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"You start tomorrow!" Nicole's voice beamed with excitement.

"Oh- wow that fast? Ah hah- I don't know what to say.. um thank you." You smiled brightly sticking your paw for a paw shake. They grabbed ahold of your paw but instead of shaking it she pulled you in hugging you tightly. "You're welcome."

You froze at the sudden embrace but you didn't seem to mind, hugging them back.


The day passed by quickly. Nicole had you with them almost the whole day, laughing and having fun.

You grew more attached to them, they was like an older sibling, to you. They also viewed you as a sibling they've always wanted but never had.

It was close to the end of the day, the two of you walked over to the bar sitting down, giggling like two idiots.

Husker looked at the two of you raising an eyebrow. "What can ya two?" He asked leaning against the counter.

"A red wine for me." Nicole smiled.

"Eh whiskey." You smiled.

Husker nodded getting the drinks. His movements were graceful and careful as he poured the drinks, setting them infront of the two.

Nicole pulled out their wallet.

"You know you don't need to pay." Husker grumbled.

"I know, we've gone through this already." Nicole handed the money to Husker.

He groaned taking it.

Nicole smiled proudly.

You looked at them and laughed looking back at Husker your eyes meeting with his. You looked away, taking a sip of your drink, your face cringing at the strong taste.

Nicole laughed at your face you made taking a sip of their own drink.

Husker watched the both of you, a small smile pulled at the corner of his lips.

Nicole gasped. "Husker you're smiling." They teased.

You looked over at Husker, his cheeks visibly getting a light pink. "Oh wow he is!" You joined in.

Husker mumbled under his breath looking away, the smile never leaving his lips.

You felt your heart flutter at the sight if his small smile.

Nicole seemed notice your mood change, raising an eyebrow, but said nothing.

You cleared your throat. "So kitty can smile then?" You continued to tease Husker.

Husker looked at you and huffed. "I'm not emotionless you know?" He crossed his arms.

"I know but you've rarely smiled, or.. so what I heard, right Nicole?" You turned to see Nicole had left, leaving you alone with Husker.

You suddenly grew nervous, Husker seemed to notice and chuckled gently which sent a small shiver down your spine.

"Not so tough without your friend hm?" Husker spoke
You huffed and pouted. "I-I don't need them here, but.. you look nice with a smile.." You mumbled quickly downing your drink before standing up quickly walking off.

Husker watched you leave, he felt something in his chest as he let your words sink in.


The next morning came by, you had gotten up early and got dressed for your first day of work, of course you were nervous but you were more excited.

You sprinted down to the lobby to meet Nicole.

Nicole waited for you, once you got there you two began your journey.

"Now this isn't permanent, they just want to see how you work, and if they like it they'll hire you permanently." Nicole explained smiling.

You nodded firmly smiling. "I'll make you proud!"

The walk wasn't too bad nor far.

You stopped once you saw the building. Your eyes widened.

"What?" Nicole asked.

"You.. work at this casino?!" You looked at her.

From what you heard this casino was very popular in hell, everyone comes here, even the overlords of hell themselves come here.

Nicole titled their head. "Yeah? What's the big deal?" They smiled. "Come on don't need you to be late for you're first day!" They grabbed your hand dragging you in.

The interior of the casino was outstanding, the room was decorated with gold, red, and black, it looked so luxurious. You felt so out of place here.

The casino was also very busy with customers being well.. famous.

Nicole dragged your through the crowd getting you to the employee area.

A large and tall female walked over, a stern expression painted on her face, she looked like she could snap you in half. She eyed the two.

"Reporting for duty Ma'am!" Nicole saluted their boss.

The female snickered then began to laugh. "Damn I can't keep myself serious around you darlin! I'm assumin you're Y/N? Right? Welcome aboard! Now your job is to make sure to tidy up, pick up trash you see serve customers, make sure they're happy, simple enough." She spoke gently. "I'm your boss Moon, so if you need anything come to me or little Goody two shoes here." She gestured to Nicole. "Here's your uniform." She handed you a folded up uniform.

Nicole showed you the changing room.

You walked in and changed your clothes. The uniform was comfortable, it just was a simple black and red suit with a golden bow, along with black pants. You smiled and walked out.

Nicole already dressed in their uniform. "Alright let's go! I'll teach you what ya need to know!" They lead you out.

As the day went by you learned alot, it was a little overwhelming but you seemed to catch on fast, Nicole left you alone for a while to see how'd you do, and you did pretty well. You handed out drinks, cigarettes and cigars, cleaned up after customers, all the works.

It was close to the end of your shift when one of your co-workers asked you to deliver drinks to the V.I.P.S, which you had no clue where that was but they told you.

As you walked to the V.I.P area with the drink you stopped at the curtain taking a deep breath in then out, you walked in.

The room was dark, there was tables of poker players. You looked around walking over to the table of players who orders drinks, you began to hand out the drinks when one of the players looked up at you. "Hey you're new." His voice spoke. "You're pretty cute, why don't you come here and sit on my lap?" He smirked.

You stood there, your eye twitching gently. "I'm sorry Sir, but I won't be able to do that." You tried your best to keep your cool.

"Oh come on kitty." He gripped your arm.

"Excuse me Sir, please don't touch our staff." Nicole suddenly spoke, she gripped onto his arm, squeezing it tightly.

"The fuck?" He glared at Nicole and opened his mouth to yell but hes face faltered. Nicole's eyes glowing a light red, her smile still on her face. "If you value your arm kindly let them go?"

The demon let go of you, you pulled back.

The other gamblers just watched.

"Thank you now enjoy your drinks and game." Nicole titled her head walking off.

You rubbed your arm following her out, glaring at the demon.


1184 Words :3 yep I'm on a role XD anyways enjoy this chapter ya'll;3 Ash out

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