A Deal From The Other Side

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It was really late at night when the Demon trio were hiding in their cave, and ScreamClaw was having a fit. ScreamClaw: "That's it!, we shall do what we've should have done a long time ago." SpaceWarp: "What's that?" ScreamClaw: "We are gonna get some help from our friends from the other side." ThunderSmacker: "What?!, but those creatures are heart eaters!" ScreamClaw: "Exactly, and that annoying Toon Fox has a big heart, which would make him a good meal for them." SpaceWarp: "But they can't take it unless he makes a deal with us to do it." ScreamClaw: "That's why we're gonna use those friends of his, and his little blue rabbit sister, as a ransom." ThunderSmacker: "Are you sure this is gonna work?" ScreamClaw: "It has to... otherwise I'll be out of ideas." when morning came, the kids were enjoying the sun light, before seeing Jokeo with a leg cast. Mopsy: "Oh my gosh!, Jokeo, are you okay?" Jokeo: "Yeah, just got a hurt leg at the moment." Flopsy: "Oh dear..." Cottontail: "That's not good..." Patch: "What happened to your leg?" Jokeo: "It got crushed by a large rock." Jokey: "Wow bro, you really have a knack of having a hurt leg for a running gag." Jokeo: "I do not." Jokey: "Yeah you do, I got it all on tape." said Jokey, before placing a video tape into a VCR machine and a TV monitor begins showing the history of Jokeo's leg. First the orange shirt wearing hyena hurt his leg by a falling lighthouse, then a steam roller, then watching TV that somehow had his leg in it. There was also a scene where Jokeo was a real hyena in a poacher trap while screaming 'My leg!', and then his leg got abducted by aliens. And finally a scene where a small falling leaf broke his leg into a million pieces. Jokey: "Ha, ha, ha, ha!, that last one got the doc's daughter through collage." Jokeo: "Ugh..." Melody: "Let me help you." said Melody, before she puts her hands on the hurt leg, and then her hands started to glow in bright white for a few seconds before the light faded away. Once Melody lets go of the leg, Jokeo gets up and starts to walk normally, as if his leg was never broken to begin with, much to everyone's surprise. Jokeo: "Wow... my leg's all better... thanks Melody... but how did you do it?" Melody: "I have the ability to heal myself and others from either injuries or illnesses." Jokey: "Wow... that sure can help my bro a lot as he keeps getting his leg hurt like how he did in the tape." Cadpig: "Hold on... if all of that happened, how do you still have your leg?" Jokeo: "When you're a Toon, you can recover from any injury that a normal person can't." Jokey: "But a broken heart is a different story." Gidget: "Speaking of which... Tommy, there's something I would like to ask you..." Tommy: "What is it?" before Gidget could say anything, the Demon trio showed up, and placing all the kids, except for Tommy, in a cage. Jokey: "Wow, these guys either have really good or really bad timing." ScreamClaw: "Shut up!, and as for you Toon Fox!, if you want your friends back unharmed, meet us in our cave, and don't be late!" shouted ScreamClaw, before he, the other Demon dragons and the cage vanished. It was not long before Tommy got to the cave and sees that the cage was above some sort of pot that was filled with green liquid. Tommy: "No... it can't be!" ScreamClaw: "That's right, that pot is filled with Dip!, the only thing that can kill a Toon like those kids!, so if you want them back unharmed, then surrender yourself to us!" Tommy: "Okay... you win, just let them go..." Gidget: "Tommy no!" Oliver: "Don't do it!" Patch: "Please!" Melody: "Big brother..." Tommy: "I'm sorry guys, especially you Melody... but I can't risk of you getting dipped..." ThunderSmacker: "That's right boy..." that was the moment when the Demon trio begin to sing. ScreamClaw: "♪Don't you disrespect me little man!♫, ♪don't you derogate or deride♫, ♪you're in our world now, not your world♫, ♪and we got friends on the other side!♫" ThunderSmacker & SpaceWarp: "♪We got friends on the other side~♫" ScreamClaw: "Alright my little heartless friends, he's yours now!" said the red Demon dragon, before a group of shadowy creatures with glowing yellow eyes appeared and got Tommy surrounded. ScreamClaw: "♪Yes~♫, ♪Are you ready?♫" ThunderSmacker & SpaceWarp: "♪Are you ready?♫" ScreamClaw: "♪Are you ready?♫, ♪Transformation central!