Boney 10 Vs MegaTrog

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It was a cloudy and gloomy day at Camp Disney, as all the kids, Fawn, Baloo, Genie, Eden and Boney 10 were looking at the cage that held a demon called a Heartless, which was really Tommy as he lost his heart and soul to the Heartless and the Demon trio not too long ago. Baloo: "So... why is Tommy in a cage again?" Genie: "Because he was trying to steal the kids' hearts and souls not too long ago." Boney 10: "Yes... it's the primal instincts of a Heartless... they have an irresistible urge to steal hearts and souls from mortals." Gidget: "Which is why we need to change Tommy back as soon as possible." Fawn: "But can it be done?" Boney 10: "Yes, and now that I got the spell book, I can find the spell the trio used on Tommy and see what can break it." said Boney 10, before the Demon Trio showed up and stole the book from him, much to everyone's shock. Oliver: "The Demon trio!" Marie: "Not them again!" Peter: "What are you doing here?!" Fluff: "Haven't you caused us enough trouble already?!" Patch: "Give us back that book!" ScreamClaw: "We might... if Boney 10 give us back the mask of MegaTrog... and have a rematch." Boney 10: "If you think I would allow you to become MegaTrog again..." ThunderSmacker: "Do you want the fox be himself again or not?" Melody: "Of course we do!... I would do anything to have him back..." Gidget: "Me too..." Jokey and Jokeo: "So would we." ScreamClaw: "Then give us the mask... and give us a rematch." Boney 10: "... Fine... I accept your challenge... and you can have the mask... for now..." said Boney 10, before he snaps his fingers and a mask appeared in his hand, and threw it to ScreamClaw, who puts it onto his face. Suddenly, the Demon Trio glowed red and turned into red energy, before they merged together and transformed into a large Demon Dragon with a long thing rat like tail with a blade on the tip of the tail, a demon dragon that was known and feared as MegaTrog (voiced by Tim Curry), and the sight of him has brought fear into the hearts of all the children and the adults. MegaTrog: "Yes... after so many years... I have returned... now then... Boney 10... are you ready for a rematch?" Boney 10: "Indeed... rules?" MegaTrog: "Ah yes... the rules... we must beat each other with transformations, but remember, rule number 1... not mineral or vegetable... only animal, rule number 2, no make believe creatures like uh... pink dragons and stuff, and rule 3, no disappearing." Boney 10: "And rule number 4, no cheating." MegaTrog: "Alright fine, now then... let's have our rematch." Eden: "Boney 10... are you sure that you can handle that monster?" Boney 10: "I might be old... but I still got a lot of fighting energy in me." said Boney 10, before he and MegaTrog glared at each other, and then MegaTrog transformed into a crocodile, before trying to take a bite on the old Demon Dragon. However, Boney 10 was able to avoid the crocodile's teeth and transformed into a turtle, before biting MegaTrog on the tail. MegaTrog: "Ah!, you'll pay for that old man!" Flopsy: "Quick Boney 10!, change into something else!" Mopsy: "Yeah, before that creep eats ya!" Cottontail: "Hurry!" called out Peter Rabbit's sisters, before Boney transformed into a rabbit and hops away from the crocodile, who transforms into a fox and chases the old demon rabbit into a log, which was dark and was hard to see inside. MegaTrog: "Boney 10... where are you?, remember, no disappearing..." said MegaTrog, before he looks into a hole that showed that Boney 10 was outside, in the form of a caterpillar. MegaTrog then transforms into a chicken and tries to eat Boney 10, who gets sent flying up into the air and begins to fall towards the hungry demon chicken. However, Boney 10 then transforms into a walrus and lands right on top of MegaTrog. Toulouse: "Ooh... that's gotta hurt..." Berlioz: "Yeah... ouch..." said two of the Aristocat kittens, before Boney 10 began to shake, as MegaTrog transformed into an elephant, and grabs Boney 10 with his trunk, looking angry at him. Before MegaTrog could make a move however, Boney 10 transforms into a mouse, which scared the heck out MegaTrog as elephants have a fear of mice for some reason. But then MegaTrog transforms into a tiger and tries to eat Boney 10 again, only for the Demon mouse to bite the Demon Tiger on the tail. MegaTrog then transforms into a snake and tries to hunt down Boney 10 through a little hole on the ground, before the good demon mouse went out through another hole and transforms into a crab to catch MegaTrog with his claws. But when Boney 10 grabbed him, MegaTrog transforms into a rhino, and the demon crab was holding on to his horn. MegaTrog: "So you want to play rough, eh?, well alright, I'll play rough too!" said MegaTrog, before he charges towards a tree to ram Boney 10 into it. But Boney 10 managed to jump away from the demon rhino, who rams into the tree instead and his head was now stuck on it. Boney 10: "Here I come MegaTrog, ready or not!" said Boney 10, before he transforms into a goat and charges towards the demon rhino, giving him a headbutt on his behind to knock down the tree and the demon with it. Rolly: "Alright Boney 10!" Cadpig: "You did it!, you showed that bully who's boss!" Oliver and Marie: "Hooray!" Benny: "Uh... guys... something tells me that it's not yet over..." said Benny, before MegaTrog transforms back to his normal form, ready to unleash his fire at the good demon goat. Boney 10: "Now wait a minute!, no dragons, remember?!" MegaTrog: "Did I say that I can't use my original form?, did I?" said MegaTrog, before he shoots fire out of his mouth and tries to burn Boney 10, who transforms back into his original form so the fire can't hurt him as Demon Dragons are fire proof in their normal form. MegaTrog then catches Boney 10 in his clutches, before he begins to let out an evil laugh. MegaTrog: "Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!, I won!, I finally won!, ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" Melody: "No!, Mr Boney 10!" Jokeo: "No... this can't be..." Jokey: "Not the old guy..." Eden: "I can't believe it..." MegaTrog: "You better... for I... what?!" said MegaTrog, as he looks into his claws and sees that Boney 10 was nowhere to be found. Fawn: "He's gone..." Baloo: "Disappeared..." Genie: "But the rules say that disappearing is not allowed." Melody: "But then... where is he?" asked Melody, before Boney 10's voice was heard. Boney 10: "Don't worry, I have not disappeared, I'm just very tiny... I have become a germ, a rare disease that makes only demons like MegaTrog sick... and he has caught me!" MegaTrog: "What?!" Jokeo: "So... MegaTrog is gonna be sick now?" Jokey: "How do we tell?" Boney 10: "Happy to hear you ask that... first he'll be covered in spots, and then have hot and cold fleshes, and then finally... some violent sneezing." said Boney 10, before what he said about will happened to MegaTrog from the illness came true, as MegaTrog was indeed covered in spots, had hot and cold fleshes and then sneezing in a violent way. MegaTrog: "Oh you... you sneaky old fossil!... achoo!" said MegaTrog, before Boney returns to his normal form and size, and then takes the mask away from MegaTrog, who changes back into the Demon Trio, and then the old Demon Dragon takes his spell book back from them as well. Boney 10: "Oh it's not too serious boys, in a few months you'll be back in full health, but I would advice you to have lots of rest and lots of sunshine." ScreamClaw: "But I hate... achoo!, sunshine!" ThunderSmacker: "Me... ah... achoo!, too!" SpaceWarp: "The s-s-sun... ah... achoo!, hurts m-m-my eyes..." Boney 10: "Either you do it, or you'll be sick for the next 10 years..." ScreamClaw: "Oh... you won this time old man... achoo!, but mark my words... we will have our revenge... and we will get those kids' souls... achoo!, one way or another!, achoo!" said ScreamClaw, before he, ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp flew away from the scene while sneezing and all that. Boney 10: "Well... that takes care of that... now then... where was I?... oh yes, how to break the spell on Tommy... let's see [looking at the pages]... ah here it is... hmm..." Gidget: "What does it say?" Boney 10: "Well... in order for the spell to be broken... Tommy must be kissed by someone that really loves him... like either through romance or family..." Melody: "Really?" Boney 10: "Yes... which could mean only one thing... Gidget, Melody, I think you two are the ones who can save Tommy now." Gidget: "Me?, well I can understand Melody as she's Tommy's sister... but why me also?" Boney 10: "I don't need psychic powers to know you have a crush on Tommy." said Boney 10 with a smile, which made Gidget blush a little bit. Gidget: "Okay... good point... how about it Melody?, you mind if we both do it?" Melody: "Not at all, for I think you're the right girl for my brother." Gidget: "Thanks... now let's do this." said Gidget, before she and Melody lets out Tommy from his cage, and they both kissed him on his cheeks, which caused him to glow and some magic dust started to lift him up into the air. Suddenly, Tommy started to let out a bright flash of light around him, and once the light faded away, Tommy was back to his normal form, feeling a little dizzy before Gidget and Melody both caught him. Tommy: "Oh... what happened?, Melody?, Gidget?, did you just... kissed me?" Melody: "We did it to break the spell, and what's wrong with me kissing the brother I love on the cheek?" Tommy: "Nothing, it's just that you never did that before..." Melody: "Yeah... fair enough." Tommy: "And Gidget... you kissed me too... and I think that Boney 10 said something about... you having a crush on me... is that true?" Gidget: "Um... yeah... I always have... since the day we met... I tried to find the courage to tell you... but never got the chance... and after what happened to you with the Demon trio... I thought I lost you forever..." Tommy: "Gosh Gidget... that's really nice you to say... and to be honest... I kinda had feelings for you too..." said Tommy, while blushing a little. Gidget: "Really?" Tommy: "Yeah..." said Tommy, before Gidget went to give Tommy a big hug and kiss him on the cheek, which made him blush even more, which touched the hearts of everyone in Camp Disney.

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