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Those kids are going to give Superman premature gray hair.

She had finally conceded and allowed Clark to fly them to Smallville. Mainly because if one more stranger asked to touch her belly she was going to murder someone and it was not going to be pretty. Bonus, everybody in Smallville already knew Clark Kent was Superman. She was tired of civilians ambushing Clark.

The air was brisk and unforgiving, but she didn't feel the cold when Clark held her. The babies were restless, poking and probing against her ribs, nagging her to feed them right now. She hadn't had a good night's sleep since the Doc dropped the 'twin' bomb on them. Every waking moment was either consumed by terror for Superman's safety or a need to have him inside her. She imagined they were on an extended honeymoon when she made love to Clark.

The hubby's eyes were glued to her stomach as if it were an R-rated movie, which put a damper on the thrill of being back in the skies with Superman. "She keeps looking at me funny," Clark shuddered. "Are you sure they're not developing microvision?"

The boy was just as restless as his sister. He opened and closed his mouth expectantly. He looks like a newborn pup searching for Mother's milk.

They seem to be gawking at me.

"You know what the kids want," Lois smirked, tightening her hold on Clark, teasingly brushing her lips against his mouth. He was warm and tasted of winter skies.

"Lois we can't!" Clark shuddered. "Any more and you'll give birth by the end of the week."

"That is the idea, Smallville," Lois said. She had convinced Clark to take the rest of the week off to tend to his pregnant wife's needs.

"We're not ready," Clark pointed out. "The nursery isn't set up and we have no baby clothes."

"They can sleep with us the first few weeks," Lois reasoned. "We can keep them warm."

"How are we going to explain this to the public?"

Our coworkers don't know Lois is pregnant.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Cat probably already did her dirty work for her.

"Lois, we've only been away for five days," Clark touched down on the porch of the yellow Kent house, his face red with nerves. Five blissful days filled with love. "You were not showing on Tuesday," Clark felt the need to remind her again. "You've exploded!"

The door flew open at that opportune moment. "Oh my," Jonathan ogled Lois's large belly with the same horrorstruck expression as Clark. "Clark!" he frowned at his son. "You didn't tell me Lois was pregnant!"

"Lois is pregnant!" Martha's red head popped over her husband's shoulder to gawk at Lois. "I told you Jonathan didn't I tell you. . . Oh my God!!!" she glared at Clark and whacked him upside the head. "How dare you keep us in the dark for so long."

"Yeah, what your mother said!"Jonathan couldn't stop staring at the bundle of trouble.

"We just found . . ."

"I didn't want to get your hopes up," Lois butted in. "And disappoint you." Clark's jaw formed a tight line. He glared at her angrily.

That's it. I'm sleeping on the couch.

"Oh, honey!" Mama pushed Clark aside and enveloped her daughter-in-law in a tight hug, baby bump and all. "You could never disappoint me." she cupped a hand over the bump, laughing gaily as she felt a rather hard kick. "Feisty little tyke."

"You have no idea," Clark grumbled, crossing his arms. "I haven't slept in weeks!"

"Daddy can rest once you're here," Mama crooned at the bump, rubbing lethargic circles along the stomach. Lois was starting to feel uncomfortable. She would have snapped Martha's head off if she were a stranger. "Oh, yes, we're super excited to meet you, baby Kent!"

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