♡⁵ ᵀʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ..♡

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Y/N's room was quiet the only sound heard was their soft breaths. The light from the red sky shined through a small opening from the curtains.

The light hit Y/N's eyes, causing them to wake up.

You slowly shuffled in your bed, groaning lightly, not appreciating the light hit your eyes.

Slowly, you sat up, groaning gently. Your head pounding. You glanced around your room, confused about how you got here. You threw your legs to the side, slowly rising from your bed. The door of your room slowly opened.

Nicole's ears perked up as they saw you standing. "Oh God Y/N you're okay!" They whispered/yelled. They held a tray containing your breakfast and some medication for your pain.

"Yeah.. yeah.. fuck.. my head." You mumbled.

Nicole walked over, placing the tray down. "No, please don't move, stay."

"Please, Nicole, I'm fine." You insisted.

"No, no, you need rest after that bonk across your head. Here, I brought you food and medication for your head." Nicole nodded.

You looked at them and gave them a grateful look, sitting back down on your bed.

Nicole picked the tray back up, placing it in your lap, you began to eat right away. Nicole watched you for a moment before clearing their throat. "You know if you're wondering how you got here.. I'm just telling you now I didn't bring you to your room, and you'll never guess who did." They spoke gently.

You gave them a side glance before looking over at them, your cheeks full of food crumbs around your mouth. "Mm, Angel?" You spoke with your mouth full, which caused Nicole to laugh.

"Nope guess again." Nicole smiled.

You looked down before swallowing your food. "Charlie? Um Vaggie? Um.." He began to name people that you knew.

"Husker did, he saved us yesterday, brought you up here and cared for your wound." Nicole spoke.

You looked at them, snorting gently. "Yeah okay sure." You shook your head, not remembering the events from last night.

"You think I'd lie about that?" Nicole asked.

You looked back at them, you looked at their facial expression then into their eyes, they looked sincere. "R-really?" You asked, feeling your cheeks heating up a little.

Nicole nodded. "Mhm, he did, like I said Husker is an asshole but he still had a heart." They stood up. "Me and Angel already thanked him." They nodded before walking away leaving you alone.

You sat there. "He.. no.. he just did it because he felt he had to.. right?.. right?" You shook your head as you spoke to yourself. "I mean the least I can do is thank him.. though.." You nodded before finishing up your breakfast taking the medication and standing up.

You quickly changed your clothes to something more comfortable before walking out of your room to the bar.

As you suspected, Husker was there, tending to the bar.

You took a deep breath in walking over.

Husker gave you a quick glance before looking back down at the cup he was cleaning.

You took a seat at the bar, breathing out gently, you looked at him and opened your mouth to say something.

"You want something?" Husker spoke not looking back up at you.

"Um no.. well not drink wise.. I um.. thanks for.. um saving us yesterday, for saving me yesterday." You spoke shyly.

Husker glanced up at you, his yellow eyes looking into your e/c (eye color) eyes. "Don't mention it.." He mumbled.

"And.. for.. caring for um me, I mean my wound that is." You added.

Husker nodded his head gently before turning his back towards you putting the clean cup away. "Anything else?" He asked.

"No.. I thank you-" You mumbled before standing, you glanced back at him, his back still towards you.

You let out a shaky sigh before walking off.

Husker turned back around, watching you walk away, his expression softening, he shook his head grumbling before going back to do his work.

As you walked you accidentally bumped into someone stumbling back. "Shit! My bad I-" you stop as you looked at the figure.

A tall demon dressed in a red suit tapped his cane on the ground. "Well hello, my dear~" His radio filtered voice spoke. "You must be our newest member yes? Mm, heard you got into quiet of a scruffle, yes?" He smiled as he spoke, it never left his lips.

You just stood there a shiver going down your spin.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Alastor, facility manager of this hotel." He smiled as he spoke, this head titling.

"Um.. I'm um.. Y/N-" You spoke.

"Oh don't be scared my dear! I won't bit-"

"He will if you get too close.." Husker spoke from behind you.

"Oh Husker my good friend, how are you this lovely day?" Alastor glanced at him.

Husker huffed. "Stay away from this freak show Y/N.." He spoke firmly, glaring at Alastor. The atmosphere around the three began to change, it was tense, and felt heavy.

"Freak show? Oh Husker the only freak here is-"

"Hey Y/N- oh hey Alastor long time no see!" Nicole smiled brightly walking over breaking the tension between the two.

You sighed in relief.

"Ah Nicole my dear, lovely to see your bright smile once again." Alastor chuckled.

"Mhm! Yours too! Hey is it okay if I steal Y/N here?" Nicole wrapped their arm around yours, pulling you away.

You glanced at the two males.

Husker huffed angrily towards Alastor, then glanced over at you. You could have sworn you saw a smile before he turned and walked off.

Nicole looked around, making sure they were alone before letting you go. "Listen to me carefully Y/N" She suddenly got serious. "Alastor is no ordinary sinner. He's an overlord who owns a lot of souls and is very powerful. One thing on his mind is to make deals for your soul." She spoke quietly.

You looked at her. You weren't used to seeing her so serious, but you understood why.

"He'll trick you into it, so when you're around him, be very, very careful, okay?" Nicole's smile came back. "Now for the good news."

You titled your head. "Good news?" *Man, she can change moods like nothing-* You thought to yourself.

"Mhm, I talked to my boss about work, and well you start tomorrow!"

1106 Words WOAH HECK YES anyways I hope yall like it <3 I'm trying my best to upload a new chapter every day! And keep them semi long <3, so enjoy :D

Ash out <3

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