai was your everything. The person who found you, took care of you and trained you. On top of that, he was the only hope for you to find something out about your past. He could have been the only person who knew anything about you. And now he was dead. And so was the hope to find yourself.

Everybody's darling (Port Mafia x Teenager! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now