Chapter 6: Euphoria

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All characters belong to Gege Akutami

CHAPTER WARNING: Slight sexual content!

Daybreak comes sooner than expected, and before he knows it, Satoru repeats his same morning routine and speedwalks to school.

Meanwhile, Yuji is skipping down the road in an unusual happy mood. He dances a bit and spins in circles as he goes. He cannot stop thinking of Satoru's flustered faces from yesterday and it just seems to put some pep in his step. Making it to his first class's building, he hums to himself before he can feel a tug on the back of his sweatshirt. He turns enthusiastically but is met with disappointment when he sees four notorious delinquents looking back at him.

"Uh, can I help you guys?"

"Hey, queer~" Comes from one of the guys as the rest snicker at his comment.

Satoru comes into view with hearts practically floating around him which then fall to the ground as he sees this interaction. His instincts to protect go into full gear when he appears in between Yuji and the men in an instant. He is not going to let anyone mess with his boyfriend. And he is just going to have to teach them that.

"I'm feeling nice today since my Yuji is here, so I'll give you a warning to fuck off." The last two words are spat out like venom. His body poses stiffly, and his pupils constrict while his clenched fists twitch. Satoru tries to stay cool in front of Yuji, but his aggressive tendencies are reaching fever pitch.

Yuji tugs on his shirt from behind. "I-It's okay, let's just go."

Satoru ignores his boyfriend's request and instead steps closer to the delinquent who had the nerve to talk to him in that manner.

"I don't think so. I don't take too kindly to people who insult my property in such an offensive manner. So you're going to apologize now." A murderous aura excretes itself off his body.

The man being too cocky for his own good replies, "Yeah, or what? I've always wanted to see what the almighty Satoru Gojo is capable of."

Satoru laughs heartily at this one.

This weakling has no idea what he's in for...

All with an arrogant smile, his face darkens as he answers with a confident tone. "Oh, I'll show you alright. I can't assure that you'll still be conscious by the end of it though..."

Sensing his immense power leaking out, the four men get into fighting stances shakily as they release cursed energy of their own into the air. Satoru smiles at them pitifully.

This is pathetic... they're grade 3 at best... God, I'd kill myself if that's how useless I was. I can wipe these pricks out with my pinkie toe. But Yuji is watching... I can't do that.


I'll put on a show for him as I kick these guys asses instead!! Watch how impressive I am, darling!!

Satoru adjusts his glasses and uses his hand to signal to them to take their best shot. One guy goes for the kill and without even moving the rest of his body, Satoru raises his arm and grabs his face, stopping him in his tracks. He grips tight and pulls him in, kneeing him in the stomach and throws him fifteen meters to the side. Two other delinquents do not let it get to them as they both charge at the same time. Satoru dodges each swing without even moving his feet. He is flashing a toothy smile as he does so. He puts his hands in his pockets and in less than a second, roundhouse kicks them into one of the school's brick buildings, they crash into it, the wall collapses. Satoru glances over at the last guy. The one who had the gall to speak so demeaning at his Yuji. He steps back and makes a run for it. Satoru watches him whistling for about twenty seconds before dashing after him at sonic speed, grabbing him by the back of his collar. He launches the two of them off the ground and whilst in the sky, throws him using only a fraction of his strength into the concrete, creating a small pond sized crater in the ground with the delinquent lying at the center. Satoru levitates back down and wipes his hands on his pants.

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