Welcome To Camp Disney

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Somewhere, in a TV studio, there was a young Toon fox who was looking at his reflection on a mirror. The boy had two buck teeth, a light blue colored shirt, a pair of dark blue gloves and a rainbow bow tie. His name was Tommy D Fox (voiced by Tara Strong), or as most people call him, the Toon Fox. He had a job as an actor for some cartoons, he normally gets the roles of a background character, but he wanted to have a much bigger role for once. He wasn't alone of course, he had his little Toon rabbit sister that had blue fur, red eyes and an orange/red sleeveless dress and a pair of white gloves and red shoes. Her name was Melody D Rabbit (voiced by Nancy Cartwright), and she has the ability to make her hangs glow white that heal others when she puts them on those who are hurt or sick. That was when a mailman came and gave the little fox and rabbit a letter from their parents. It said that they signed them up to spend their summer in Camp Disney as they thought they could use a break from working in making cartoons. At first Tommy wasn't sure, but then thought that maybe he could use a break and take his mind off a few things, and have some fun with his little sister too. Tommy: "Camp Disney... sounds friendly enough, maybe I could make some friends there... I hope..." Melody: "I think you will, and maybe I can make some friends too." Tommy: "Yeah, maybe." said Tommy, as he didn't really had any friends to call his own, nor Melody for that matter, even in the studio. Soon, the young fox and blue rabbit got into the bus that would take them to Camp Disney, and that was where they sees some kids around Tommy's age. Most of them were either kittens or puppies, but there was also some rabbits and a pair of young hyena twins and kitten that has pink fur, a long thing tail, a purple dress (similar to the dress of Amy Rose from Sonic) and a pair of white gloves. Tommy went to his seat and the bus drove off to Camp Disney. While on the way, Tommy noticed that the pink furred cat girl was looking at him, before she quickly turned her head around while trying to hide her blushing face. It was not long before the bus finally made it to it's destination and all the kids got out to look at the large sign that said 'Welcome to Camp Disney, where dreams come true'. Tommy then sees that the pink cat girl, named Gidget D Mew (voiced by Lisa Ortiz), was standing next to him. Gidget: "Hi there!, I'm Gidget!, do you wanna be my friend?" said Gidget in an exciting way, which really surprised the little fox, nobody has ever asked him to their friend before now. Tommy: "Y-you really want to be my friend?" Gidget: "Of course, I like people with pure hearts, and out of all the kids here, you got the purest I've ever seen!" Tommy: "What do you mean?" Gidget: "Well you see, not only am I a Toon, I also happen to be one that's based on the Pokémon called Mew, which are psychic types and they can see how pure someone's heart is, and you got a really pure heart, not to mention cute!" this made Tommy to blush, nobody besides his mom ever called him cute before. Melody: "Well it's nice to meet you, my name is Melody D Rabbit, and I'm Tommy's sister." Gidget: "Sister?, but you're a rabbit and he's a fox." Melody: "Well our dad was a fox while our mom is a rabbit." Gidget: "Oh..." Suddenly, a loud burp was heard, which came from one of the hyena twins. The hyena that burped was Jokey D Hyena (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke), and he was the dumber brother of Jokeo D Hyena (voiced by Tom Kenny). While the twins look alike, the main difference between them were the color of their eyes and shirts. Jokey had green eyes and a green shirt with a big Y on the center, while Jokeo had orange eyes and an orange shirt with a big O on it. Jokeo: "Jokey!, I told you to wait until lunch to eat." Jokey: "Sorry bro, but I got hungry." Jokeo: "You're always hungry." that was when an adult anthropomorphic doe, wearing a scout master outfit, showed up in front of the kids. Her name was Fawn Deer (voiced by Nancy Cartwright) and she was the scoutmaster of Camp Disney. Fawn: "Hello children, my name is Fawn Deer, I am happy that you decided to spend your summer here in Camp Disney, I promise you all that you'll have the best summer here, as it's where dreams come true." Jokey: "Does that mean my dream of eating a giant ball of popcorn will come true?" Fawn: "Uh... I don't know... nobody has ever had that dream before." Jokey: "Well it's been my dream for a long time." Jokeo: "Funny, that's always been my dream too." Tommy: "You guys sure love food, huh?" Jokey: "Yup." Jokeo: "I'm Jokeo by the way, and this is Jokey, we're twins." Tommy: "I'm Tommy." Melody: "I'm Melody." Gidget: "And I'm Gidget, nice to meet you two, I can see that you two have good hearts, but Tommy's is much purer." Jokey: "You mean his heart's cleaner?" this made Gidget to giggle. Gidget: "You're funny, would you and Jokeo like to be friends?" Jokeo: "I don't see why not." Fawn: "Nice to see that you're getting along, cause you five will be sharing the same cabin." Jokey: "Yay!, we got roommates!" it was not long the kids went to their cabins and started unpacking their stuff. Gidget: "Didn't you guys bring any underwear?" Jokeo: "In case you didn't notice, noun of us even wear pants, unless those skirts that girls wear count." Gidget: "Oh yeah, I