♤¹ ᵂᵉˡᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ᴴᵉˡˡ♤

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"Fuck you! You fucking jackass! Go to hell!" You shouted at your partner.

The two of you had gotten into a heated argument that got physical.

"Why don't you go to hell!" Your partner grabbed the closest thing next to them and charged right at you.

A sharp object peirce your chest, right into your heart.

The pain didn't last very long when it just all went black.


You slowly opened your eyes groaning gently as you slowly sat up, your thought fuzzy as well as your vision. You slowly collected yourself, standing to your.. paws?

You wobbled a little before looking around. It took a moment to process when you finally realized it. It felt like your heart stopped when you finally realized what had happened. "Mother.. fucker!" You shouted, stamping yout paw onto the ground. "You sick son of a bitch..you sent me to hell.." You cursed.

Some demons had stopped just to glance at or stare at you while you had a fit.

You felt their eyes on you as looked up. "The fuck are you all looking at?" You grumbling angrily and began to walk.

You had stomped around before stopping right in front of a shop, glancing into the window at the merchandise before noticing your reflection.

Jumping back, you felt your tail puffing up. "Wh-what?" Gently touching your face, feeling the whiskers and fur that covered it. You slowly turned your head looked back, seeing a long poofy tail gently swaying side to side. "Well.. I'm a goddamn cat.. I.. hate cats.." You mumbled angrily before backing up to get a better look at your new body.

Your fur was a light grey with white and dark grey markings decorating your fur. It was quite beautiful and unique.

You sighed deeply, wrapping your arms around yourself as you began to continue to explore, bit watching where you were going you suddenly bumped into a large demon, causing them to turn and growl. "What were ya going, cat!"

"Why don't you move out of the way instead of standing there like an idiot.." You mumbled under your breath.

"What what that? !" The demon grabbed you by the neck. "I'll show you!"

"Woah! There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!" A feline sinner ran over. "I'm sorry sir! We were supposed to meet up! They must have gotten lost! I'm glad I found you!" They spoke.

Their fur was tan with leopard markings and  black glitched patches decorating their fur. As well as large brown and tan wings with black tips

Their heterochromia eyes glanced at you before they brought their attention back to the demon.

The demon glared at the feline. "Make sure you keep em on a leash bitch.." He pushed you towards the other feline.

"Okay then! Let's get going, shall we? Friend?" They looked at you.

"Yeah, let's.." You glared at the demon before being pulled away by the sinner.

"Man, that was close, wasn't it? Heh.." They smiled gently. "Hey, I've never seen you around before.. do you happen to be new?" They spoke sweetly.

You eyed the feline crossing your arms. "Mm.."

"Hehe, well then, welcome to hell! It's nice to see a somewhat familiar feline species as me! Well, I mean, we aren't technically the same, but you get the point.. eh.. anywho! I'm Nicole!" They stuck out their paw.

You hesitated but gently grabbed ahold of their paw, shaking it. "Y/N.. um thanks for helping me back there."

Nicole smiled brightly. "No problem! Hey, you got a place to stay?" They suddenly asked.

You stood there puzzled. "Are.. you asking me to come to your place? We just met.."You pulled your paw away crossing your arms again.

Nicole titled their head. "Oh! No! No! Haha! No! I'm asking because I stay at this hotel free housing, and we have some rooms open and stuff. I mean, if you already had somewhere to go.." They looked at them.

"Wait hold up.. a place to stay? I'm lost.." You shook your head.

"Oh, well, even though you're dead and in hell doesn't mean your life stops, you still need a job, money, and place to stay, so basically like a second life in the afterlife, but you're dead! And if you don't have money or.. a place to stay you're on the streets." Nicole explained.

You stood there clearly not thrilled about living in the streets, you forced a smile. "Can you take me to this hotel?"

"Mhm! Follow me!" Nicole smiled brightly and began to walk

You began to follow them.

Thus marks a new chapter In Y/N's um afterlife :D Hope yall enjoy this! And if ya'll are curious Nicole is a oc of mine ;3 so ye! Enjoy! ♡

Here's some art of Nicole (all by me!♡)

(Nicole goes by They/Them/She/He♡)

(Nicole goes by They/Them/She/He♡)

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