
So my first day wasn't so bad. I had Kath to walk me through it and she introduced me to her friends. But I alos liked hanging out with Eliza at break. She was very reserved in school and doesn't have a lot of friends, if any. But she said she's happy that way, so I'm not going to worry for her. And I realised today that Kath was a very popular girl. Everyone always stopped to talk to her and they all loved her. She basically had an entourage the whole day. But she held my hand. I got some dirty looks from some jealous admirers, but Kath was just keeping me grounded the whole day. Which I'm thankful for.

I was still glad for the bell to go. Kath and I had a small shift to do at the zoo today, feeding and cleaning mostly. Not attending to the public as the zoo isn't really popular on weekdays.

Kath was holding my hand as we left the school. She managed to persuade each teacher today to let us sit together, some needed more persuasion than others. So I spent the whole day with her, and now we have to leave.

"Do you have a ride home?" Kath turned to me.

"Yes, my Mum is coming to get me."

"Okay, well... I'm taking you to and from school now. And bring your work stuff back to my place later, we'll keep it there and we'll ride to work together too." Kath ordered.

"Oh, okay. Thanks."

"I'll pick you up at half four, okay?" Kath told me.

"That's perfect." I nod. She nodded back and stayed with me until my Mum pulled up. She gave me a goodbye hug and left to go to her car. I should work on getting my own license here. I got in Mum's car, and she just sat there, smiling at me.

"Hi, Sheila. I saw all of that." Mum said as she started to drive off.

"We were just hugging, Mum. Don't you hug Dewey?" I defend. In hindsight, this wasn't a good example, as my Mum and Dewey were dating.

"Of course, we do. She's my girlfriend." Mum chuckled slightly.

"Okay, I recognise that you have a valid point. But Kath is not my girlfriend. She's just a friend." I say.

"Mhm. That'll be why you blsuh everytime we talk about her."

"You're embarrassing me! That's why!"

"That'll be why she kept looking at your lips."

"No, she didn't."

"When you saw me pull up, I watched her eyes flicker down. She wants to give you a little kiss. She wants to give you kisses all over and she wants to-"

"Mum, stop." I shot her the side eye.

"Okay! Fine! But when you two start dating, I will be rubbing this in your face." Mum pointed her finger at me.

"It's a good job we won't date then. Because I'm not interested and neither is she. Besides, she has a girlfriend." I lie. I just need her to get off my backside about this dating Kath thing. I'm not dating, nor will I ever. And that's not Kath's fault, because she's wonderful but I just don't want to date her...

"Does she?" Mum raised her eyebrows, "Who is she? Is it you?"

"Mum, it's not me and I don't know who." I shrug. She pulls into the driveway. I immediately get out of the car and head upstairs to get changed for my shift at the zoo. I don't feel terribly hungry so I'll tell Mum not to save a plate for me. Besides, there'll be leftovers for her lunch tomorrow, so it'll be convenient to her.

I put the t-shirt on, followed by the shorts and then the over shirt. Something I noticed about Kath's shirt is that it had significantly more badges than mine. And I'm wondering if it's to do with her experience at the zoo. So far, I only have two badges which came with the shirt. A PARK RANGER badge and ANIMAL WELFARE ASSISTANT. Kath has different ones which I am assuming they're like awards or something. I'll have to ask her about it later.

I heard Abigail's footsteps pat towards my door, followed by her soft knock as I was tying my boots, "Come in, Abs."

"Hi, Syd. I was just wondering if you could take a photo of you and a lion and a wolf and then print it so I can show my friends in school?" she asked.

"I can do. You made some friends already, have you?" I look up at her as I had finished tying my boots.

"Yeah! And they all think I'm cool because I'm Australian."

"That's good. I'm happy for you, kid." I smile at my sister.

"Thanks, Sydney. Have fun at work with Kath." she smiles back as she leaves.

"Syd! Come down here!" Mum called. I sigh and grab my bag and phone before heading downstairs. My Mum was in the kitchen as she was looking through her iPad. Probably looking for something to cook for dinner.

"Yes, Mum?" I ask by the kitchen door way.

"Okay, two things. The first being what are you going to do about dinner?"

"I'm not hungry so I'll skip this one. You have the left overs for your lunch tomorrow or something." I shrug.

"You need to eat, Syd. Your body is still growing and it needs food." Mum said.

"I'll be fine," I dismiss, "What was the other thing?"

"So, how come you told a little fib earlier about Kath? She doesn't have a girlfriend." Mum shook her head.

"Go on, how did you find out?" I huff.

"I had a chat with my lovely girlfriend. And Kath would tell her if she had a girlfriend. And she doesn't. So why did you lie?"

"Because you were teasing me." I mumble.

"Sheila, you could've asked me to stop."

"I did!"

"No! I meant that you sit down and have a civilised conversation with me explaining why it makes you uncomfortable rather than lying straight to my face."

"All right. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Sheila. I understand where you were coming from. But you could've gone a different way about it."

"Okay, Mum."

"Come here." she opened her arms and I stepped into her. She hugged me tight and kissed my head, "I love you."

"I love you, too." I replied as we pulled away.

"Okay. I'm glad that's sorted. When's Kath going to pick you up."

"Half four."

"Yeah, that's not good. Dinner won't be ready in time."

"Mum, it's fine. I'll be okay. If push comes to shove, I'll get Kath to take me out." as soon as I said that, Mum held back a laugh and I rolled my eyes so hard that I saw my brain, "Not what I meant and you know it."

"I didn't say anything!" she threw her hands up in defense.

"I heard your thoughts, Mum. You need to think quietly." I huff.

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