❤️-Take A Hike!

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Moon yawned as he walked into the daycare. It is early, but I have to wash my work clothes. Moon grabbed his clothes and brought them to the laundry mat. Pre-soaking the oil stained ones before turning it on.

"Mmmgh I should have done this yesterday..." Moon muttered to himself.

Moon set a timer, then went for a walk to wake himself up. He continued to think; what was Solar planning on doing today? What would this even be considered, I don't think I've ever 'gone out' with someone since... Since Roxanne? That; one was a date and two was before the memory wipe. Moon came out of his trance when his alarm went off. Making him walk back. To flip the laundry.

He grabbed a pair of clothing when It was dry and changed into it. He then grabbed the rest and brought it back to the daycare. He placed the clothes away and turned to see the daycare, Sun walking in and getting ready for the day.

"Hey Sun!" Moon called.

"Hey brother!" Sun replied.

Moon grabbed the wire and jumped down properly greeting his brother.

"Need any help?" Moon asked.

"All good!" Sun assured.

"Alrighty!" Moon acknowledged.

Moon walked to the desk and just sat there, waiting for the children. He was generally in charge of security during the day. Lunar would help the kids find where to go. Earth ran her own quiet corner where Lunar usually was unless Moon called for a guide for a late kiddo or someone lost. Sun ran the daycare, with Moon helping when kids got too rough.

When the first kid came in Moon checked them in and sent them off. The kids going to the "cozy corner" would stay with Moon until Lunar could pick them up.

Today wasn't that busy, it was a Tuesday anyway. Tuesdays were never that busy. Maybe a couple chaotic kids but that's about it.

By the end of the day Solar came down from the theater and waited by the door. Moon mistook this as a parent and walked out without looking and asked who they were picking up. Never looking up from the clipboard he had.

"Hello, who may you be picking up?" Moon asked, finally looking up.

"Uh.. you?" Solar joked.

"Oh, Solar!" Moon looked up to Solar seeing him dressed in his uniform. He had never really seen it before. It was adjacent to a suit almost fully black with the exception of the orange shirt underneath his formal vest.

"Moon?" Solar called.

"Huh? Oh, uh... Just let me finish this up." Moon explained.

"Yeah." Solar sat down next to Moon at the desk.

Once all the kids were out and Sun and Earth were done cleaning up their respective areas Solar drove Moon off to a forest trail.

"What are we doing?" Moon asked.

"Surprise." Solar simply replied.


Solar opened the truck of the car picking up a backpack. And two water bottles, handing one to Moon.

"A hike?" Moon guessed

"Not quite, but yes." Solar answered.


Solar and Moon both hiked up a mountain through a thicket of trees to a small rocky area with a view over the city. Solar placed down a blanket and the backpack.

"Holy shit..." Moon cussed.

Moon looked off into the distance as he sat down.

"Where... How did you find this?" Moon corrected himself.

Solar just shrugged. "I have my ways."

Solar pulled out some snacks and a dinner for the two of them.

"Why..?" Moon hesitated. "Why today? Why me? This seems oddly romantic to do with me..."

Solar looked away. Moon noticed this and like a switch had been flipped his face went from confusion to realization. "Wha.. wait what.." Moon paused and tried again. "What do you see me as?"

"Moon... I- I like you, romantically." Solar explained. He was still looking away but his body was quivering.

Moon hugged him from behind, causing Solar to gasp. "I- ah.. I have to think, but thank you for telling me." Moon said.

Solar turned around and hugged him tightly. He was shaking. "I was- this shouldn't have gone this way..."

"Hey It's okay, we can still hang out today. I just have to think about this. I'm not going anywhere." Moon hushed. "Take a breath."

As Solar did so Moon rubbed his back until he deemed that he was okay.

"Okay, what are we doing today?" Moon asked. Changing the topic.

Solar took another deep breath. "We will be having dinner: sandwiches. And we have snacks as well.... It's in the bag. Oh! And since we are facing west we can watch the sunset!"

"Lovely..." Moon mentioned.

He picked up a sandwich and began to eat it.

(793 words)

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