౨°ৎ prologue

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" Ooooh! Again, show me the trick again! " The woman clapped her hands eagerly, grinning with joy.

" You sure? 's like the third time already. " A deep chuckle escaped the man's throat, playing with his cards further.

" What can I say? You're good with your hands! " The woman laughed, leaning forward. " Oh, am I now? " He smirked, humoring her in her silly banter.

" Well, you've definitely gotten skilled since you started cheating at the casino. " The woman replied as a matter-of-factly, teasing her husband affectionately.

Groaning, he slumped back to the sofa and tossed away the card deck. " Y'know 'snot true. It's just assholes spreading that 'round. " He pointed out, denying her (true, but she doesn't need to know) accusations. " Oh, it better be as you say, Mister! You know how I feel about casinos. "

She crossed her arms, sitting bedsides him. " We live in Las Vegas. " He reminded her, placing her head on his shoulder while leaning back on the soft mattress. " I know, I know.. I'm just teasing you, you know you're the best. "

" Magician? Yeah, I am. " He mumbled, closing his eyes.

" The best magician and the best husband. " She giggled, sliding her hand across his cheek. " I'm glad I married you. " She added, placing a soft kiss on his cheeks.

He kept his eyelids shut and chuckled. " You missed my lips. "

His wife pursed her lips, placing her arms around his waist. " I've been definitely spoiling you too much. " She whispered, but still fulfilling his request.

" See? Wasn't that hard. " He concluded, feeling her lay on his chest. " Mhm.. whatever you say. " She laughed, their limbs entangling with each other.

" Hey. " He called out softly, opening his eyes again to get a better view of the female. " I love you. " He mumbled, gazing fondly at her. " More than anythin'. "

She kept quiet, only her grip on his body tightening.

" More than drinking your problems away? " She finally asked, feeling his hand caress her hair.

" ...More than drinking my problems away. " He sighed, placing his lips on her forehead.

" Good. " She huffed, raising her head to look at him in the eyes, who had turned glossy. " 'Cause I love you enough to drag you to heaven with me, in case your alcohol problem doesn't let you. " She muttered, bittersweet words piercing his heart.

" And I love you enough to burn heaven and all those shitheads down if they don't let me have you. " His voice cracked as he narrowed his eyes at her.

He opened his mouth to continue, but the words wouldn't come out as he felt a lump form in his throat.

' Or maybe I'm selfish enough to drag you down with me. '

" Just.. remember that I fuckin' love you. And I always will. " He muttered, engulfing her in a hug.

" Mhmm, so I can't ever get rid of you? " She joked, returning the gesture. " Never. That's a promise, [name]. " The taste of her name on his lips sends shivers down his spine, just a reminder that he truly did love her with all his heart and soul.

" So stop whinin', " He said, feeling his heart break just at the thought of loosing her. " I'm the happiest man ever just cause I got to meet you, and I know for a fact that not even heaven could make me this damn happy. "

He grinned, placing his hand on the back of her head, who was now laying directly onto his heart.

" Ya feel that? " He asked, his voice small. " Your heartbeat? " She questioned back.

" Mhm. Beats only for you. " He stated, talking like it was common sense.

" Getting cheesy, are we? " She giggled, interviewing her fingers with him. " I'm glad though, I wouldn't want it any other way. "

He hummed, closing his eyes again.

" G'night [name]. "

" Goodnight, -

- HUSK ! "

Shooting up from his bed, he screamed. " OOW, WHAT THE FUCK, CHARLIE?! " He yelled, still in a daze.

" You've gotta get up, I've got to meet the angels! I mean, my dad was supposed to but he can't so asked me to- actually, it doesn't even matter, just, please get up! " The princess of hell squealed, jumping around with anticipation.

" Okay, okay... Just fuckin' go! " He muttered, placing a hand on his temples. " Okaybyebyetakecare! " She shouted and sprinted away, speaking too fast for him to comprehend properly whatever she was trying to say.

" ... "

He stayed quiet, reminiscing over the recent dream he had.

" [name].. " He mumbled.

A / N : more love for husk!1!!

𝕮-𝕮𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐒 ( hazbin hotel )Where stories live. Discover now