Chapter 4: Jealousy

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All characters belong to Gege Akutami

The sound of the alarm floods Yuji's ears. He scrambles and falls out of the bed.

Satoru awakens at the same time he always does, looking perfect as if he was never even asleep. He swings to the bathroom to wash up and brush his teeth. He needs to look good for Yuji.

Yuji stumbles into his bathroom and looks in the mirror groggily. He swishes some mouthwash and puts on some deodorant, giving a thumbs up at his reflection.

Satoru runs down the stairs and puts on his usual sunglasses before he bursts out the door, ready for today.

Yuji saunters out of his apartment complex, yawning and scratching his head.

When Yuji gets to the main school building, Satoru is already there waiting for him. He is spotted and Satoru runs up to him immediately with an idiotic grin.

"Yuji~! Did you sleep well?"

"I-I slept fine, thank you. And you?"

"I slept great! Just feeling extremely excited and happy right now is all. It's a totally normal way to feel when I have such a cute boyfriend to look forward to, right?"

Yuji blushes slightly and gives an awkward smile, not looking his new boyfriend in the eye. "Y-yeah."

Satoru's smile grows even bigger if that was even possible. He offers his hand out to Yuji for them to walk to class together. Yuji hesitates before taking it. To his surprise, it was warm. His hands are soft, and his skin is smooth. Satoru's heart leaps as he feels the squeeze. Yuji's hands are rather rough and calloused, he would not have it any other way. He cannot help but feel his stomach fluttering as he feels so close to him and as their hands are wrapped around one another's. He loves this feeling so much. As they walk, Satoru's eyes are burned into him the whole way.

"Just to make sure, you're comfortable holding hands with me in public? It's fine if you're not... but you know, I can't deny that I'm a little bit eager for other people to see us together like a couple."

Yuji's mind runs. Is this okay? Sure, some people might judge but Gojo-senpai is the most popular guy in school. No one knows about his insane yandere side except for me. It should be fine, right?

"Yeah, I'm ready."

As they stroll into the classroom, eyes follow them. A few gasps and murmurs fill the air. Yuji is slightly bothered but Satoru does not mind in the slightest. In fact, he enjoys the attention. They break apart and Yuji goes to his usual seat while Satoru sits in the back.

Everyone knows Yuji is mine now~

Halfway through the lecture, Yuji is taking notes and periodically glancing at Satoru, who the entire time has been staring at him with loving eyes. Yuji then gets a text on his phone. He already knows the number after he woke up this morning with tons of messages. He has him entered as "Gojo-senpai." Nothing too special. The text is full of grammatical errors.

Gojo-senpai: can i kiss u? were a couple so i can do that now.

The tips of Yuji's ears burn red.

My Beloved Yuji🥰: What? Already??

Satoru laughs quietly to himself. He has had that contact name under Yuji's number for half a year now and is so glad it is finally being put to use.

Gojo-senpai: yea ur my boyfriend now. i get to kiss my boyfriend dont i? and also... other things. were dating so its okay right?

Yuji bites his lip.

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