Amara ❤️

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I woke up by the usual chaos happening in my house. I can hear Achan (father) shouting at Luv Kush. I can hear Amma (mother) defending them. Everything happening early in the morning. Now rise and shine 🌞. I stood up from my bed and walked to my window which directs to the balcony. I drew the curtains apart and saw that it's still early morning, may be 6:00 or 6:30.

Freshening up, I went to the kitchen wished my parents, but they are still that typical malayalees who don't believe in these kind of habits. I helped Amma in making the breakfast and helped my brothers in tying their tie. Oh! God, these monkeys.

Then I noticed the time it's half past 8. Wow! Just wow. I will be late.

Entering the bedroom I closed the door and took a shower. I got ready wearing a saree and took my blazer in my hand along with my bag and water bottle. I rushed through the stairs and met a very angry Amma. Why is she angry? Then I remembered tomorrow is V's engagement. I am doomed!!! She denied me to go to office today but today I have to attend an important meeting. I walked downstairs while showing her my most innocent smile and tried to walk past her. But yeah she was ofcourse my mother. She stopped me.

"Care to explain where are you off to?" She asked glaring me.

I chucked nervously and said, "Hehehe, Amma today I have to attend an important meeting. I have to join sir for this. I swear I will be here before you know."

"Before I know? That means before noon?" She asked

"No no , I mean yeah but at noon."
"I just want to go there attend the meeting and come back. Nothing more nothing less"

"Ok. But if you step inside in my house after noon then the consequences will be much worse than you think'' she said.

That's it I know my mother. She says that the consequences will be much worse blah blah and blah but she will just scold me and says that no ice creams fro a week. And again she will bring me ice cream if I sulk.

Without wasting my time I rushed to the front door kissed Achan's cheeks and went waving a bie to him.

Soon I reached Rathores Inc. I walked through the entrance shoving my ID in the scanner and entered the building. Just when I entered I saw V. What is he doing here. I thought he went to pick up his beloved best friend other than me from the airport. I am not jealous ok! It's just ahhm... what to say, yeah, just more love towards my bestfriend.

I walk past many employees greeting them and reached Vihaan aka my V.
We are childhood besties. He is one year older than me but I never treated him as eldest other than in the days of rakshabandhan. When I shifted here with my parents, we met V and his parents. They were our neighbours opposite to our house. When he was 7 his parents died in an accident and from then we are a family of 6 including this duffer. We went to school hand in hand. He treated me as a sister and a friend. We were Bros but when we passed school he got a scholarship to study abroad. He didn't need a scholarship he was hell rich. But he chose to stay with us till his tenth standard and then shifted to his house opposite to us.
Soon the day came when we part ways. Oh god! I am getting emotional. Then he went to US and I here in India but we called everyday. He got a bestfriend there. His Abhi. And I got my bestfriend Shyama here when I went to college. And then when I call him he met my Shyams and fell for her. He narrates every incident happening there and I the thing happening here.

After finishing his internship he came back and then I think I was doing my masters. He entered Rathores Inc. as it was the company of his beloved best friend Abhi and yes he is my boss's one and only son. I have seen his photographs and hell he looks arrogant and yeah but handsome. Then after completing my long struggle in managing my masters in business and literature parallely I also joined the Rathores.

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