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" Yeah. " He answered truthfully, his mind going 100 miles a second.

You perked up at this, leaning in even more. 

" Oh, really? I knew it! You sounded just too familiar! So, where have we met? "

Time seemed to be slowing down for him, a single bat of your eyelashes felt like centuries to him, god he could get lost just by looking at you.

Should he answer honestly? I mean, fuck, it's not everyday he meets his dead-angel wife down in Hell.

" We.. We met in Nevada, Las Vegas. " He spoke up, shying away from your eyes. This shit was intense, he felt like, I don't know, he was having a baby or something.

You clicked your tongue. " You're gonna have to be a little more specific. I lived in Las Vegas my whole life. " You gave him a little grin, the same one you used to give him when you called him down for dinner.

He scoffed, clenching his fists, unsure. What did he have to loose if he told you? Nothing, I mean, he already lost you so there isn't anything else god could possibly take away from him.


" Uhh.. Husk? You good? " Vaggie added, still waiting for her drinks. 

Furrowing her eyebrows, she snarled. She was trying to reconnect with her old c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶   friend, and she didn't exactly appreciate him going all-dramatic while making her cocktail.

I mean, what could a man like him possibly have anything to do with somebody like you? You were.. nice, pretty and mindful. He was.. an alcoholic. Ugh, whatever..

" Uhh..? " You hummed, raising an eyebrow. This was getting weirdly awkward..

" We met at... an acting gig. You were playing as some Princess with a bad temper.. and I was a magician. " He stated, completely turning away from you.

In that moment, you felt like your soul left your body. Like you just died and went to double-heaven. This man was-

" Husk? " Vaggie called out again, groaning in annoyance. " The drinks? " She continued, rolling her eyes. She was clearly in a bad mood.

" Vaggie. " You also called out, your voice weirdly calm. " Vaggie, could you.. leave us for a minute, please? " You turned to her, giving her a small smile. She shrugged, giving you a small nod.

" 'kay. " Huffing, she exited the room.


" A princess with a bad temper? " You asked, playing with the hem of your dress.

" Yes. " His voice was both gruff and emotional at the same time.

" .. You were wearin' a pink dress and I was makin' rabbits pop out of a top hat. " He narrated, grabbing a bottle of alcohol.

" Some kid was running around and accidentally pushed you off stage. You fell on top of me and your heel stabbed my hand. I had to get stitches. "  He continued, prepping two glasses.

You kept quiet, in fact you stood completely still.

Husk was getting worried. Shit, he knew he shouldn't have told the truth, you-

-jumped right onto him and over the counter.

" YOU MOTHERFUCKER! " You grabbed his suspenders and started violently shaking him.

" YOU, STUPID, STUPID, STUPID MAN! " You gave him a small laugh as tears prickled your eyes.

" YOU SAW ME WALK THRU THAT DOOR, AND DIDN'T IMMEDIATELY TELL ME WHO YOU WERE?! ARE YOU INSANE?! " You suddenly stopped screaming and let go of him.

" Oh my god, you remarried, didn't you?! That's why you didn't say anything? Oh, I knew it! Shit.... " You backed up a little, starting to cry.

He groaned, forcing himself to get off the floor. " Remarried?! The fuck?! " He screamed back, now it was his turn to shake you.

" YOU REALLY THINK I'D REMARRY AFTER YOU?! " He sounded bewildered, and you just stared in shock.

" YOU FORGOT OUR VOWS?! 'I'll love you in life and after'?! " He reminded you, leaning even more into your face.

You immediately melted in his touch, furrowed your eyebrows and grabbed his shoulders as he slid his arms over to your waist.

" Forget our vows?! Never! " You replied, sobbing. " Oh god, you look... so different... Even your name... Husk? " You mumbled, still chuckling even while tears streamed down your cheeks.

" I know, I know.. " he huffed, wiping away some of the mascara stains on your face.

You bit your lip, still a little bit angry.

" I swear if you don't kiss me right now you'll die another time. " You threatened him, bringing him even closer.

He gave you a little smile and wasted no time to comply.

The kiss was aggressive and passionate ,Husk felt like he had just travelled back in time to your wedding day, hell he could even hear the church bells and the cheering in the distance.

Oh yeah, he definitely missed this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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