A Rabbit & Kitten's Undersea Voyage

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It was a nice sunny day when the kids were on a ship in the middle of the ocean. The reason they were on that ship at the moment was the reason they went to the beach in the last chapter, to do a little treasure hunt, and earn a sea treasure hunt badge. It has been days since they left land, and it was getting hot, one might say that they were getting ready to go a little nuts. Jokeo: "Oh no... I got the madness!, I've got cabin fever!" Jokey: "I've got it too!" Melody: "We all got it!" Tommy: "Cabin fever!" Jokeo: "♪I got cabin fever, it's burning in my brain♫." Jokey: "♪I've got cabin fever, it's driving me insane♫." Patch, Oliver and Marie: "♪We got cabin fever, we're flipping our bandanas, Been stuck at sea so long we have simply gone bananas!♫" suddenly, Gidget, Marie, and Cadpig were wearing fruits on their heads and started dancing. Marie, Gidget/ Melody/ Cadpig/ Fluff/ Flopsy/ Mopsy/ Cottontail: "♪Ariba!, Chica chica boom, A chica chica boom boom chic, Chica chica boom, A chica chica boom boom chic!♫" Toulouse/ Berlioz/ Peter/ Benny: "♪We got cabin fever we've lost what sense we had, We got cabin fever, we're all going mad!♫" Jokey: "♪I've got cabin fever, I think I've lost my grip♫." Jokeo: "♪I'd like to get my hands on Whoever wrote this script♫." Oliver: "Si!" Rolly: "♪I was floating 'neath a tropic moon, And dreaming of a blue lagoon, Now I'm crazy as a loon♫, hoo, hoo, hoo!" All: "♪Cabin fever has ravaged all aboard, This once proud vessel has become a floating psycho ward, We were sailing, sailing headed who knows where, And now though we're all here, We're not all there!♫" they continued to sing and dance like crazy until they sing the words one more time. All: "♪Cabin fever!♫, AH~!!" it was at that moment when the wind started to blow again, and everyone soon came back to their senses. Tommy: "Whoa... what just happened?" Gidget: "I have no idea..." Melody: "Same here..." while the others were puzzled on what just happened, Oliver noticed that Marie looked sad, along with the pink bow her head was missing. Oliver: "Marie?, what's the matter?" Marie: "I lost my head bow, I think it must have fallen overboard when we were... whatever it was that we just did..." Oliver: "You really loved that bow, didn't ya?" Marie: "Yeah, as it was given to me by my mama." Oliver: "Oh... I'm so sorry to hear that." said Oliver, while Peter noticed that Fluff was looking sad too, and that her bow was missing too. Peter: "Fluff... did you lose your bow too?" Fluff: "I'm afraid so... I feel so incomplete without it..." that was when Fawn came to the scene. Fawn: "Alright kids, get your scuba gear on, we're going in the water." said Fawn, as she and the kids put on their scuba gear and went into the water, while Boney 10 stayed on the ship as he can't risk the water. Oliver then sees a fish that had a very familiar pink bow in it's mouth, while Peter sees another fish that had another familiar pink bow. Oliver and Peter then decided to follow the two fish in order to get the pink bows back for Marie and Fluff. Meanwhile, the other kids were looking for the treasure that Fawn promised them when Tommy finds a sunken pirate ship. He went inside the ship and sees a skeleton of a pirate with a diamond in it's hand. Tommy: "Wow... this could be the treasure that Fawn was talking about." said Tommy, before taking the diamond. Suddenly, the skeleton got up and snarls at the fox. Tommy: "Ahh!, a living skeleton!" yelped Tommy, as he got captured by the pirate skeleton. Outside of the ship, the others heard Tommy's screams and went to see him being taken by living skeleton pirates. Melody: "Big brother!" Gidget: "Tommy!, I'm coming!" said Gidget, before using her psychic powers to get Tommy away from the pirates. Jokey: "Miss Fawn, you didn't say that the treasure would be guarded by living skeleton pirates." Fawn: "That's because