Chapter 2: A Perfect Date

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All characters belong to Gege Akutami

The air is still as light seeps through the curtains. Day has broken and the pinkette rises more eager than usual. He washes up and dresses in a hurry, skipping breakfast to make it out the door all within seven minutes. Today, he is going to talk to Satoru.

Satoru had spent the entire night thinking about Yuji. Every second he was awake, his mind went back to the way they conversed the night before. The way he had laughed and just seemed so comfortable with him. It had made him so happy that he was not able to sleep at all. Now, in that morning has come, he does not let the lack of sleep distract him as he rushes to school in hopes of seeing his crush. He cannot wait to get to school to finally talk to him again... he already knows that he is going to have an amazing day.

Yuji makes it to his first class early but is surprised when he sees Satoru is already there sitting in his usual spot in the back corner towards the window. He walks over with a slight blush.

"Uh, hi. I-I'm Itadori, we've been classmates for a while but I'm not sure if I've ever introduced myself." His confidence from last night had faltered. Now that he is facing reality, this is much harder than he thought it to be.

Satoru notices how nervous he is to even approach him. That cute blush made him want to reach over to him and kiss him.

"Oh, is that so?" He replies in an amused tone, he can't help his cocky smirk either. "Well, I think I would've remembered if a pretty boy like you had introduced himself to me. It's nice to finally meet you."

"P-pretty boy?" This unexpected response startles Yuji as his cheeks and ears tint red. He has no idea what to say next, so he runs for it. "Haha th-thanks! Um, okay bye!" Yuji races away, his heart thumping. He ends up missing the class because he could not go back in there knowing that Satoru was there.

Satoru chuckles at the fact that he made him so flustered. He smiles widely as he rests his chin on his palm and is tempted to follow after him but knows that might make his intentions too obvious. He just sighs to himself and lets Yuji go.

As the day progresses, he is watching Yuji from a distance. His gaze is intense just as he watches him from the shadow of a tree as he walks to his next class. He can't stop thinking about him... his cute face, his adorable blush...he just cannot get enough of his Yuji.

That night, Yuji goes back to the park and sits on the swings. He waits to hear the voice of his new friend. Predictable enough, Satoru had already been waiting there two hours before he arrived as he admired Yuji sitting there and waiting for him. His heart is beating out of his chest and he can barely contain his excitement. This was his chance to get closer to him... even more so than he had the night before. He is waiting in the shadows and watches him quietly, keeping an eye on every single tiny detail of his movements.

"Hello~ Mystery man? Are you here tonight?" Yuji calls out into the distance.

Satoru smirks and finally steps out of the darkness just a little bit so that he can be seen in the dim light.

"Hello once again. And here I am. I'm surprised that you actually want to see me again. But aren't you cold out here on these swings?"

"Like that matters right now, guess what!?"

Satoru leans up against a tree. "What is it? Did you talk to your crush today? Is he into guys?"

"I think so! He called me a pretty boy. I was totally super red, but I don't think he noticed maybe? And I finally introduced myself. He's so much cooler up close. His voice is so smooth... Actually... you kinda sound like him, haha!"

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