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Husk was fucking tired of shopping with Nifty. Why did he have to go with the crazy woman? He was a bartender, not a damn babysitter. He was already annoyed he had to do that fuckin' commercial anyway.

Grunting, he lazily scratched the top of his head. He hated having fur. He hated his wing. He hated hell. He hated everything.

" For fuck's sake, we're almost there, Nifty. Quit yer runnin'. " He commented, slouching his shoulders.

" Hehe!!!! Okayyyyy! " She shouted, running up ahead again.

This really was Hell, huh?

Brushing a few droplets of blood (not his) off his pants, the furry kicked the doors of the hotel open.

" God, I'm finally here... " He mumbled, immediately approaching the bartender's corner.

He needed to get wasted, and he needed to do it ASAP. Drinking his problems away? Yessir. Always had done, always will. It's not like somebody gives a shit anyway. Well.. maybe Charlie, but she wasn't here.

Talking about Charlie, what the fuck was she doing? It's been like, two hours. Did she die or somethin'?


The blonde watched in horror as the angels before her flew and sang, twirling around the room.

" Hell is forever... Whether you like it or not! Had their chance to behave better, now they boil in the pot! " Adam sung, flapping his wings arounds.

The golden.. angels? surrounded her, clapping their hands rather aggressively, their masks putting her off.

"'Cause the rules are black and white, There's no use in tryin' to fight it!!! They're burnin' for their lives... Until we kill 'em again! " He continued, talking about the annual slaughter of her people.

Oh, he was really getting on her nerves, okay.

" Fuckin' Hell is forever and it's meant to suck a lot! So give up your dumb endeavor 'Cause you don't have a shot! " He then lowered himself towards the ground, almost as he realized that he forgot something important.

Scratching his nape, he summoned a golden scroll out of thin air.

" Long as I've got your attention... I guess I should probably mention, That we made the determination to move up the next Extermination! " He sung, pushing the paper in her face.

Her eyes widened as panic filled her mind, shit!

Move up the extermination?! But why?!

" WHAT?! " She screamed, watching him back up as Lute returned to her usual spot next to him.

" Can't wait a whole year, to slaughter those little cunts⁓⁓ I know it's just been a week, But we'll be back in six months! " He finished, shrugging.

Grabbing her by the shoulders, he pushed her towards the door.

" Oh! And in case you meet an angel that looks like a hot chick down there, tell her to fuckin' come back! I'm like, supeeeeeer boredddd. Anyway, have a bad fuckin' day!! " He chuckled, slamming her against a wall and quickly retracted, closing the door.

𝕮-𝕮𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐒 ( hazbin hotel )Where stories live. Discover now