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Mum seriously just suggested that Kath and I get engaged? She has to see that it's quite absurd and very far fetched. We're not even seventeen yet, despite my birthday being a few days away. I love Kath, I really do, and maybe we will marry in the future, but we're still kids.

Although, I wouldn't mind being married to her. It'd make me feel a lot more... Secure... I guess? I'll feel like I'll always have her, because if Kath is anything like her parents, she'll take her vows very seriously. It just seems a little strange that Mum would want us to get engaged at her wedding. Very strange indeed.

I look over to Kath, who looks as blank as a piece of paper. There's no emotion in there at all and it slightly worries me. I can't tell what she's thinking, her green eyes are blank and distant... Almost unreachable. I haven't seen Kath like this, not even after she had that breakdown last summer. She's quiet, still, and scary. Like a tree. No thoughts or movement.

"Kath?" Mama spoke up.

"It's merely a suggestion. You don't have to agree to do anything you don't want to do." Mum said.

I take her hand, "Kath?"

"What time is it?" my girlfriend asked.

"Pardon?" Mum said.

Kath checked her phone and got up, but she never let go of my hand, so she was taking me with her. She took me to the front door, throwing my shoes in front of me and putting hers on, "The jewellers are still open. We can go and get some rings, some nice ones too."

"What?" I question as Mum and Mama stand behind me.

"Your Mom wants us to get engaged at her wedding, we're gonna need rings." Kath pointed out.

"You'd wanna do that?" I whisper.

Kath stands up and walks over to me, taking my face in her soft hands, "Yes, you idiot. I love you." and she gave me a meaningful kiss.

"Just to be sure. You are both agreeing to get engaged at our wedding." Mum said.

"Yes," I answer when I pull away from Kath, "Why do you want us to get engaged anyway?"

"Because you both make each other happy and I'd really want you both to get an early start on living a long and happy life together." Mum explained, "You have what Dewey and I have. But you're lucky enough to have it at an earlier age. Don't waste the time you have together, you know?" Mum explained.

"That's fair enough." Kath agreed, "Let's go to the jewellers."


Kath drove us in a happy silence. We'd gotten the rings and we were heading home. At least, I think we were. We were certainly going a different way.

"Relax. I'm taking us to a secluded spot." Kath said.

"So you can murder me?" I muse.

"Exactly," she rolled her eyes, "No, I just want to spend some time alone with you."

"Oh," I nod, "Are we gonna fuck in the backseat?" I joke.

"That's the plan." she smiled. I felt my heart hammer against my chest as I blush profusely. She pulled in between some trees and drove us to the edge of a small lake, "Right here, I think."

She turned the car off and climbed into the back seat. Kath flipped the backseats down so we'd have more space, and she has pillows and blankets in the car, "Mama always packs our cars with emergency kits." she shrugged.

I joined her in the back and she wasted no time in kissing me passionately. I kiss back and soon, we were both naked in the back of her car. I'm glad for the lightly tinted windows as Kath goes down on me. I love the way she makes me feel, just in general. I feel like a goddess when I'm around her. She always worships me thoroughly...

We be sure not to leave any marks on exposed areas, so Kath sticks to marking my collar bones and I go for her boobs. She sometimes wears droopy t-shirts or tanks, so her collar bones are a no-go.


We stumble through the front door, slightly dishevelled and flustered but at least we got home. Kath giggles as she takes her shoes off by the front door and I follow her into the living room.

"Well, you two seem happy." Mum said, hands resting on her hips. I think we might be in trouble, but I don't care. I just got fucked.

"Yeah," I giggle and pull Kath into me. She lets me hold her with a big smile and even hugs me back. We're just a giggling set of teens that are in love.

"Did you get some rings?" Mum asked, her eyes flickering between us.

"Yeah. It took a while though because Kath was being picky." I rolled my eyes at my girlfriend. This wasn't the case. We just needed an excuse to justify why we'd been gone for so long.

"I just wanted them to be perfect!" she defends.

"They are." I assure her, "You wanna see, Mum?"

"Sure." Mum nodded. Kath lifted the bag and took out our two little velvet boxes. One was dark green and the other was dark blue. I took the dark green one, as that is the one I'll propose to Kath with, and opened it. I chose a really cool one for Kath. It was gold with an emerald but it had a cute little spider etched into it. It fit Kath perfectly and I just think that is is a wonderful ring for her. Mum gasped at it and asked who it was for. I said that I'd give it to Kath. Then my girlfriend showed Mum my ring. It was a plain silver ring with a nice white diamond but it looks as though there are two wolves holding the stone. It looks really cool and I liked it because I had a very special bond with Wendy.

Mama also took a gander and said, "I hope this hasn't put you in the whole, Kath."

"No, my parents give me an allowance on top of my wages and I've been saving for a while now." Kath shrugged.

"Right, okay. But these rings are gorgeous. They suit you both very well."

"We think so too." Kath and I spoke at the same time.

Kath's ring-

Sydney's ring- (just the engagement ring)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20 ⏰

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