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(bit of a sexual content here)

The next morning Cairo woke up, she remembered that she spent the night at that blonde soccer player's house and that she was currently lying next to her...

Cairo felt some sort of warmth in her belly, which felt odd...

She took her phone and turned around, now facing away from Ccshe opened her phone and saw it was only seven, she usually wakes up that time even on weekends today was Saturday

so she could sleep in if she wanted to, Cairo could try falling back asleep, but she knew she wouldn't be able to...

she felt arms wrapping around her body, then Cc's body pressing against hers her breath hitched when she felt Cc's soft breathing on her neck...

"Why are you up? Get some sleep" The blonde's voice was still raspy, and it seemed like Cairo liked that more than she should

"I can't sleep" Cc furrowed her brows and held Cairo a bit tighter, it felt odd, she was never held like this before, not like she didn't like it...

"Try maybe? It's Saturday, we don't have to do anything today" Cairo sighed and put her phone away, then put her hand on Cc's then locked their fingers together

what was weird was that Cairo actually fell back asleep, which she never done before, she usually just gets up because she's unable to fall back asleep...

What kind of a hold this girl had over her?...

Cc almost immediately fell back asleep without a problem...

Cairo slept until ten am, ten! She had never done that before...

but it felt good, she felt rested...

Cairo was wearing Cc's shirt, and some underwear but nothing else, she felt that the bed was empty next to her, which disappointed her...

she sat up and rubbed her eyes then looked around the room, Cc's bathroom door was open too, so she wasn't there, she assumed that the girl must be downstairs

Cairo pulled herself out of bed and stretched her hands in the air

"Damnit" she mumbled because her neck was hurting she probably slept in a wrong position

Cairo sighed and made her way downstairs, seeing Cc's family down in the kitchen having breakfast and talking, what confused her that she didn't see Cc there

"Morning honey" Jess greeted her with a soft smile on her face, Cairo sat down and smiled a bit

"Good morning" the brunette said her voice is still quiet

"Cc went out for a run like always, and she picks up some groceries for me on the way back, but she'll be back soon"

Cairo nodded and cracked her back a bit "Can I make you anything? I just made breakfast Wyatt" Cairo bit her lip, she never got breakfast made for her, only when she was five but not after that

"No, thank you, I don't eat in the morning, but a coffee would be good" Just as Cairo finished her sentence, Cc walked through the front door Jess started making coffee for Cairo

Wyatt finished his breakfast and leaned back on his chair, Bill was still eating,

Cc walked up to Jess and gave the bag to her mom, then looked at Cairo

"Hi" Cc said with a big smile and walked over to her then just stood next to her "Hey" Cc's smile grew bigger as Cairo looked up at her

Jess gave the coffee to Cairo
"Thank you" the girl said and sipped her coffee, Cc wanted to go upstairs but her hand was quickly held by Cairo, which surprised her but didn't complain

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