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"You're acting rather reckless lately, huh?"

"Shut up!"

"Just saying. You never got hurt this much before. You're putting yourself in unnecessary danger."

You huffed annoyed at the scolding of the older man who was wrapping bandages around your injured arm. Mori's office was dark except for the lamp on the desk, which served as a source of light for the mafia boss as he treated your wounds.

You had just returned from a mission. Even though you had succeeded, you got severely injured by an enemy. He had aimed at your arm and even though he missed, the bullet had still grazed your flesh, leaving a bloody scratch. It wasn't too bad but it could be in case it got infected. Besides from that, you had only a few bruises and a bloody nose, nothing too serious considering the line of work you're in.

"And all that since he left..."

You almost didn't hear his words as he whispered them, but as you did, you shot a glare in his direction. He only responded with a smile that you couldn't really understand and didn't bother to either.

Sitting on Mori's desk, your legs dangling over the edge, you stared out the window into the night sky.

Since the news of Dazai's death, which you were told about a month ago, you tended to space out more frequently. Yes, you occasionally spaced out before but it got more intense. You wondered how he died. Suicide? Probably not. He was never able to commit so why would he be now all of a sudden? Perhaps on a mission. Shot by a bullet or stabbed with a knife.

You wondered if you would have been able to help him. What if this all was your fault somehow? Even though you had no real explanation why it would be your doing, you still felt guilty. And you weren't sure why.

Another thing that plagued your mind was how much he knew about you. Information you would now never get. He had never written it down and he never had told somebody. Well, the only person you could think of who he could have told these information was Oda. But he was also dead. He died just before Dazai, fighting against 'Mimic'. A case you weren't involved in.

Shortly after your mentor's deat, you had broken into his, now empty, apartment and rummaged through his things. There wasn't much to be found. To be frank, the only interesting thing was a notebook called 'Oba Yozo's diary'. You didn't know if the guy described in the log book was an actual person or just someone Dazai made up. It was written like a diary out of the perspective of Oba Yozo, a man who had no understanding of human emotions or the human nature in general.

'How fitting for Dazai' were your thoughts as you read through it. Was that how he felt? Were all his feelings about his life written down on these pages, feelings he couldn't express through speaking and instead used ink and paper. Did he want you to find this notebook of his. Or did he want it to be kept hidden forever? Whatever it may be, it didn't matter anymore.

And honestly, you felt like you shouldn't care. After all this was one of the characteristics your persona had. Not caring about others. You did that to protect yourself from being exploited by others. And it angered you that you couldn't move on. But then again, you still had memory or information about your past, the time before you woke up at the shore of a river. Information you were sure Dazai had. And now all of this was lost and together with your hope of ever finding something out about your past life.

Something tugged at your pantleg. Being pulled out of your thoughts, you looked down at the floor. Beside the desk, looking up to you was Elise, a small girl with golden blond locks and piercing blue eyes. Something about her has always creeped you out. Especially her smile was unsetteling to you. How it was supposed to be the one of a human but already failed at authenticity. To be fair, she wasn't exactly a human either.

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