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Hell's... a lot more anti-climatic than you thought.

It looks like.. a regular city? The sky's just red, and there's.. blood everywhere. And explosions. Well, other than that it's a fairly normal-looking city.

Blinking confusedly a couple of times, you let your heels touch the rather filthy ground and relaxed your candid wings. Looking around, you.. found nothing too strange.

This was certainly not how you imagined Hell.

" Well, no matter.. " You mumbled, clasping your hands together. You had dressed up elegantly especially for this occasion, because 1) good first impressions matter, 2) you wanted to feel pretty 3) you looked like you actually knew what you were doing, and 4).. if you.. y'know... ever met your husband- ex-husband, again.

Walking around, you nervously tensed up at all the.. unwanted attention you were getting. Your halo was.. well, bright, and your wings weren't easy to miss. You just hoped no demon was crazy enough to try and attack you.

While you may not look like it, you weren't completely defenseless. Lute and Adam had personally given you a few tips and tricks on how to fight off the habitants of Hell. And well, to actually hurt you they needed angelic steel, and you doubted the regular-neighborhood sinner had it at all times with them.

Stopping in front of a  few direction signs, you read out loud the names of the.. areas? of the city.

" Welcome to pentagram city! " Was written in blood, which did not feel welcoming at all by the way.

" Cannibal town.. imp city.. porn studios?? " You mumbled, raising an eyebrow. Well, none of these sounded.. nice. As expected after all.

Strangely enough, you felt like Cannibal town was the.. least worrisome one. You did not need to visit imp city as you were not here for the hellborns, and you'd rather not.. investigate demon reproduction.

" To cannibal town then. " You turned right, opening up your wings again. You were not walking all the way there while all these sinners eyed you like you were some shiny toy.

" Uhmm... " Landing nervously back on the ground, you tensed up your shoulders. You just saw some.. pretty grotesque things. As the name suggests, Cannibal town.. is definitely cannibalistic. 

Taking a deep breath, you looked around you skeptically, ignoring the bewildered (and hungry) stares of the residents.

Your eyes stopped at an inviting insignia: F̶r̶a̶n̶k̶l̶i̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶  Rosie's emporium.  

Should you enter? I mean, you did need information about the dead exorcist after all.

Taking a deep breath, you forced yourself to enter the building, which by the way, looked absolutely gracious and elegant! If it was a shop in heaven, you'd definitely be a regular costumer. ( that perfume looks like it smells so good.. and the bottle's so pretty too... AHEM! )

" Oh my! " A feminine voice asked, coming from behind the counter. " An angel? Oh do tell, to what do I own you the pleasure? The extermination finished a week ago, didn't it? " 

You immediately shook your head, giving her a shaky smile. " Oh, no, no! I come.. in peace! " You explained, bowing your head a little.

" Oh, isn't that curious! " She laughed, her.. holes-for-eyes scanning you up and down. " My, may I say that you look absolutely dashing, my dear? " She complimented you, leaning on the counter.

" Oh..? Oh, t-thank you! You look extravagant yourself, miss! " You replied, walking forward.

" Oh, just call me Rosie, angel! Is there anything you needed from me? You don't seem the type to enjoy... our culture down here in Cannibal town. " She grinned from ear to ear, sending shivers down your spine.

" Oh no! No offense to your people of course.. I am here, for... information? Uhm, may I know how to reach.. the central area of Pentagram city? " You tapped your fingers nervously on the surface, tilting your head slightly.

Rosie nodded, cheerfully. " Why, of course! You could just fly up until you see a big angelic looking tower! That should probably be around the center of the city. " She waved her hands around, chuckling.

" Angelic tower? Oh.. I did not know heaven had any installments down here, my apologies. " You explained, nervously smiling. She dismissed you, seemingly surprised.

" Oh, really? How did you think we counted down the days up to the extermination? " She joked, crossing her arms.

You tensed up, confused. " Wait, what? Days until the extermination, but Adam and Lute told me... " You whispered, furrowing your eyebrows.

Rosie's smile widened.

" Oh? Were you not aware.. of the extermination? " She questioned, leaning ever more into you. You shook your head, pensive. " Oh, no, I was made aware of it. Although I was informed that it only happened when the residents of Hell attacked first.. why would a countdown be needed? " You replied, fidgeting with your fingers.

Rosie laughed at this, placing her hands on your shoulders. " Oh dear, hell attack first? What nonsense! The angels come here every year and kill as many habitants as possible! " She chuckled, narrowing her eyes (holes?) at you.

You frowned, shocked. " But.. but that's not fair! " You cried out, confused. Why in the world did they lie to you? I mean, you weren't an exorcist, but..

Oh, is that why nobody up in heaven actually knew about this?

" This.. explains a lot of things. " You concluded, snapping your fingers. You needed to have a talk with Adam when you got back. And Lute. And Sera. You're sure there's an explanation for this.

" Well, thank you, Rosie. " You clapped your hands together, a bunch of money popping out of a small portal. " Here, for your time. " The woman laughed, finding it apparently funny.

" Oh, it's okay dear! No need for.. payment, was there anything else that you needed? " She questioned, placing her hands on her hips.

" Uhm.. That perfume over there.. "

" I'll go get it for you⁓ "

𝕮-𝕮𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐒 ( hazbin hotel )Where stories live. Discover now