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Alastor stood there a wide smirk planted across his lips. "Your soul? Sure!" He stuck his hand out.

You looked at him, then at his hand, were you that desperate to know? Wouldn't Nicole be upset about that?

Husker suddenly walked over, getting between the two of you. "Y/N will not be doing that.." He spoke firmly. You looked up at Husker, you opened your mouth to speak. "Alastor.. that is enough.." Nicole stumbled over, standing tall. "You really are sick in the head.. You know that?"

They walked up to him, their face inches away from his, at that moment they didn't care if they were facing Lucifer himself, they were tired of Alastor trying to take advantage of anyone. "That's enough.. As long as I'm here.. You will be making no more deals with anyone.. Do you understand me?" They spoke firmly, their voice cold like ice, their eyes piercing into his.

Alastor stood there looking completely unfazed, he examined them, his smile widening, he tapped his cane against the floor. "You sure are brave.. Speaking to me in such a way one wouldn't dare speak to me.. I admire you for that, even after all the injuries you have substained, my dear." He spoke. His eyes then traveled over to Husker. "You have some nerve as well." Nicole stood in front of the two. "Leave him alone.." They attempted to shield them with her wings. "Ah, you seem to forget that I own Husker my dear.. He belongs to me, I do to him as I please." His voice deepened, his radio filter growing louder as he spoke, without another word he turned around and walked off, humming happily.

Nicole lowered thier wings. "Nicole you should-" You were cut off by a hug. "Are you... Crazy?! Selling your soul just to find out who the hell did this to me?!" They pulled away their paws on your shoulder. "I mean I thought you were crazy, but not this crazy!"

Husker placed his paw on your shoulder. "They got a point what's gotten into you?" You looked at the two sighing. "I.. Just.. hated seeing you like that Nicole.. Knowing someone hurt you? It hurts me, and I wanted to do something about it." You looked down. "I mean.. I agree with you but selling your soul to... Him ain't gonna do nothin' for you, he probably doesn't know right?" Husker shrugged.

Nicole looked at the two. "He probably does.. But I haven't been.. honest with ya'll.." They admitted. "Well apperently it's a small fucking afterlife because I ran into my buddy Rick.. I didn't even recognize the asshole but he sure in hell recognized me.. and well.. he must have made some real good friends here." They gently scratched the back of their neck mumbling gently.

You stood there looking at them. "You weren't going to tell us were you?" Nicole shook their head. "He's... dare I say dangerous? Stronger than I remember death must have been good to him or something.. I was planning on going back to give him back what he gave me.. But.. I would have probably come back worse or..."

"Not come back at all?" Husker raised an eyebrow. "Now that's stupid.." You nodded in agreement. "Really stupid, you didnt want to tell us because you thought we'd go and get ourselves killed.. Right?" you asked. Nicole nodded. You huffed. "Well.. You're kind of right but we would have made a plan first right Husk?" You looked at him, he nodded firmly.

Nicole looked at the two smiling. "Well.. How about this.. I heal up, and we all go to kick his fucking ass, ye?" They spoke firmly.

"Deal!" You hugged then. Nicole hugged you back.

The rest of the day was slow, Nicole had went back to their room to rest up and you decided to spend the rest of your day with Husker. The both of you enjoyed each other company.

Husker glanced at you as you took a sip of some soda you order, he cleared his throat. "Hey.. question." You looked over at him and smiled placing your cup down. "Mhm?" You tilted your head. "You feel like.. going out again? Um.. Like.. Uh.. another friendly date?" He cleared this throat. You looked at him, you could feel your cheeks heat up, you nodded quickly. "I don't see why not?" You giggled softly.

Husker smiled gently nodding. "Great.." He looked turned around to put a cup away, he was trying his hardest to contain his feelings, but it was hard, he really did like you.. More like loved you, he fell for you more when he got to know you more, enjoyed being around you, he wanted to tell you how he really felt but was a little afraid to. 'I.. can tell them tomorrow.. I have nothing to lose right?' He thought to himself looking at back you, smiling gently.

You were lost in your own thoughts. 'It's just a friendly date! It's not even a date just an outing for two friends, right? Yeah!... Yeah..' You let out a shaky sigh shaking your head. 'Don't over think it..'


Kept this chapter short :D I wanna put the 'friendly date in it's own chapter, mmm I feel the spice come in >:D so be prepared! HDFHH

Ash out!♡

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