🤐 Her Silence 🤐

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Abhi's Pov

"And that's all for the time gentlemen" the bald headed man said.

I am sitting in the conference room attending the meeting and seeing the presentation regarding the upcoming project and for fuck's sake. These are all bullshit. I am frustrated. They are not doing anything good. This will end up in loss.

I am handling the US branch and here at the same time. After that night, I didn't even get the time to have a proper conversation with her. It's been 2 weeks. I come to office, work till late, go home, again work and sleep. Yes sleep. She do not says anything but sleeps on her side keeping her extended to my side.

This woman is something else

She is also running here and there telling everyone what to do and what not. Everyone is fucking busy, including V and that's the most surprising thing. The only good thing happening nowadays is waking up with her in my arms. May be she don't know. In the morning, I wake up before her and see her entangled with me. Mostly her head in the crook of my neck or chest, hands over my torso, legs over mine, my hands on her waist holding her tightly. But I untangles myself very softly and go to gym. When I come back she will be in the kitchen. Forget about talks, I can't even see her properly.

"Mr Rathore what is your opinion on this project. Are you ready to invest?" The director asked.

"Mm hmm. I will think and make a call" I said standing up.


I cut him off by saying,

"It's nice meeting you Mr Chopra"

I exited the room. It's frustrating. I fucking need a smoke.

On the way to my cabin, I saw my wife laughing with Ritesh. They were doing something with files, talking and laughing. I couldn't handle it more.

I will go mad

She is not smiling at me, laughing on my talks, talking to me normally these days and here there is some other things. I stormed to my cabin.

After smoking a cigar, I took a seat and check the file regarding the Saini's project. And fuck it's all wrong. If this happens then the whole company's reputation will be ruined.

"I want the entire project team who worked in Saini's project in the conference room in fucking 5 minutes or else pack your bags and get ready to leave" I seethed through the phone to my PA

After 5 minutes, I entered the conference hall to see the people shivering and bickering to each other. As I entered the hall became pin drop silent.

"Good morning my dear employees" I said sweetly taking a seat

They all wished me back stuttering

"Hmm... Care to explain who did this very nice project. I want to appreciate them personally" I faked a smile and stood up.

"S-sir it w-was m-my t-team" Sandeep said the project head.

"Oh.... So you are the one" I said putting the file down.

"Y-yes sir"

"Do I pay you all for this shit" I asked calmly yet deadly tone.

"Sorry sir but-" he started

I cut him off by saying, more likely yelling


"But s-sir, w-what we-went wr-wrong?" He asked stuttering

Bitch I will......


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