♤⁹ ᴹⁱᵈⁿⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵀᵃˡᵏ♤

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It was around midnight, you couldn't sleep. Laying there as you stared up at the ceiling. You didn't know the reason why you weren't tired, sitting up you rubbed your face before getting out of bed walking downstairs to the lobby.

You could here talking as you got closer to the bottom of the stairs. You peeked around the corner to see Angel and Nicole talking, laughing as well.

Angel glanced over seeing you up. "Hey there sweetheart. Ain't sleepy?" He asked.

You sighed and walked over, you looked like a child being caught still up. "Yeah.. I don't know what's wrong, I just.. I feel so wide awake.. and earlier I was so tired but now I just-" you shrugged.

"We're not sleepy either, come sit down." Nicole smiled brightly.

You sat down between the two. "So whatcha talking about?" You asked.

"Ah just trying to get this kitty to go out on a date, a friendly date." Angel crossed his arms. "But they're a hard nut to crack."

"Eh I like seeing you suffer." Nicole purred as they talked.

Angel huffed and looked at you. "Hey you wanna go out? I bet you haven't seen much of hell since you got here."

"Hm.. sure! Sounds fun." You smiled brightly.

"I could even buy you some nicer clothes, you need em." Angel smiled.

"Hey, if Y/N is going then I'm going." Nicole spoke up. "It'll be nice to get them even better."

"Don't you guys hang out at work?" Angel asked.

"Nope we're both pretty busy, and Y/N wanted to hang out with Husker." Nicole nodded.

Angel smirked. "Oh? Husker? How interesting~" He teased gently poking at you.

You swatted at his hand. "It was a friendly conversation thank you very much!" You crossed your arms. "Sure it was kitty." He laughed.

"Hey quit poking at them Angel, or ima have to beat you up." Nicole playfully punched at the air causing you and Angel to burst out laughing.

"Then it's a date kitties! We're all going out tomorrow." Angel wrapped his arms around the two felines' shoulders giving them a gentle squeeze.

The three stayed up for a little while longer before they all began to grow tired, but none of them made it their rooms, they all had fallen asleep in the lobby.

You and Angel where leaning against each other Nicole was on the floor curled up.

"Aw my God Vaggie! Look at them!" Charlie's voice whispered.

"Yeah adorable. Were they here for the whole night?" Vaggie questioned.

"Probably, I bet they were bonding!" Charlie squeaked happily.

Your ears twitched gently, you stretched gently, opening your eyes you froze when you saw the two women watching you three. "Shit sorry I-"

"No! It's okay!" Charlie smiled brightly. "Glad to see you're making friends!" She spoke happily.

"Mm.. Charlie.. loud.." Angel mumbled rubbing his eyes.

Nicole lifted their head, stretching like a cat would, before standing up. "Morning already?.." They mumbled gently.

"Morning already! You three have plans?" Charlie asked.

"Matter fact we do, we're going into town." Angel spoke. "Taking these cuties shopping." He stood up.

"Oo! Fun! I hope you three have fun!" Charlie spoke. "I'll see you guys later! Come on Vaggie." She grabbed her partner's hand before walking off.

"You three slept out here?" Husker asked already at the bar.

"Did you watch us sleep whiskers?" Angel asked.

"No.." Husker mumbled. "Oh sure you didn't, was I a pretty sleeper? Tell me the truth Husky." Angel smirked.

Husker grumbled looking away, Angel began to chuckle. "How about Y/N, did you watch them sleep?~"

"Shut it.." Husker glared at him. You could feel your cheeks heat up. "Alright Angel that's enough with your teasing let's get our day started shall we?" Nicole smiled brightly.

"Aw kill joy." Angel crossed his arms, pouting playfully.

Husker watched the three interact between each other, though Y/N didn't say much they still included them in their conversation so they weren't left out. He couldn't help but smile gently, knowing that Y/N was with good people, he wondered himself if he could be good as Angel and Nicole. He really did want to get to know you more but didn't know how to act around you.

He would always feel funny around you, he didn't know what to say half of the time, he would usually hide all these feelings with his harshness, but he felt himself lose that around you, all he wanted to is to protect you, listen to you talk and be around you.

You glanced over at Husker smiling gently as your eyes locked onto his. He jumped quickly looking away, his cheeks glowing a bright red.

You titled your head before looking back at the two who were laughing at something stupid Angel had just said.

Husker looked back at you, he really didn't know what he felt, but he liked the new feeling that you made him feel.


Sorry for a shorter chapter:3 I wanna shove the date out in one whole chapter, so ye! Hope yall enjoy and see you in the next chapter <3

Ash out

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