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the length, color, type of the MC's hair isn't specified, but it is long enough to have knots in it. I'm sorry! Also I know that for different types of hair, the brushes change so I didn't mention its shape or anything. I woke up with super-messy hair even if it's PIN-STRAIGHT! and felt like writing about it. Consider it a vent.

" Adam, dear, you do know what time it is, right? " You sighed, dusting off your dress.

" Uggghhhhh! " He groaned, throwing his head back. " Yes, yes I fucking know! ' Cause it's written right fucking here on the damn clock! " He then pointed to the enormous clock hanging three feet away from you.

You sighed, grabbing your hairbrush. " I know you can read Adam, I'm just reminding you. " You mumbled, trying to detangle your hair. The knots in your hair were a pain to get rid of, curse your bed-head.

" I don't see why you give a shit if I'm late or not, it's a meeting with the damn bitch from hell! Her daddy's busy and I don't see how you feel enabled to care two fucks about it. "

He continues on his rant, picking at his teeth with his pointy fingernails, a bad habit of his.

" Adam, don't do that, I don't wanna see your gums bleed again. " You reminded him, while huffing as you pulled some of your own hair out.

" What are you, my mom?! " He slouched on the couch, sassing you. " I'd prefer if you were my mommy, if you know what I mean. " He then wiggled his eyebrows.

" I'd rather not. " You chuckled, turning to him. He shrugged, giving you finger-guns. " Yeahhh, don't wanna be dominated anyway. I'm the dickmaster y'know? Gotta keep my reputation up. "

" Uh-hu.. " You mindlessly agreed, concentrating on trying to smooth your hair out. Why was it so hard?! It's just hair, c'mon!

Brushing with more force, you winced as you felt the back of your head getting pulled down by the hairbrush. Mumbling a few curses under your breath, you continued to force away the knots.

Suddenly, Adam snatched the hairbrush away from you. " Huh? " You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms. " Let me do it! " He huffed, sitting you down.

" Adam, you don't have to. " He rolled his eyes, mocking you. " ' Adam, you don't have to. ' Oh, shut the fuck up. Chillax babee, Just, let me do my thingggg. " He dragged the last word, grinning like an idiot.

" Alright, didn't know you were also a hair-stylist. " He grabbed a good chuck of your hair and started slowly, slowly brushing. You hummed, watching him concentrate on the task.

He clicked his tongue, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as his pupils dilated in concentration. He seemed adamant on doing this right. It wasn't often you saw him so up close without his mask.

After a good 30 minutes, your hair looked dashing. You smiled, " Oh wow... " He placed a hand on your shoulder, showing off his work. " Pffttt... You're a girl, no? Thought you ought to know how this shit works! " He taunted, spinning the brush with his thin fingers.

𝕮-𝕮𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐒 ( hazbin hotel )Where stories live. Discover now