No fucking way!

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Cairo was outside of school it was currently lunch break and she was smoking a cigarette, she was alone her friends are non-smokers and Cairo was glad to take a break from them

"Hi" It was Cc she immediately recognized the voice, Cairo turned around and saw the blonde standing there with a big smile on her face

"Hey" the brunette replied, the next thing she knew was that she was in between Cc's strong arms, her head on her chest, arms wrapped around the girls waist

"How are you?" Cc asked as they continued the hug, Cairo shrugged, she didn't have Biology today, so she was good "Good, could be better"

Cc pulled back to look at the small latina's face

"Wanna talk about it?" Cairo made eye contact with Cc and shooked her head, but smiled a bit, their faces were just an inch away...

Cc took a deep breath feeling nervous, especially when Cairo smirked and took a small step closer, pressing their bodies against each others...

the blonde girl blushed badly, her mouth slightly fell open and just kept looking into the small ones eyes...

"Are you gonna fuck already?" Cairo looked confused for a second and looked in the way the voice came from, she immediately smiled and stepped away from Cc

who was confused a bit...

"No fucking way" Cairo said and hugged the girl tightly, who hugged her back without a second thought "Winnie, what are you doing here?" Cairo asked as she pulled away

"Ya know, was bored there without you and coach blew me off, so I transferred here, we're gonna be classmates" Cairo smiled and pushed Winnie a bit

Cc stood there and felt like she should go but before she could turn around Cairo looked at her with a big smile on her face

Cc had never seen her smile like that...

"Cc, this is Winnie, my best friend from my old school, I told you about her" Cc nodded and shooked hands with the girl and introduced herself and the girl did the same thing

Cairo didn't really tell much about her to Cc, just that she had a best friend that she left at her old school, and that was pretty much it...

"I should go, I need to get to practice, bye" Cc said and walked away in a hurry, Cairo was a bit confused but just waved and watched the blonde girl walk away

"So, what's going on with her? She's your girlfriend?" Winnie asked and Cairo shooked her head "No, she's a friend" Winnie smirked and nodded

"So you wanna fuck her" Cairo laughed and bit her lip "Yes, I do" the taller girl patted her on the back and smiled

"That's my girl, now wanna go and do something?" the small one raised an eyebrow

"You just got here, gonna ditch school on your first day?" Winnie laughed and lit up a cigarette, which Cairo took out of her mouth and took a hit

Winnie rolled her eyes and lit another up for herself

"No, I start tomorrow, thought I come by and surprise you" Cairo nodded then began walking, Winnie followed her without a second thought

"Where are we going?" The taller one asked and Cairo shrugged "I don't know, the park? I know a really quiet spot where we can smoke and catch up, whatcha say?"

Winnie nodded "Lead the way little lady" Cairo rolled her eyes but also smiled a bit

Cc felt something, was it jealousy? no...

that can't be! they aren't even together! stop this Cc Walker!

"Yo, what's up? you're really quiet" Cc looked up and saw her friend Harper standing there with a smile on her face, Cc shooked her head

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