♫" ThunderSmacker & SpaceWarp: "♪Transformation central!♫" ScreamClaw: "♪Reformation central!♫" ThunderSmacker & SpaceWarp: "♪Reformation central!♫" the creatures then grabs Tommy by the chest and took what looked like a heart. Suddenly Tommy started to turn into one of the creatures. ScreamClaw: "♪Transmogrification central!♫, ♪Can you feel it?♫, ♪You're changing, You're changing, You're changing, all right!♫, ♪I hope you're satisfied♫, ♪But if you ain't, Don't blame us!♫, ♪you can blame our friends on the other side~!♫" ThunderSmacker: "♪You got what you wanted♫." SpaceWarp: "♪But you lost what you had!♫" ScreamClaw: "Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" once the song was over, the kids widened their eyes in horror to see what happened to their friend. Gidget: "Tommy!" Melody: "Big brother!" shouted Gidget and Melody, before ScreamClaw let's out an evil laugh as he and the other demons flew away with Tommy's heart and the Heartless creatures. As for the Heartless that used to be Tommy, the others went over to check on him. Jokey: "Little buddy...?, is that you?" Jokeo: "Oh no... this is terrible..." Melody: "Oh... my poor big brother... he didn't deserve this..." Oliver: "What are we gonna do?" Patch: "We need to get help... Genie and Eden, they might know what to do." Cadpig: "Good idea." Rolly: "That's our brother for ya." Marie: "Can they really help him?" Berlioz: "Well they do have magic." Toulouse: "And they have helped us out before." Fluff: "They must be able to... it's Tommy's only chance." so with that, the others left the cave and head back to Camp Disney to find Genie and Eden. Once they found the genie pair, they told them what happened to Tommy and then the genie pair went to wear doctor or nurse outfits to examine Tommy. Genie: "Hmm... this is quite a bad case of the Heartless spell... right nurse?" Eden: "Indeed... the poor thing..." Gidget: "Please tell us that you can fix him." Genie: "Well... if only we could..." Melody: "What do you mean?" Eden: "The thing is... Demon magic is just as powerful as genie magic and... our magic can't remove a demon dragon's curse... otherwise Genie and I wouldn't be stuck as genies." Peter: "What do you mean by that?" Fluff: "Are you saying you weren't always genies?" Genie: "No... we were once normal toons... a very long time ago... until the Demon trio tricked us to become genies so they can have us grant their wishes to capture children..." Benny: "Oh dear..." Fluff: "That's terrible..." Eden: "Yes, and that would have happened if they didn't lose our lamp in the middle of the desert... which was where Tommy and Melody found us." Oliver: "So... does this mean... Tommy is stuck like this?" Genie: "Well... not really, Boney 10 might know a way to fix him." Gidget: "Of course!, since Boney 10 is a demon himself, he should know how to break the spell!" Melody: "Then let's find him!" said Melody, before Boney 10 himself came to the scene. Boney 10: "What happened here?" Patch: "Well... it's like this..." said Patch, before he begins explaining to Boney 10 about what happened with the Demon trio and the curse they put on Tommy. Boney 10: "I see... well there might be a way to break the spell... the only problem is that I just can't remember what it was..." Melody: "Is there anything you can do to remember?" Boney 10: "Well... I do have a spell book that has every known Demon Dragon spell... I just need to find the right page." Gidget: "Please hurry, there's no telling what will happen to Tommy if he remains like this for too long." said Gidget, as she and the others watch over the Heartless form of their fox friend. Meanwhile, back in the cave, the Demon trio were fighting over the soul that they took from the heart that the Heartless demons stole earlier. ScreamClaw: "It's mine!" ThunderSmacker: "No way!, I should have it!" SpaceWarp: "B-b-but what about m-m-me?!" ScreamClaw: "Oh... this is getting us nowhere, what we need is to combine ourselves to be one big Demon Dragon so that we can all have this soul..." ThunderSmacker: "You mean becoming MegaTrog again?" ScreamClaw: "Of course." SpaceWarp: "B-b-but ScreamClaw... how are we gonna do t-t-that?, we don't have the m-m-mask anymore..." ScreamClaw: "No... but Boney 10 does... and I think I know a way to convince him to give it to us..." said ScreamClaw, as he begins to let out an evil laugh that echoed throughout the whole cave.

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