Chapter 1

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I don't understand what Bruce sees in Selina.

Lois jumped awake at the sound of Clark's voice. She lay sprawled over her husband, his sturdy arms secured around her. She slowly pried her tired eyes open and surveyed the man beneath her. Clark had the kind of face that stopped people in their tracks. People of all ages paused in the streets to look up at him, hoping to catch a glimpse of his radiant smile - a smile that could light up the darkest corners of the universe.

Clark wasn't smiling now. He glared at the ceiling as if it were Darkseid and he wasn't sure if he should punch it or run away with his tail between his legs - not that Clark would ever be accused of running from a fight. Lois bit her lower lip worriedly. Rao help her, she wished he would. Clark had gotten himself into countless sticky situations because of his damn pride and stubborn streak. Though she was one to talk - reckless impulsiveness seemed to be a trait they both shared.

She's a liar and a high-functioning sociopath. Bruce sure knows how to pick them. I'd have to rinse my eyes out with lava to rid myself of their midnight, rooftop dance.

Lois frowned at him. Served him right for being a Peeping Tom. "Cut Selina some slack." With one finger she traced the white scar along his bare chest, an aching reminder that not everybody loved Superman. Her heart rate quickened when she saw the telltale sign of a purple bruise over his left ribcage. She frowned. She didn't remember seeing that last night. Her mind swam with a thousand different possibilities, each more horrible than the last. Superman didn't bruise easily.

"You lied to me for years about who you are. Some will classify you as having a high-functioning split personality." Lois threw Clark's words back at his face. She thought it was best not to bring up the bruise . . . at least not yet. The important thing was that he was home, safe and sound. But maybe there were emotional scars she couldn't see.

"It's hardly fair calling Selina a sociopath. Honestly, if anyone is a sociopath in that dynamic duo, it's Batman."

Clark's mouth fell open. "I never called Selina a sociopath."

At least not out loud.

Lois whacked him in the face with the pillow. "You just did. I heard you!"

"I never said anything," Clark insisted, becoming more bewildered by the second.

"No!" Lois cried in a fit of passion, her throat tightening. "My hearing is as good as Superman's!" she retorted, sticking her tongue out.

"Last time I checked I am not Barry," Clark said. "I don't talk in my sleep."

"I sure hope you're not, Smallville," She giggled and rolled around to face him. "I don't find Barry attractive," she captured his mouth with eager fervor, robbing him of his words.

His eyes widened in surprise. She loved that after years of marriage, she could still surprise the Man of Steel. Instinctively his strong arms enveloped her. Clark ran his tongue over her top lip and she squealed with pleasure, the tips of her breasts hardening to points. She gasped and crashed her mouth back against his; her tongue lashed out, drinking every inch of him in. The taste of summer exploded in her mouth. Their tongues moved together in sync. Clark made soft content noises that were music to her ears. Her mind reeled from the addictive flavor that was Clark Kent. She ached to have him inside her now.

Her nightshirt rolled up and she pressed her stomach against his steaming flesh. She felt his long dick harden between her legs. That gave her the motivation to push harder, wrapping her legs tighter around his hips. Slowly she traced the vastness of him, her hands coming to a stop on his boxers. She flicked them aside with a triumphant cry, the gorgeous length of him spilling forward. Their breaths became one as they rocked back and forth, losing themselves in the motion. She hardly noticed it when her panties ripped.

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