forgot." Tommy: "You know... I've never shared a room with my friends before... actually, I never had friends before now." Melody: "Me neither..." Jokey: "Really?" Jokeo: "How come?" Tommy: "Well... my sister and I have a job as a background character for some cartoons, but my dream is to be a hero like my idol Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny." Gidget: "Mickey Mouse & Bugs Bunny?, are those two like the icons of Disney & Warner Bros?" Tommy: "Yup, and I want to be as lovable as Mickey and looney as Bugs." Jokeo: "Wow, that is quite a dream." Melody: "My dream is to be a good doctor for Toons that get hurt by Dip or something like it." Gidget: "That's nice." Jokey: "Hey guys, let's go explore that cave we saw earlier on the way here." Melody: "Um... are you sure that's a good idea?, I don't think Miss Fawn would like that..." Jokey: "Don't worry, we'll only take a peek." Jokeo: "And it's not like that place is dangerous or anything." so with that, the group of five Toon kids sneaked away from Camp Disney and went into the cave that they saw earlier, and started to explore inside of it. That was when they saw what looked like a pair of large doors that have not been opened for a very long time. Gidget: "Wow... look at the size of those doors..." Melody: "Yeah... they're really big..." Jokeo: "I wonder what could be behind them..." Jokey: "Let's find out." said Jokey, as he tries to pull the doors open, before the others went to help him out. But then Tommy and Melody lost their grip and were were running backwards, trying to keep themselves from falling, and bumped into a base that had a statue of a demon dragon on top. Gidget: "Are you two okay?!" Tommy: "Yeah... we're okay..." Melody: "Thanks for softening my fall." Tommy: "You're welcome." suddenly, a voice that said 'hello?, is someone there?', was heard. Melody: "Who said that?" Gidget: "Uh... I think it came from that statue behind ya..." Jokey: "A talking statue?" asked Jokey, before the mysterious voice spoke again and said 'Not the statue, I'm in the base!'. Jokeo: "There's someone trapped in there?" Gidget: "We better get him out." Tommy: "How?" Jokey: "I got an idea." said Jokey, before he charges at the base, and smashed the front like a thin piece of wood, and out came an elderly Demon Dragon named Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), who was surprised to see that he was free. Tommy: "Um... who are you?" Boney 10: "I am Boney 10, and thank you for freeing me, I've been trapped in there for centuries." said Boney 10, as he tries to stretch his body to feel less stiff after being trapped for so long. Melody: "Centuries?, that's a very long time to be trapped in there..." Gidget: "Or to be alive for that matter." Boney 10: "Well we Demon dragons are immortal, so it's natural to be alive for so long." All: "Demon Dragon?!" Boney 10: "Yeah, but fear not little ones, I'm a friendly Demon Dragon, and I would never harm children, unlike that rotten demon trio." Melody: "Demon trio?" Boney 10: "Yes, but they're trapped now behind those large doors, so they can't bring any harm to anyone." Jokeo: "You mean... the doors that Jokey just opened?" asked Jokeo nervously, before Boney 10 and the others see that Jokey finally opened the large doors, and see what looked like a realm full of ghosts and stuff. Boney 10: "No!, what have you done?!" cried out Boney 10, before a trio of Demon Dragons came through the doors and stood before the group. The red one was ScreamClaw (voiced by Mark Hamill), the blue one was ThunderSmacker (voiced by Jim Cummings), and the black one was SpaceWarp (voiced by Frank Welker), and together they were called the Demon trio. ScreamClaw: "Finally!, after all these years, we're finally out!" ThunderSmacker: "Now we can finish what we started long ago..." SpaceWarp: "Uh... w-w-what did we started again?" ScreamClaw: "Stealing the souls of children and stuff like that." Boney 10: "You will not do that on my watch!" ScreamClaw: "Oh great... it's you... the old fool..." ThunderSmacker: "Looks like he got out." SpaceWarp: "B-b-but how?" ScreamClaw: "Those brats must have done it... get them!" Tommy: "Uh... run?" Boney 10: "Yup..." Gidget: "Run!" said Gidget, before she and the other kids, and Boney 10 make a run for it, escaping from the cave and the Demon trio, who got themselves in the woods when Boney 10 used his cane to cast a spell that made some of the trees and bushes to move in different spots so the trio can't find them. When the kids got back to Camp Disney, Boney 10 went to hide himself when Miss Fawn Deer came to the scene. Fawn: "Kids, what were you doing in the woods?, don't you know you could get lost in there?" Tommy: "Uh... sorry Miss Fawn Deer... we just wanted to explore the cave we saw on the way here... and uh..." Fawn: "Well next time you want to go somewhere, make sure to have an adult with you." Gidget: "Yes Miss Fawn Deer." Melody: "Like Mr Boney 10?" Fawn: "Who?" Melody: "The one hiding in that poison ivy bush." Boney 10: "Poison Ivy?!" shouted Boney 10, who jumps out of the bush and starts scratching like crazy. Fawn: "Oh dear... is that... a demon dragon?" Melody: "Yeah, but he's a good one, as he did helped us get back here safely." Fawn: "Huh... a good demon dragon... how rare... well... I better get him some medicine for the itching then..." said Fawn, while the kids just nodded.

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