Chapter 15: Unexpected

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Chang'An is huge.

It has taken them the better part of the afternoon to get this far, and Wei Ying is seriously considering whether they will be finished with their business by the evening, because even if they get themselves announced at the Royal Palace, it is doubtful whether or not the Emperor will agree to seeing them so soon.

They are steadily walking at a brisk pace when Huaisang announces that they only have a few li to go until they reach his maternal home.

"Tell us about your family," Wei Ying asks Huaisang, just to pass the time.

There's only so many stalls and rich people he can amuse himself with before they all start to look the same, and he's bored. Plus, Huaisang looks way too sad behind his fan, and at least this conversation will ease him out from his melancholy.

"There's my *Waipo (*grandmother), my Jiujiu, his wife, my Jiuma, and their daughter, my *Biaomei (*younger female cousin on maternal side). I will introduce you all properly when we get there." He smiles to himself.

"They know we're coming?" Wei Ying doesn't want to sound accusatory, but then, this is Nie Huaisang he's talking to, the Master of Espionage and Deception.

"I thought it would be more polite if they were aware of our visit. It is best to avoid any misunderstandings, you know? So I sent them a missive last night. I probably should have said something to you about that, though. My apologies."

"That's okay, just don't do it again. I bet, when you're pulling on so many strings, it must get hard keeping track of what's going on," Wei Ying says sweetly, even if his tone is anything but. "I dislike being kept in the dark."

"Noted." Huaisang doesn't appear upset by his barb.

"When was the last time you visited your grandparents then?" Wei Ying changes the subject then, fully aware that he can voice his dissatisfaction to Huaisang, but that doesn't mean Huaisang will change his ways.

Once a puppet master, always a puppet master, and no amount of lip service can change that.

"When I was eight, I visited with my mother. Then, a few years back, I managed to make time for another visit. We've kept in touch via letters, though."

Wei Ying gives a low whistle. "So what, you're thirty five-ish now? And you've only come here twice now?." And yet, Huaisang hasn't faltered once in his direction.

"They keep me up to date." Huaisang shrugs, clearly uncomfortable with where the conversation is going.

"So what about your grandfather? Is he-" Wei Ying shuts up immediately when Huaisang grabs his forearm and squeezes, hard enough to leave a bruise.

He gives Wei Ying a curt, miniscule shake of his head, signalling that this wasn't the time or the place to talk about that person now.

"Inside, later," he murmurs so gently that Wei Ying wonders if they were actual words and not a whisper in the wind.

They turn a corner and come to a wide, imposing gate connected to the long and expansive wall they've been walking alongside for a while now.

The door barring the way is red with gold writing, an engraving of the Emperor's Seal, and the characters for the Cheng family. There's a servant girl waiting for them quietly, head bowed, and standing still until they are ready.

"Wei-Xiong, there is the Imperial abode, Tiantang Chengbao." Huaisang points it out in the distance.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying look to where he gestured just a second ago, mindful that it is of a supreme disrespect to point at anything connected to royalty here, in the capital city.

They can see hundreds of steps all painted red leading up to a huge, imposing building with clean lines. Dark mahogany beams and framework hold white lattice walls in place, and men that look like ants patrol the top landing. There's a massive courtyard in front and all around it, and somehow, it manages to look regal and foreboding at the same time. Red decorations and the red gate symbolise the Emperor's presence within.

Even from this distance, they can make out the curly winding body of a ceramic red dragon decorating the roof.

"Wow," Wei Ying breathes out.

It's hard not to feel overwhelmed by the structure's greatness and their close proximity to a legendary figure that they've only read and heard tales about regarding his bravery and prowess in battle before.

"We're going to have to go there, then?" He murmurs, looking at Huaisang.

"Highly probable. But first, let us meet my family." Huaisang tilts his head at the maid when she bows, and then they follow her inside.

There are guards waiting on the inside of the gate, and they close the door, standing to attention as the little party of four walks past.

Cherry trees line the front compound all along their path, and they can see countless gardeners and their helpers climbing up sturdy trunks to trim branches. Others are weeding and planting new seedlings and plants, and on the whole, these gardens are very busily being looked after. They receive more than a few polite glances, people curious to see them, and wondering who they are and what business they might have coming here.

They are led to a separate pavilion where the servant girl opens the doors for them and bades them to enter.

An elderly lady with many creases weathering her skin, is pacing along one side, while a gentleman who looks to be around forty-five years old stands by the round window, looking out upon another garden. They can hear the gentle sounds of flowing water tinkling musically away, and the scent of roses drifts in through the open airway.

"A-Sang!" The older lady exclaims and hurries towards them.

She wraps her arms around Huaisang and hugs him tightly.

Wei Ying has never, ever seen that expression on his face. Huaisang looks so young, gentle, and open, and all of a sudden, it reminds him of their days as students in the Cloud Recesses when they were so much younger.

But just as he is processing this, another familiar voice says, "Dear Lord, I cannot believe my eyes! The hottest men in the world are here, and they've brought along the little guy! How are you boys doing?"

Lan Zhan grimaces when he realises who the voice belongs to as Wei Ying tries desperately not to giggle, and they turn around to face Porta Daven.

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