the treasure was not theirs." Jokeo: "How can there be living skeletons anyway." Patch: "I'm more worried about how do we get away from them, cause here they come!" said Patch, as the skeleton pirates were coming their way. That was when Tommy pulls out the magic lamp, and starts rubbing it until Genie and Eden came out. Genie: "Never fails, when you take a bath, there's a rub on the lamp." Eden: "Uh huh, though I didn't get the chance to have a bath, but it looks like I'm having one as we're underwater." Genie: "Yup." Tommy: "Hey Genie... Eden... could you two uh... give us a hand?, as we got some pirates here!" Genie: "Uh oh... looks like one of our previous masters." Tommy: "You had a pirate for a master?" Eden: "Yeah, and one of his wishes were to live forever, but forgot to ask for eternal youth, and as you can see, only his bones are left... makes sense as he always was a bone head." this made the hyena twins to laugh. Jokey: "Good one Eden, a bone head, ha, ha, ha!" Jokeo: "Oh how about this one?, why don't skeletons go to church?" Jokey: "I don't know, why?" Jokeo: "Cause they got no organs!" Jokey: "Ha, ha, ha, ha!" Cadpig: "Um, can you save the jokes after we get away from the pirates?!" Jokey: "Oh sorry... hey isn't that Oliver and Peter over there?" said Jokey, as he sees Oliver and Peter following the pair of fish that has Marie's and Fluff's bows, before the skeleton pirate captain comes up in front of the kitten and rabbit. Genie and Eden managed to rescue Oliver and Peter in time and the kitten and rabbit got the bows back as well. Soon Genie and Eden used their magic to trap the pirates inside a cage before Fawn finds a chest that she knows too well. Fawn: "There's the treasure." she said before taking it and went back to the surface with the kids. Marie: "Oliver, are you okay?" Fluff: "And you Peter?" Oliver: "I'm fine." Peter: "Me too, and look, we found your bows." said Peter, before he and Oliver gives the white kitten and rabbit their bows, much to their surprise. Marie: "My bow... oh thank you Oliver!, you wonderful boy!" said Marie, before she wraps her arms around Oliver's neck and gives the orange kitten a kiss on the cheek. This made Oliver's whole head turn red from the kiss. Fluff: "You're a sweet boy too." said Fluff, before she gives the blue jacket wearing rabbit a kiss on the cheek as well, which made him blush a little bit as well. Fawn: "Well kids, I hope everyone got back here safely." Tommy: "We sure are, thanks to Genie and Eden of course." Genie: "Well you guys are our friends, it's the least we can do." Eden: "And we never had friends like ya." Fawn: "By the way, here's the treasure I told you about." said Fawn, before opening it and inside was lots of candy. Jokeo: "Candy?" Jokey: "Ooh... that's the kind of treasure I would hunt for." Melody: "Me too." Fawn: "Well aside from that, I think you kids, especially Oliver and Peter, have earned your sea treasure hunt badges." Kids: "Hooray!" cheered the children, before Tommy realized something. Tommy: "Wait... did you set up this whole treasure hunt?" Fawn: "Maybe... except for the skeleton pirates part." Gidget: "Yeah I doubt you would set that part up too." Rolly: "And I'm surprised that the Demon trio didn't show up." Tommy: "Well this chapter is set up at sea, and Demon dragons hate water." Rolly: "Good point." Melody: "That's also why Mr Boney 10 stayed on the ship, I can't wait to tell him our adventure today." meanwhile, the Demon trio were still in the middle of the desert when they sneezed for some unknown reason. ScreamClaw: "Hey do you ever get the feeling that someone was talking about you?" ThunderSmacker: "You got it too?" SpaceWarp: "You think... it's the Toon Fox brat and his friends?" ScreamClaw: "If that's the case, I'm gonna make them pay for humiliating us repeatedly." said ScreamClaw, looking at the sky while flexing the claws on his hands.

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