Chapter 13: On a Deeper Level

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All characters belong to Gege Akutami

CHAPTER WARNING: Sexual content!

The next day in school, Yuji continues to secretly take photos of Satoru without him knowing. During their lunch break, he excuses himself to the bathroom where he smokes a cigarette and sprays himself with cologne to mask the scent. After dropping Satoru off at therapy, he gets his photos developed at a convenience store around the corner. When they go home, he tapes the pictures to the walls of his private closet that Satoru had given him.

As the week goes on, the cycle repeats of Yuji's secret smoking habit and his photos of Satoru grow exponentially in the closet. At the end of the week, Satoru is currently in therapy as usual, talking about his issues to Shoko, and she is taking notes as always. She then asks him one of her classic questions.

"Now, have you felt any major triggers? Like something that would cause you emotional distress or cause you to feel more obsessive and possessive?"

Satoru thinks for a few moments before answering. Through this past week, he has been able to open himself up more, making it much easier to progress.

"Hm, to be completely honest with you, I would have to say that I did experience some major triggers recently. Specifically, it happened when my beloved Yuji was talking to another boy at school."

She nods understandingly. "Can you tell me about it?"

"Well, I just so happened to be walking Yuji to his next class when that Megumi punk struck up a conversation with him AGAIN! I felt this sudden surge of jealousy and I was feeling quite possessive. All I wanted to do at that point was push the emo loser over and tell him to stay away from Yuji, but I restrained myself since last time that happened, it made Yuji really upset with me. So... I just stood there and smiled. Letting them speak."

"That's wonderful to hear, Gojo-sama. You've made a lot of progress since we started. Now I want to ask you something serious, do you still feel the urge to stalk your boyfriend?"

He hesitates for a bit, but eventually gives an honest answer to this question. "I do, quite honestly. The photo-taking and the stalking urges are still very strong, and I still have to fight against them every day. I'm trying my best to keep it to a minimum though. I mean, I feel like I'm slowly improving, and I want to work towards that, but I still have a lot of trouble with it."

Shoko writes something down on her clipboard. "So, you told me before you started dating him, you had been following him for a year, taking pictures, breaking into his house, stealing personal property, do you understand now that this is unacceptable?"

Satoru sighs and nods at this comment. "I do. I'm aware of how strange it is and how unacceptable it is. I don't want to do it anymore. It's just something that is ingrained in my habits. I hate how I can't help but feel this urge to do these things still. That's why I want to work towards getting better. I really do. I hate myself for how much I put my beloved in danger just by doing these kinds of things..."

She smiles. "I'm glad to hear that." She checks her watch. "Well, it looks like our time is up. I'll see you on Monday?"

Satoru shakes her hand and agrees. "Yeah, I'll be back on Monday at the same time as usual."

Just outside the building, Yuji is waiting for him smoking his third time today when he nears the door creak open beside him. He spits out his cigarette instinctively and stomps on it. He fumbles with his cologne bottle, spraying it all over before he drops it, shattering it to pieces.

The noise startles Satoru as he exits the clinic.

"Yuji!? Are you alright? What was that sound?" His face is full of worry. He sees the glass on the floor and raises an eyebrow. The smell is strong. "Is that... cologne?"

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