Camp Disney The Movie Bloopers

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As soon as the stage lights came on, the audience cheered when Boney 10 came to the scene. Boney 10: "Welcome everyone to bloopers of Camp Disney the movie, which is like a movie version of the original Camp Disney series story, which was the debut of our favorite group of kids, Tommy, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo... and speaking of which... here they are." said Boney 10, before Tommy, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo came to the scene. Jokeo: "Hello everyone." Jokey: "Hi." Gidget: "It's great to see ya." Tommy: "Hey Boney 10, you forgot someone." Boney 10: "I did?... oh right, how silly of me, I almost forgot to introduce our newest member... Tommy's little sister, Melody D Rabbit." said Boney 10, before Melody came to the scene. Melody: "Hi everyone, so... what are we doing here?" Tommy: "Well you see, these Bloopers are to show the folks the goofs that happened while making the story for laughs." Gidget: "And today we're gonna show everyone the goofs that happened while making the Camp Disney movie story." Melody: "Oh... I hope that I didn't looked too silly..." Gidget: "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll love ya." Melody: "I hope you're right..." Boney 10: "Okay everyone, let's start the bloopers." said Boney 10, before the camera starts rolling. The first scene shows the bus heading to Camp Disney, before a really loud fart sound was heard and gas came out of the windows, and bus stopped while all the kids ran out of the bus in disgust. Director: "Cut!, what happened?!" Jokeo: "Jokey made a large toot cloud..." Jokey: "Sorry... those beans really did a number on me..." the second scene shows the moment when Jokey charges at the base of the statue that contains Boney 10, only the hyena got himself knocked out when he hits to base. Director: "Cut!, someone make the door of the base a little weaker." Melody: "Is he okay?" Tommy: "I'm sure he's okay." the next scene shows the moment when the kids were sitting on the lunch table, before it breaks in half. Director: "Cut!, someone get a new lunch table!" the scene changes again to show the moment when Jokey's shoulder angel and shoulder devil appeared and they were dancing and singing 'I like to move it, move it', which made everyone laugh. Director: "Cut!, Jokey, tell your shoulder angel and shoulder devil to stop!" Jokey: "How?, I don't know how to get them to tell me any sense." said Jokey, which made the others laugh. The scene changes once more to show the moment when it was about to rain at the butterfly fields, only it rained gumballs instead, much to everyone's confusion. ScreamClaw: "What the...?" Director: "Cut!, who used magic to turn the rain into gumballs?!" SpaceWarp: "Sorry... m-m-my bad... I was too s-s-scared of getting wet..." ThunderSmacker: "I don't blame ya..." Jokey: "Oh boy!, candy!" said Jokey as he had his mouth open to get the candy into his mouth. Once again the scene changes to show the moment when everyone were bracing themselves for the incoming meteor. Tommy: "Well... I guess this is the end... it was nice knowing you all..." said Tommy, before Melody started to cry out a waterfall from her eyes and started to cause a flood made of tears that was making the whole summer camp be underwater. Director: "Cut!, Melody, that's too much crying!" Melody: "Huh?... [seeing the flood she made] oops... sorry... I guess I overdid it..." said Melody while blushing in embarrassment, before Tommy went over to her and gave her comfort. The scene changes once again to show the moment when the kids were watching Jokey and Jokeo challenge the Demon trio on eating snails, and Melody started to feel sick and turned green and ran away. Director: "Cut!, someone help Melody." Tommy: "Hang on Melody, I'm coming!" said Tommy, before he ran off to check on her. Jokey: "What gotten into her?" Jokeo: "You're kidding, right?" once more, the scene changes again to show the moment when Tommy rubbed the lamp and out came Genie and Eden, who were kissing at the moment, before they noticed that Tommy and Melody were watching. Director: "Cut!, could you save that after we finish this scene?!" said the director, while Genie and Eden just had an embarrassed look on their faces. Once more again, the scene changes to show the moment when Boney 10, Genie, and Eden came to the kids and Miss Fawn with mine carts filled with some gold, and Bonkers D Bobcat was with them, much to everyone's surprise. Director: "Cut!, Bonkers, you're not in this story!" said the Director, which made Bonkers feel embarrassed, before Fawn went over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, saying that she'll take him out on a date once she was done with the story to make him feel better, which he was happy to hear. The scene changes once more again to show the moment when Boney 10 defeated MegaTrog, and tries to take the mask off, only he pulled the head off with the mask. MegaTrog: "Hey!, pull the mask!, not my head with it!" Boney 10: "Oops... sorry about that." Director: "Cut!, someone help MegaTrog get his head reattach to his body!" shouted the Director while everyone else laughed. As the scene changes again, it shows the moment when both Melody and Gidget kissed the Heartless form of Tommy, who transforms into a human boy of himself with red hair, much to everyone's surprise. Tommy: "What the?!" Jokey: "Was that in the script?" Jokeo: "I don't think so..." Gidget: "Huh... I always wondered what Tommy would look like as a human..." Melody: "I think he's much cuter as a fox." Gidget: "That I agree." Tommy: "Thanks... I guess..." Director: "Cut!, let's try again, and this time Tommy, change back to your normal fox self!" Tommy: "Got it." then the final scene shows the moment when the moon started to laugh and had Genie's face on it, before it fell from the sky and landed on the ground. Eden: "Genie!, are you okay?!" Genie: "I'm okay!, I'm fine!" Director: "Cut!, someone fix the moon and get it back in the sky!... I can't believe I just said that..." Eden: "Get used to it, honey." that was when the camera stopped rolling, and everyone of the story was on the stage. Boney 10: "Well folks, that's all for now, I hope you all enjoyed them as much as we have." Melody: "Will I be in more of these blooper things?" Tommy: "Maybe, that depends on what stories that our creator has in mind that involves us." Boney 10: "See ya next time." All: "Bye!"

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