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Lois strolled into the Daily Planet, munching on a bagel and cream cheese - it was the best she could do without her resident super chef. Damn, she would kill for some of Mama K's signature bacon drenched in maple syrup and brown sugar. Not just any maple syrup, the homemade kind from Smallville.

She tried not to think about the fact Clark wasn't there when she woke up. It won't be the first time Superman pulled an all-nighter, but still, she worried. She didn't used to worry this much about Clark, but after a certain amount of close calls, she finally understood Martha Kent's agony.

She squeezed into the seat at her desk and grimaced when the elastic on her jeans snapped in protest. Lois swore. This was the last time she did laundry without a super supervising her. These were the third pair of pants she shrunk in the wash.

A large red gift basket sat on her desk, obscuring her vision of the bullpen. She grinned. Superman struck again. Inside sat a huge white teddy bear wearing a white T-shirt with Asian art and an assortment of goodies; dumplings, Chinese candy she didn't know the name of, and mushy pork, amongst other delicacies she didn't recognize. There was enough Chinese food to last for an entire week. She found the heart-patterned envelope and opened it. A Pregnancy test fell into her lap. She rolled her eyes and read the card.

With you by my side, I will never be alone.

Happy Valentine's Day, LadyTruth

Ps: Let me know if I'm right.

Lois recalled Clark's words from last night with trepidation. She quickly hid the pregnancy test in her purse before any nosy reporters could see. She was not pregnant. Then why did she feel so big and heavy? It was a struggle to fit into her bra this morning. Her pants had shrunk in the wash. Her pants fit just fine two days ago!

Snap out of it!

Clark was playing with her mind. She was not eating for two. But he was right about one thing; he hadn't eaten a full meal in a while. She stole food from his plate at Christmas, but he didn't complain. The Kents' cooking was worth dying over. Being Lois Lane, an intrepid, investigative reporter, meant there was no telling when her next meal would be. It was a dangerous world they lived in.

"In your dreams, Smallville," Lois shoved the remainder of the bagel into her mouth and clicked the monitor open, ignoring the pregnancy test calling her name.

She did her best to transfer her shorthanded notes to a Google doc she shared with the hubby. Clark could fix any appalling spelling when he returned. She frowned at the doodle of the Bat signal next to a square that resembled a Jackson Pollock painting.

What was she thinking when she wrote that? It could be a note to remind Bruce Wayne of the upcoming board meeting at The Daily Planet or something more sinister. A poorly drawn arrow impaled the Jackson Pollock painting and there was a circle with a question mark inside. Oh! WayneTech robbed, investigate. With quick, practiced hands Lois dialed WayneTech's mainline.

"Top of the morning to you!" an overly chipper woman answered. "Roxy Seeley at your back and call," she said all smiles. "I'm super thrilled you called WayneTech, home of the best technology in the world - we're here to make your stay on this planet as smooth and painless as possible."

"I had no idea living on Earth was so painful," Lois said, unable to stifle her laughter. "Do you have thingamobobs, something to help me breathe on Mars?" Lois bit down on her tongue to hide her laughter.

"Not a problem," Roxy said, not once losing her chipper demeanor. "WayneTech prides itself in being able to turn your dreams into a reality." Lois laughed. The other end went silent. "You were joking," the receptionist realized. "Ha, ha, hilarious. How can I help you, Miss . . .?"

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