Chapter 5: Knowing Me and Knowing You

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All characters belong to Gege Akutami

The atmosphere in the classroom is foggy, it is too dull in there for such a sensual moment between the two. Yuji gets up and stretches and offers a hand to Satoru who accepts it gratefully. They walk the empty halls, skipping their classes without a care in the world until they end up in the courtyard laying in the grass, cloud watching. Satoru sighs as he lays down next to his boyfriend and stares up at the sky with him. They are enjoying what to most would seem like just a simple, innocent moment together. But to Satoru, this means he has finally won. His boyfriend is finally starting to show that he is willing to give him the attention he has always craved. The world feels calm for a moment and his mind is at ease. Yuji turns to his side and props his elbow on the ground using his hand to hold his head up. He breaks the silence.

"You... know everything about me, right? Where I live, my favorite foods, what I do out of school, my hobbies, my schedule, everything right?"

Satoru smiles and chuckles a bit as he hears his boyfriend's question. He thinks for a moment before he makes a list in his head and starts ticking them off one-by-one before speaking.

"Yes, I know everything about you. I know every little detail and fact. I know that you're allergic to pollen, that you can read a textbook cover-to-cover in less than an hour, and even what color boxers you wear. Todays are red with black lightning bolts, no?"

Yuji blushes a bit and flicks his forehead. "D-don't watch me get changed..."

"I only peeked a couple of times. I mean, you're hot... how could I resist?"

Yuji leans his head back on the grass looking into the sky. He furrows his brows.

"This... it's kind of uneven, don't you think?"

Satoru stops smiling. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"Well, it's just that... I want to know more about you!"

Satoru is taken aback by this statement.

Yuji wants to know about me? Really? But I only care to talk about him...

"Uh, what do you want to know?"

"Exactly what you know about me, everything!" Yuji laughs genuinely for the first time with him.

Satoru blushes at this request and he looks up at the sky with his eyes still shut tight. "Everything? I mean... that's a lot of stuff..."

"Haha, it doesn't have to be all right now. How about... three new facts a day? And I get to ask three questions of my own too?"

Satoru rubs his hands across his face. This seems like a good way to get the ball rolling, but he's a little nervous about what kind of questions his boyfriend will ask him.

"Yeah, I suppose that could work. Just know this ahead of time though, I'm not a very interesting person at all... my interests are pretty basic."

"I doubt it. So, tell me something. Anything."

Satoru feels so vulnerable right now, but he is trying to stay calm and talk slowly. He opens his eyes and looks at his lover with a faint smile on his face.

"I... have a very bad habit of talking to myself whenever I'm thinking about something. Sometimes I don't even notice but I'll start talking out loud and won't stop until I realize it."

"That's cute."

Yuji!? My Yuji thinks I'm CUTE!?

Satoru beams, if he had a tail, it would be wagging a mile a minute. He starts to get into this.

"S-so what's your first question?" He asks eagerly.

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